"Prince Elus, thank you very much."

Major Tina rushed over.

She sincerely expressed her gratitude to Elus for saving those innocent children.

"It's just a little effort."

Elus looked around and said: "Besides, I am still a prince! It is my duty to protect the people, although... this is not my land yet."

"Not yet?"

Tina blinked in confusion.

"Major Tina, what are you going to do next?"

Eleus changed the subject.

Fortunately, Tina didn't think too much about it, so she couldn't say that Prince Eleus was planning to annex the Chambord Islands, right? This is too crazy...probably a slip of the tongue! She thought this, and then began to think about Elus's problem, what should she do next?

Will you cooperate with Lieutenant General Doro to capture Fire Fist?

Or mobilize the army to put out the fire?

The fire is still spreading crazily in all directions. If there is no way to control the fire, the fire will engulf the entire slum, and it will cause huge casualties and losses... The Navy Lieutenant Commander was silent for two seconds and made a choice .

"I will contact the troops stationed on the island to control the fire here and capture the pirates..." Under the light of the fire, Major Tina's face looked very ugly. She agreed that she could not indulge The philosophy of pirates, but they can't stand the behavior that affects ordinary people so wantonly.

It's a pity that she is only a major.

Regardless of her status or strength, she was unable to stop Lieutenant General Doro's behavior. As for contacting the Navy Headquarters, she had already done so, but the Navy Headquarters did not give her the feedback she wanted. It seemed that she had acquiesced in Vice Admiral Doro's actions. Behavior.

"Lieutenant General Doro is here to capture the pirates, so there is no room for me to interfere. Moreover, Fire Fist is a natural ability user. Even if I want to help, it will probably be useless."

The Navy Headquarters chose silence.

Tina couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, but she was different from Smoker, a stubborn idiot who would directly call his boss an idiot when he got excited. She understood that the justice of the navy could not apply to everyone all the time. There are always sacrifices to be made for justice.


She hated such disgusting words.

But I have to admit that this is reality.

"Besides, Prince Elus, you're not here to watch the excitement, are you?" Tina turned her eyes and looked at Elus with a meaningful look.

at first,

She really didn't understand why it was necessary to arrange for a King Shichibukai to accompany him when there was already a Vice Admiral to come forward?

Now she has vaguely figured it out. The Black Prince's colleagues may be shouldering a mission that she doesn't know about. For example, when Fire Fist rejected the invitation, they cooperated with Lieutenant General Doro to capture this new pirate star with amazing potential? But even this is a bit exaggerated, right?

No matter how powerful Fire Fist is, he is still a rising pirate star who is still hanging around in the paradise. He may have never been defeated by relying on his natural elementalization ability, but the problem is that all vice admirals have mastered the two-color domineering existence. , Armed Color Haki can already break the elemental ability.

"Didn't you also say that? Lieutenant General Doluo is here, so I can only watch the excitement!"

Eleus turned the moonlight sword in his hand and said with a smile.

Tina didn't say anything more. She took out the phone bug and urged the garrison stationed on the Chambord Islands to send firefighting troops to the 26th peninsula for support. At the same time, she also launched an action, using the ability of the threshold fruit to create fire protection. Bring and clean up flammable trash.


Combat in the fire scene has also changed.

The children were rescued by Elus. Lieutenant General Doro didn't react at all. He only saw these pirates who were stubbornly resisting. The flames he sprayed were still fierce. The blazing high temperature had evaporated all the water in the nearby ground, causing cracks. The dry and hard soil, which glows bright red under the firelight, proves how amazing the temperature here is.

Ironically, Vice Admiral Doro, a navy man, did not react in any way to the children's escape, but Ace, who had been suppressed by the ferocious flames, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ace, don't worry about me, just go for it with all your strength!"

Deus said so.

As Ace's first partner after going to sea, and the only crew member on the ship who knows the secret that Ace is the son of Roger, the Pirate King, he understands his captain very well. Although he is a pirate, he is actually gentler than anyone else. .

If they weren't worried that the fire would spread and harm the children, how could the user with the ability to burn the fruit be suppressed by the flames?

"Deus, be careful!"

in flames,

There was laughter.


Ace punched out, which was his famous move "Fire Punch". The raging flames were like a long dragon coming out of the abyss, and the flames of Lieutenant General Doro's flamethrower quickly advanced until the fist was wrapped in flames. It hit Lieutenant General Doluo hard in the face.

"Lieutenant General?"

Iska's eyes widened in concern.

Deftly avoiding the burning buildings and garbage dumps, Deus found a safe viewing point with great difficulty. When he saw Ace punch Lieutenant General Doro in the face, he raised his hands to applaud. , but, the next moment,

An arm passed through the burning flames, strangled Ace's neck accurately, and lifted the man in flames directly up.

Lieutenant General Doluo extinguished the flames around him, and his unscathed face was once again revealed to everyone.

"Is this... domineering?"

Being grabbed by the throat, Ace's expression was a little distorted and it became difficult to speak.

With the ability to burn the fruit, he should have turned into flames to avoid Lieutenant General Doro's iron-like restraint. However, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not get rid of the palm that clamped his throat. This made He remembered the special power called Haki that he had heard about before.

"Fire Fist Ace, it's very troublesome to be underestimated by a mere pirate! This little flame... can't do anything to me!"

Lieutenant General Doro's hands strangled Ace's neck like a vise, and there was a touch of violent pleasure in his eyes, "Your evil and cruel pirate career is over here, and I will end your short and cruel life." Live an evil life, and accept the punishment of justice obediently!"

"Ahem, I don't want to be... the guy who hurts the children, says... hoo hoo... what's justice!"

Ace breathed hard, with extremely sincere contempt in his eyes.

The fingers tightened again.

You can vaguely hear the miserable moans of the bones.

Lieutenant General Doro, who was irritated by Ace, roared in a low voice, "Don't make any mistake! Pirates, it wasn't me who got the children involved, it was you damn pirates. That's why there are people in the sea. You bastards are the only ones who let the children encounter such an unfortunate disaster!"

"So, it's you trash scum that are at fault. Just to get rid of trash like you, I have to set fires everywhere. If there weren't pirates like you, there would be no need for me to set fires, right? Even if someone is killed because of the fire, Sacrifice, that’s your fault too!”

The questions made Ace fall silent.

The strength of his struggle gradually became smaller, and the light in his eyes was tinged with gloom.

"Are you giving up?"

On the roof of the burning old house, Elus stood in the flames, quietly watching the battle in the fire.

At this moment--

"Lieutenant General, you...you are, you are lying, right?"

The trembling voice contained a hint of suppressed crying.

Lieutenant Iska, cried.

"Mingming, Mingming saved me at that time... Why? My parents, they, they are..."

"What are you talking about, Lieutenant Iska, it is very common to pay a price for justice! It only affected a few civilians, what is there to make a fuss about? And I rescued their children, didn't I? Look. Your parents must be very pleased with how you look now!"

Lieutenant General Doro said matter-of-factly.

Because he was interrupted from the execution, there was a trace of impatience in his words.

Iska collapsed.

Tears fell from the corners of her eyes like bead curtains. She stretched out her hands to cover her mouth, trying her best to suppress her voice. Her blurred vision fell on the hideous and ugly burn marks on her hands, and the sadness in her chest surged uncontrollably. gush.

She has always trusted Lieutenant General Doro who saved her from the fire.

However, this trust turned into the most ruthless sharp knife at this moment, piercing her heart fiercely.

The hometown in her memory appeared in front of her like a phantom, including her mother who always smiled gently, her father who was even more good-tempered than her mother, her mother-in-law who always liked to give her candies from her neighbors, and her home that was not rich but beautiful. ······All of this was destroyed by the ruthless fire.

The fire that devoured her wonderful memories was actually set by Lieutenant General Doro, whom she regarded as her savior.

To Lieutenant General Doluo, a few civilians who were insignificant were her family and friends whom she regarded as treasures.

She no longer knew how to trust the justice she had always believed in, and the cruel truth caused her to completely collapse.

"...Ah! He is indeed a complete paranoid... Such a thing can be said so naturally..." Elus confirmed the Lieutenant General Doro again. His spirit is indeed not normal, at least his 'justice' has been distorted and gone astray.

He took the sacrifice of civilians as a matter of course, and said it without any hesitation in front of the survivors who were sacrificed in their parents' hometown.

This is not normal in any way!

"Now...there's something good to watch!"

Elus pinched his chin, looked at Ace's sudden change in breath, and laughed.


Jump and burn again.

"Sure enough, I, I...huhu... I don't want to die in the hands of a guy like you!"

Ace struggled to say.

He raised his hands, straightening his index fingers, and made a shooting gesture.

"What are you talking about when you are about to die..." Lieutenant General Doro didn't finish his words. A small but powerful flame shot out from Ace's index finger, accurately hitting the fuel storage and conduit. At the connection point, under the impact of more than ten flames in an instant, the conduit was knocked off.

The last tiny burst of flame shot into the fuel reservoir.


In the roar of Lieutenant General Doro,

The container storing the refined high-density fuel exploded, and only a loud "boom" was heard. The hot blast swept in all directions, destroying the surrounding abandoned old houses that had been crumbled by the fire, and even the ground. A layer of skin was peeled off.

"Hey, Second Lieutenant Iska, what are you doing standing around?"

The pitch black iron threshold caused her brain to become confused, and Iska, who was completely emotionally shattered, retreated quickly to avoid the shock wave of the explosion.

Tina caught Iska,

Looking at Lieutenant Iska, whose eyes were lifeless and like an empty shell, she swallowed the words on her lips again. She had also heard the conversation between Iska and Lieutenant General Doro just now, and she was so shocked. It hasn't subsided yet, even she, the bystander, is like this.

Not to mention the person involved, Iska!

His savior was also the enemy who destroyed his hometown and sacrificed his parents and relatives... Such contradictory and contradictory emotions make his scalp numb just thinking about it!

"It's really... damn it!"

Tina cursed bitterly,

But I don’t know who I am scolding.

The center point of the explosion.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!! Damn pirate, just die!"

Lieutenant General Doro stood up unsteadily.

It has to be said that although Lieutenant General Doro had some mental problems, his domineering cultivation was extremely solid. The explosion next to his body did not cause much damage to him. It was just that the clothes on his upper body were shattered and his pants were only damaged by the explosion. It's just a little dusty.

After standing firm,

Seeing and hearing Se Haki immediately captured Ace who transformed into flames.

One of the six moves, 'Shaving', was activated, and he rushed in front of Ace in an instant. The fist wrapped with armed domineering energy and the fist wrapped with blazing flames collided. The result was naturally no surprise. Ace was beaten. flew out.


He took the initiative to elementally avoid Lieutenant General Doluo's capture.

Then he regained his composure and punched again.

Fists kept colliding with fists, and Ace was knocked back again and again. The battlefield kept moving. Soon, their battlefield moved to the center of the slum. In the process, Ace was knocked away from the ground. shorten.



I can’t count how many times.

In short, this time Ace's fist blocked Lieutenant General Doro's fist and did not take a step back, although there were flame jets under his feet, providing him with the motivation to move forward.

"How is it possible... Damn pirate, what on earth are you..."

Lieutenant General Doluo was shocked and angry.

"Humph! This is reality! The so-called geniuses are such unreasonable guys. The principles and rules that prevail among ordinary people are meaningless in front of real geniuses!" Elus appeared in the center of the battlefield, caring. He started to explain to Lieutenant General Doluo.

No one paid any attention to Elus who suddenly appeared.

Ace, who was enraged, could only focus on defeating Lieutenant General Doro. Lieutenant General Doro, who was also obsessed with destroying pirates, had no time to think about the nonsense Elus said. He waved his fist with all his strength. Resisting Ace's hot and hard punch.


The situation of the battle changed from here,

Lieutenant General Doluo, who had the upper hand at the beginning, was now suppressed and beaten by the fire fist. His embarrassed posture made it difficult to recall the invincible posture before.

"why why······"

Lieutenant General Doluo, whose breath became heavier, roared in a low voice, his twisted expression full of disbelief.

"Armed Haki... Why do you use Armed Haki! Damn pirate!!!"

"After a few punches from you, I'll almost be good at it... That's about it, right?"

Ace said unsurely.

The flaming fist did not stop as he spoke. A fiery tail of flame shot out from his arm. At this moment, the speed of the fist was increased to the extreme, and it hit Lieutenant General Doluo hard on the forehead.

"Damn it! I really can't stand it! Pirates should die!!!"

Lieutenant General Doro opened his eyes wide.

issued a final roar.


He fell to the ground suddenly, even though he fainted, he still tried his best to open his eyes wide. There was still anger and unwillingness in the pupils that had lost the light of consciousness.

"Should pirates die? Maybe you are right!"

Ace retracted his fist.

His body was also slightly shaken. The swollen fingers and forearm on his right hand would not heal due to elementalization. He was punched so many times by Lieutenant General Doro. Supported by his tenacity and willingness to fall, he was probably beaten to the ground by Lieutenant General Doluo long ago.

"However, I really don't want to be killed by a bastard who hurts children!"

He glanced at Lieutenant General Doro who was lying unconscious on the ground, turned around quickly, picked up his steps again and walked towards Deus who was running quickly.

"Ace, you even defeated the Vice Admiral. You are worthy of being our captain!"

Deus stretched out his hand to support his captain.

"How could I lose to a guy like this... But this guy's fists are really hard!"

Ace laughed while controlling his aura that was also becoming chaotic.

"Hurry back to the ship! I just contacted Mr. Michal, and the navy is about to surround our ship." Deus supported his captain and urged him to go back quickly, but Ace seemed a little hesitant. He turned back He looked at Iska who was under the protection of Major Tina in the distance.

He opened his mouth,

Want to say something.


"Hey, hello! Mr. Portcas D. Ace, thank you for letting me see a wonderful battle. Although I personally don't want to do such villainous behavior as taking advantage of others' danger, I still want to join the king. The first task assigned by those old men after leaving the Shichibukai. If I screw it up, it will be a bit embarrassing..."

"So, um... I'm sorry! Please come with me!"

Elus stopped in front of Ace and Deus.

The moonlight sword slashed down.

The sharp sword energy will not split the Fire Fist in half, but it will definitely cause serious injuries that completely lose resistance.

"Black Prince!!!"

Deus roared unwillingly.

He puffed up his chest and tried to use his body to block the sword rushing towards Ace.

“Dang Cang!!!”

The loud sound of gold and iron colliding echoed.

The moonlight sword was held up.

The blue-white lightsaber was held up in mid-air and could not move an inch further.

"Hey! Son of Destiny..."

Elus withdrew his moonlight sword, looked at the uninvited guest standing in front of him, clicked his tongue, and said, "I thought you were just watching the fun, old man! Since you have been anonymous for so many years, you can't live a peaceful life." Okay? Dear Lord Pluto!"


Hearing this special title, Ace, who had almost exhausted all his physical strength, suddenly squeezed out a new force. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the back of the guard who was only a little taller than himself in front of him. There are thousands of words to say, but even if I open my mouth, I can't say even one word.


Silbaz Rayleigh, the former vice-captain of the Roger Pirates, is a man known as the "Pirate King's right arm".

That is to say,

The man in front of him was his father's companion.

"Ace, are you okay?"

As a partner who knew Ace's secret, Deus grabbed the captain's arm tightly and looked at the dazed captain worriedly.

But to be honest, Deus himself is currently facing a lawsuit on his forehead. The situation suddenly became chaotic again and he didn't know what to do at all?

The newly promoted Shichibukai [Black Prince] Elus, was once the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates [Pluto] Rayleigh.

The big shots who took action one after another plunged the calm situation into a whirlpool of chaos again.

It was not just the captain and ship's doctor of the Spade Pirates who were frightened. Major Tina, who was directing the fire brigade to put out the fire, was also stunned when she recognized the identity of the white-haired man. It took him a few seconds to come to his senses. He hurriedly took out his phone and started to contact the Navy Headquarters.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, someone would still remember a washed-up old guy like me!"

The man holding the sword laughed silently.

He looked directly at Alvus who was blocking him in front of him, and did not look back at Ace who was standing behind him.

"How dare a monster like you forget! In a ghost place like the New World, if you don't have a pair of eyes that are good at identifying strong people, you won't be able to survive!" Elus replied with a smile.


Reilly laughed loudly, "Interesting! I haven't seen such an interesting young man like you for a long time. However, using your ability to bully these little guys who haven't sharpened their claws is a bit... out of character." Yeah!" As he said the second half, the smile on his face faded away, leaving only a pair of sharp eyes that seemed to be able to pierce through confusion, staring at Eleus.

"Fighting pirates! I don't think there is any need to talk about etiquette and morality, right?"

The words fell,

The edge of the moonlight sword was raised.


The blue-white lightsaber and the plain long sword clashed again.

"That's true! It seems that I am old and confused."

Rayleigh agreed with Eleus’s reason.

Fight pirates,

It really doesn't matter.

If the battle between pirates will follow some unwritten rules at certain times, the battle between the navy and pirates is not bound by any rules. It is only natural that the navy fights pirates. .

"Ha! Look at what you said, your old man's skills don't look like an old fool at all!"

The sword light was as fast as the wind and entangled like two long snakes of different colors.

Elus's attack was neutralized without leakage. The title of "One Piece's Right Arm" is really not a joke. This strength... is so scary! If you don't activate the second stage return stance, I'm afraid you won't be able to hurt this Lord "Pluto" at all.

"Hey, boy, if you don't take your captain and leave quickly, why are you still here waiting to eat prison food in the deep sea prison?"

The sound of scolding woke up Deus, whose mind was in chaos.

Realizing that now was the best chance to escape, Deus grabbed his captain's arm and avoided the battlefield where the monsters were fiercely fighting. He supported the unwilling but powerless captain and quickly got into the vicinity without being caught. A slum engulfed by fire.

Fortunately, when he followed Ace around in the past few days, he was already familiar with the nearby traffic routes. They flexibly shuttled through the complicated alleys like spider webs, avoiding the tracking of the surrounding navy.

The detection nerve accurately located the whereabouts of Ace and Deus.


Being entangled in the hands and feet of the monster that was getting stronger and stronger, Eleus was unable to spare any time to track the prey that was about to escape the range of his probing nerves.

"whispering sound!"

Elus clicked his tongue in displeasure.

The auras of Ace and Deus were completely out of his range of perception.

He pulled back and looked at Lei Li, who was still blocking his way with his sword, and said: "Your Excellency Pluto, you have run far away! Are you really planning to decide the outcome with me?"

"You have to let the little ones run as far away as possible!"

Reilly smiled.

"In this case, I have to ask you about the power of Lord Hades!" Eleus clenched the moonlight sword in his hand, and his jet black wings slowly opened from behind, casting a large shadow on the ground. .


The battle escalates.

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