Something big has happened!

This was the thought that naturally came to Smoker's mind when he walked to stand behind the single sofa where Garp was sitting. He looked at the major generals sitting on the sofa with restlessness and anxiety in their eyes, and his heart was heavy. Almost suffocating.

in the end,

What happened?

"Lieutenant General Garp, is the news true?" Major General Sprenger asked impatiently, "Well, Big Mom left Ten Nations ten days ago." His voice was very soft, especially when he mentioned When it came to BIG·MOM's name, the light and airy voice seemed to have no weight at all and would be blown away by the wind.

"I'm not familiar with the intelligence department, but this was said by Warring States, so it should be true. That crazy woman seemed to be looking for someone who was called... Black Prince? Is that the name? Wrong, right? Smoker?"

Garp looked back at Smoker, who was tense and didn't dare to move.

"Don't be nervous, smoker boy, it's no big deal, just a crazy woman whose blood sugar concentration exceeded the standard and damaged her brain." He said this, as if he felt that he had said something very interesting, and he burst out laughing. He had finally managed to drum it up before. The seriousness he felt immediately disappeared.


The sound of a very light exhalation echoed in the indoor space.

Smoker rolled his eyes and looked at Tina who was standing beside him and was obviously relieved. He knew in his heart that he was not the only one who was nervous, especially Lieutenant General Garp, who was always laughing and joking but had no formal appearance, and put on a face he had never seen before. They have a serious face, which puts considerable pressure on these "young people".

After understanding that he was not the only one who was nervous, Lieutenant General Garp also calmed down his serious look. This made Smoker, a famous thorn in the headquarters, finally feel less nervous and return to his own way. style.

"Socaccio Elus, this is the full name of the Black Prince."

Smoker opened his mouth and answered Garp's question with a slightly hoarse voice.

"Lieutenant General Garp, are you saying that Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors, is looking for trouble with the Black Prince?"

"That's right!"

Garp nodded.

"Damn it, wouldn't our mission be accomplished in this way?" Major General Bichmann, who was sitting next to Major General Sprenger on the couch, complained angrily. He looked at Garp and asked: "Lieutenant General Garp, is it necessary to continue the mission? The Four Emperors have taken action, and the boy named Elus will probably be forcibly integrated into the Big Mom Pirates even if he survives, and there will be no value in contact. "


Major General Bichmann raised his eyes and looked at Smoker and Tina standing behind Garp.

"You two, you probably don't know the details of our mission, right? Listen, this time we are going to contact the recently famous Black Prince. Marshal of the Warring States Period believes that he can break the solidified situation in the New World. , if possible, it would be best to win over this prince and make the Kingdom of Exmundo a reliable ally of the Navy in the new world, not just a joiner of the World Government.

Here, one thing needs to be made clear,

That is, the Navy is an armed force directly under the World Government, and the World Government's participating countries are an important cornerstone of the World Government. The Draco and the Holy Land are just the brains of the World Government, and the more than 150 participating countries are the ones that make up the World Government. The main body of government.

In other words, the status of the countries joining the World Government is higher than that of the navy. Although these countries cannot directly dictate the affairs of the navy, the navy has a corresponding obligation to provide a considerable degree of protection for the countries joining the World Government. At the same time, it also Do not interfere in the internal affairs of the kingdom.

The most obvious example is that in the original work, the Kingdom of Alabasta openly protected the Straw Hats, kept them in the palace, and told lies in front of the navy. The navy had no choice but to wait on the sea outside the port. The Straw Hats came to their door themselves.

In the new world,

The World Government actually has a large number of affiliated countries, and Dressrosa and the Kingdom of Exmundo are just two of them.

But these alliance countries are not allies of the navy, because the navy cannot ensure that they are not invaded by the four emperors, so they also refuse to support the authority of the navy. The reason why the navy was so easily expelled from the New World by the four emperors is with these alliance countries. It doesn't matter if he looks on coldly.

Obviously, the setbacks in the New World made Marshal Sengoku realize that if the Navy wants to gain a foothold in the New World, it cannot do without the support of the World Government's participating countries in the New World.

The world government's stall is really too big, and the territory that the navy needs to take care of is also astonishingly large. The navy with nearly ten million people seems to be terrifyingly large, but if these people are scattered all over the world and the great sea route, there will be no more , otherwise the Navy would not be unable to hold the New World's plate.

Not to mention anything else, if the three generals of the Navy join forces to charge forward, not even Whitebeard can stop him!

But the problem is that the navy cannot do this. Too many places require general-level combat power. The three generals would like to be split into nine people. Therefore, many local navies cooperate with the local navies of various kingdoms to operate together. Maintain stability and peace in a sea area.

Not only can it solve the problem of insufficient troops, but it can also reduce the burden and pressure on logistics.

In a dangerous place like the New World, it is even more important for the navy to obtain the support of local forces. After all, no kingdom that can survive in the New World is easy to mess with.

This time,

Garp led the team back to the New World with the intention of making tentative contact with the Kingdom of Elkmundo to see if the Kingdom of Elkmundo could become a link between the navy and the local forces in the New World... ·Major General Bichmann explained Smoker and Tina very carefully.

This is not to say that Major General Bichmann is the kind of good senior who is enthusiastic about supporting underachievers.

But Smoker and Tina are both members of his faction. The faction headed by General Aokiji, as the seniors in the faction, naturally has to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of the underachievers, especially Smoker and General Aokiji. With his excellent relationship and his status as a natural ability user, he is destined to become a general in the faction. When General Aokiji is promoted to marshal, Smoker will take over as the general... This is a lot of people in the faction. Imagine a better future.

"Black Prince...that's it."

Smoker finally figured out the purpose of this mission, but soon he also had the same worries as Major General Bichmann.

"What's the rush?"

Garp took out a pack of snacks from under the coffee table next to the sofa, and ate it as if no one else was watching. While eating the snacks, he said: "That crazy woman from Big Mom set out ten days ago. We will definitely not be able to catch up. But it’s too early to say retreat now, and it’s hard to say what the outcome of this matter will be!”

"But, Lieutenant General Garp, those are the Four Emperors!"

The third Major General, Major General Cajetan couldn't help but speak.

"so what?"

Garp rolled his eyes and looked at Major General Cajetan with a look of hatred, "The Yonko was not born as a Yonko, and it was not like Sengoku and I never suffered defeats when we were young! As a navy, What does it feel like to be frightened by pirates? How embarrassing! How do you know that the little prince will definitely be killed or conquered by Big Mom?"

"It's the Black Prince, not the Little Prince."

Major General Cajetan argued.

"What did you say?"

Garp's eyes were as wide as a bull's eye. Major General Cajetan shrank his neck in fear and did not dare to say anything. Lieutenant General Garp is a crab, a character who can walk sideways in the entire Navy Headquarters. The marshals and generals were helpless against this naval hero.

He is a little major general, so he should just shut up!

"Let's wait and see! Maybe the result will surprise us!" Garp continued to enjoy the snacks he had collected from Sengoku's office before departure. His calm attitude also infected everyone around him. The previous anxiety and uneasiness Slow ones are weakened and reduced.


Seboy Island.

In the port, the huge fleet that covers the sky almost fills the entire bay. The black flags fluttering in the wind spread their wings under the blue sky like densely gathered death birds, announcing the arrival of death like all the creatures on the island.

In the new world, no one does not recognize that gorgeous pirate flag.

It is precisely because of this understanding that I feel the terror of death more deeply.

"how come······"

"Why is it at this time?"

"Can't...can't it be earlier? Or, it would be better later than now! Now...I can't survive!!!"

The nobles, officials, and businessmen who had previously offered their loyalty to Eleus rushed out of the palace hall, holding up their pocket telescopes to see clearly what the pirate flag looked like. In just a moment, it seemed as if it had been taken away. He slumped as if his spine had broken.

It was obvious that even their King, His Majesty, did not look so depressed and desperate when his head was beheaded by Eleus.

Because they know very well who is going to kill them.

Judging from Elus's behavior in the past month, it was enough for them to confirm that Elus was really preparing to receive Umit's biggest legacy - the huge shipping network all over the New World. This gave them enough confidence. Don't be afraid of Elus raising the butcher's knife, because killing them will only plunge the country into collapse and chaos, thus hindering Elus' actions.


BIG·MOM, this mad emperor does not have enough mind to think about such trivial matters. After being killed in the King's Cup, little people like them are not qualified to attract BIG·MOM's attention. The only thing waiting for them is doomed to destruction.

"The Four this the power of the Pirate Emperor?"

Seeing the despair and fear of this group of people, Elus once again deeply realized what kind of power the Pirate Emperors had in this new world. Just by showing their flags like this, he frightened this group of people who had previously been afraid. The audacity of guys showing off in front of him.

This is the great reputation of the pirate emperors.

Their names and flags were all endowed with a power that could make people shudder.

Such power, such prestige, exuding such a charming smell, stirred up the heart that was not very peaceful at first, and his ambition was almost uncontrollable, but he still reached out and pressed his chest, pressing the brilliance Introverted Bengyu and a pounding heart.

"The food has to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road has to be walked step by step. Don't be too impatient!"

Eleus warned himself repeatedly.

He does not think that insatiable desire is a derogatory term, because desire is the driving force that drives human progress, but people should control desire instead of being blinded by desire... "What we should do now is try my best. How far behind is the emperor!"

Elus whispered to himself softly.

Through the act of speaking out, he reorganized the future plans recorded in his mind.

"It's really exciting! What will this world look like in the future?"

Eleus stepped onto the carriage that was being driven over. Four tall horses with pure coats, under the whip of Fran, pulled the supreme and super luxurious carriage that originally belonged to this country and galloped towards the port. , greeted His Majesty the Mad Emperor who was coming.


The last remnants of this country, the Kingdom of Himuel, had fled long ago. After being defeated by Elus, they no longer had the courage to continue fighting. Now they saw the Big Mom pirates again. Naturally, the regimental flag can run as far as it can.

Not only the remaining defeated generals, but also the residents near the port were fleeing. They all wished their parents had given them two more legs, fearing that if they ran a step slower, they would fall prey to the Big Mom Pirates.

Before the Big Mom Pirates landed, the port was already deserted.


The luxury carriage traveling in the opposite direction from the island to the port pier became particularly eye-catching.

Queen's chant.

This is the flagship of the BIG·MOM Pirates. It is a living battleship given a soul by BIG·MOM. It is the well-known ship of BIG·MOM. As long as you see this ship, you can clearly know that BIG·MOM MOM personally took action.

On the deck of this ship.

Several tall figures stood.

Naturally, they noticed such an eye-catching luxury carriage at this moment. The few people who mastered the domineering power of seeing, hearing and color could clearly detect the powerful aura sitting in the carriage.

"Brother Katakuri, he looks like a troublesome guy!"

The man carrying a large katana behind him said with a smile. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the handle of the katana behind him, getting ready to strike.

"Well, it is indeed a difficult enemy. Snag, you are no match. You are not allowed to take action."


Charlotte Snagg, who was ready to fight, released her right hand holding the handle of the knife and stared blankly at her second brother, Charlotte Ka, who was regarded as a perfect superman by all her brothers and sisters. Takuri.

"Brother Katakuri, are you saying that not your opponent?"

He didn't want to believe such a thing, but this was what Brother Katakuri said. He didn't doubt the truth of this judgment at all, but he was just a little... disappointed.

One moment he was in high spirits, the next moment he was knocked off the top of the clouds.

Such ups and downs are somewhat of a shock to a 'young man' under thirty years old.

"This is a fact."

Wearing a white scarf like a flower, the man dressed in a dark style stated the facts he had seen in an unchanging tone, "The gap between you and the man on the carriage is too big. If the other person If you don’t fear mom, you will die.”

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