Navy Headquarters,

Marshal's Office.

"What did you say? [Pluto] Rayleigh? Major Tina, are you sure... you are sure you read it correctly."

Warring States slapped the table and stood up, veins pulsing on his forehead and temples.

what the hell?

Can't the old guy who has disappeared for almost twenty years die quietly in the corner of the world?

The phone bug opened and closed his mouth and answered Sengoku's question:

"Yes, although it looks a bit older than the photo on the wanted poster, it generally matches the number, and Prince Elus has also confirmed the identity of Pluto. He is currently fighting Pluto. Also, Fire Fist has escaped, and I contacted Major General Gibbs, who is leading his troops to track down Fire Fist..."

"Marshal, please give me instructions on what to do next!"

Tina, who is just a major, is obviously not enough to control the situation on the Shampoo Islands that has suddenly become extremely serious.


She asked Marshal Sengoku at the Navy Headquarters for guidance.


The phone bug's silence made Tina realize that it was not just her who was in trouble, but even the marshal seemed to be embarrassed.

After waiting for about ten seconds,

The phone bug finally opened his mouth.

"Major Tina, take control of Lieutenant General Doro and send a warship to send him back to Malinfando."

Instead of saying how to deal with the sudden appearance of [Pluto], he first issued an order to deal with Lieutenant General Doro.

If Lieutenant General Doluo is still awake, he is naturally the best person to control the current situation.

But Lieutenant General Doluo was defeated by Fire Fist in a one-on-one battle. He was simply a waste!

Especially after Sengoku learned about Vice Admiral Doro's behavior from Tina's report, his mood became even worse. He knew that there were a large number of radicals in the navy, and most of them were harmed by the pirates' invasion. parties.

Some people had their parents killed by pirates, some lost their hometowns due to the invasion of pirates, and some people were oppressed and hurt by pirates themselves...different reasons created similar stories. As a result, more and more radical elements appeared in the navy. They did not hesitate to use any means to hunt down pirates.

Gradually, bastards like Lieutenant General Doro appeared who took the sacrifice of civilians as a matter of course!


From the perspective of the Warring States Period, those who could not protect civilians or even harmed them were all bastards.

This is also the reason why he doesn't like Sakaski very much. A fire that is too hot will not only bring warmth to people, but may also hurt those who are unable to resist. Of course, Kuzan's laziness, Polusali Nuo's irregularities are just a headache.

In short,

Lieutenant General Doro's behavior has angered the Warring States Period.

"As for the matter of [Pluto]... don't interfere, let Prince Elus deal with it, and reinforcements have already set off from the headquarters."


An unexpected intruder.

Super troublesome problem.

Decades ago, when he and Garp were chasing the Roger Pirates on the sea, they often dealt with Rayleigh. Garp, that bastard, always took the lead in causing trouble for Roger. Sengoku's opponents naturally became Became Rayleigh.

After nearly a hundred fierce battles, he deeply realized the power of Rayleigh.



There has been no news for almost twenty years, so why does it appear so suddenly now? According to Tina, Rayleigh blocked Elus who was attacking Fire Fist, so the reason was... Fire Fist?

He opened the drawer and accurately pulled out the one belonging to Ace from the thick stack of wanted posters.

A scrutinizing gaze fell on the photo.

Black hair, dark eyes, freckles on his cheeks, and a bright obvious signs were found. He looked like a very talented young man who unfortunately went astray but still retained a certain conscience (he also grew up from a young age) Tina got the story about Ace rescuing the children in the slums).

"Rayleigh...what made you suddenly show up?"

He tortured his own brain,

racking his brains to find a reasonable answer.

As for catching Rayleigh... he had no hope from the beginning. As a strong man who also stood at the top of the world, he knew very well that at this level, if Rayleigh wanted to leave, there was no choice. It is impossible to stop powerful people of the same level who are above 100 people from joining forces.

Look at the Navy’s past achievements,

Roger surrendered and was arrested, while Golden Lion went crazy and refused to retreat, and was eventually arrested due to exhaustion.

Of course, it's one thing to have little hope, but the response that needs to be done must still be done. He has already dispatched the only general guarding Marineland, but he just doesn't know if he can catch up with the sudden drama in the Chambord Islands. !

"Damn it, what the hell is going on?"

Sengoku rubbed his swollen temples in distress.

blood pressure,

Everything has gone up.

"Jingle Bell--"

He rang the service bell on the table.

The secretary quickly opened the door and came in.

"Go, call that old bastard Garp over and tell him that this matter has something to do with his grandson."


Chambord Islands.

Peninsula No. 44.

"Damn old guy, how dare you play tricks on me!"

The sword energy split the sea waves.

Countless unlucky fish were deprived of their lives by this sword, and floated on the water with their bellies turned over. A faint crimson color spread, but they soon disappeared without a trace as the waves rolled up, and then recovered. The original appearance of clear blue.

Elus stood on the promontory.

The waves crashed against the rocks beneath his feet, splashing white spray.

It was here that after fighting with him for a long time, [Pluto], who had fought from Peninsula 26 to Peninsula 44, suddenly plunged into the sea and swam in the water like a vigorous white shark, easily avoiding Elwu. Si swung his sword energy and quickly disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Elus's fighting spirit is high!


Rayleigh suddenly bolted.


Eleus cursed bitterly.

The moonlight sword in his hand disappeared, and the wings on his back also converged and disappeared.

Although he knew that the bar called "The Rip-off Bar" on Peninsula 13 had a lot to do with Rayleigh, and if he blocked people there, he would most likely block [Pluto], but... ·No interest! His fighting spirit and enthusiasm are fading!

To be honest, the battle with Rayleigh was actually not very interesting.

Swordsmanship at the level of a great swordsman, domineering cultivation at the pinnacle of the world, [Pluto] Rayleigh’s power is so simple and unpretentious, without any fancy means, only this purest, impeccable power, fighting with Rayleigh , far less fun than the battle with BIG·MOM!

Compared to Big Mom's endless moves and skills, the battle with Rayleigh was as boring as a blank slate.

"Prince Elus!"

Shouts came from behind.

Tina, whose aura was chaotic, appeared on the scattered grass in the distance that was destroyed by the sword energy, followed by a group of panting sailors.

"Major Tina."

Elus turned around and nodded in response.

"Um, Prince Elus, King of Hades..." Tina stood still in front of Elus, took a breath, and immediately started asking about the business.

"ran away."

Elus answered quickly.

"...Eh? Did you run away?"

"Yes! He jumped into the sea to bully people with abilities like us who can't swim!"

Eleus said.

Tina's eyes widened and she looked blankly at the calm sea waves.

Hades ran away?

All right!

In fact, it's not that surprising. She still doesn't have enough reality about Pluto's appearance. She feels like it's all a dream.

"By the way, where's Fire Fist?"


Tina's face was sullen and silent.

"Did you run away? Tsk!"

Elus was mentally prepared for this outcome. Even he himself had been disrupted by Rayleigh, let alone others. It was just that his first job as the King's Shichibukai was messed up like this. Although there are force majeure factors like Pluto.


Still a little unhappy!

But wait... Elus turned his eyes and saw Lieutenant Iska who was still looking lost among the sailors.

"Major Tina, how is Lieutenant General Doluo? Is the situation okay?"

"The Lieutenant General has been sent back to Marineland by warship to recuperate."

"What about... Lieutenant Iska?"

Tina was silent.

She and Lieutenant Iska were actually meeting for the first time, but this did not prevent her from sympathizing with this girl who was several years younger than herself. Such a cruel truth... To be honest, she now He didn't know how to deal with Iska, and the Warring States Marshal didn't give any instructions about Lieutenant Iska.

Just as her thoughts were racing, Elus had already arrived in front of Iska.

"Second Lieutenant Iska."

The voice with soul-stirring power aroused Iska's attention. She looked up at Elus who appeared in front of her, with a pale smile on her face, "Prince Elus, what's the matter? "The hoarse voice carries an indifference that could repel people thousands of miles away.

"What are you going to do next?"

Elus ignored the hidden indifference and asked.

Iska didn't answer. She didn't know what she should do in the future. Not long ago, her reason for joining the navy collapsed and disappeared, and it even made her feel a little resistant to the navy. The navy... was no longer a place for her.


If even the navy, her last refuge, was lost, she would really have nowhere to go.

"I guess you're going to be discharged from the army?"

Even though he didn't get an answer, Eleus continued talking on his own.

"What will you do after you retire? Do you want to do anything? But judging from the education you received in the navy, it is probably difficult to adapt to ordinary work, so... you will probably become a bounty hunter? Continue to arrest Pirates, but this time no longer as a navy..."

Iska was speechless.

However, after listening to Elus's words, his brain started thinking involuntarily.


Here comes the turning point.

"Instead of becoming a bounty hunter, how about... working for me?"

The picture is poor and the dagger can be seen,

Eleus revealed his purpose.

"Prince Elvus, are you kidding me? Tina was scared!"


Tina once again revealed her habit of being patient for a long time.

"The Kingdom of Exmundo also has a navy, but it's not the same as the World Government's navy. You can continue to sail the sea and fight pirates, and... it's in the new world. If you're right, Fire Fist is now It should be on the way to Fish-Man Island, and once you pass Fish-Man Island, you will reach the sea of ​​the New World."

"Why did you mention Fire Fist? Tina doesn't understand!"

The long pink hair was slightly fluttering in the wind, and the heroic female officer glared at Eleus.

"New World······"

Iska finally spoke.

She muttered this name that was longed for by pirates, and slowly raised her head, "...I need to think about it."

"No problem, the most important thing I lack now is time."

Eleus laughed.

Although he didn't catch Fire Fist, he managed to win over a female ensign who had a close relationship with Fire Fist... He was looking forward to the lively scenes in the new world in the future.


Just when Elus was standing on the promontory trying to win over people's hearts,

A large shipyard on Peninsula 52.

in the harbor,

The old craftsman who was sitting on the breakwater fishing looked at the suddenly unusually rough sea surface. He straightened his back and opened his sleepy eyes. He thought something big was coming, but the next moment, Rayleigh drilled it from his hand. He came out and took deep breaths.

After he saw clearly that it was Rayleigh, the old craftsman's straightened back suddenly retracted, he narrowed his eyes and muttered and complained,

"What! It's Lao Lei! I thought there was something big! It's just a waste of time."

When Rayleigh swam toward the shore, he shouted at the top of his lungs,

"Old Lei, did you lose the bet again?"

"Yeah! I'm out of luck!"

Reilly climbed ashore, took off his jacket, shirt, and pants, wringing out the excessive moisture inside.

"Hey, what's wrong with you guys? You have to go to the casino. How many times have you been thrown into the sea?"

"Who knows, I'm too lazy to count such things."

After roughly wringing out his clothes and putting on his wrinkled shirt and jacket again, Reilly bid farewell to the old craftsman and walked smoothly along the path that only locals are familiar with to Peninsula 13, where he opened a bar called "Rip-off" At the back door, he skillfully took out a plate of boiled beans and a bottle of wine from the kitchen cabinet.

There are no professional chefs working in the kitchen of the Rip-off Bar. This bar basically only sells drinks. The kitchen is a place where you cook your own food. Occasionally, food will be provided when special guests are encountered, but those are rare special circumstances.

"are you tired?"

Hearing the noise coming from the back kitchen, the proprietress opened the kitchen door curtain.

"Today's young people are so powerful! If they hadn't run fast, they might not be able to come back today." Rayleigh said with a smile while eating beans.

"What about... Fire Fist?"

Xia Qi asked, holding a lady's cigarette between her fingers.

No matter how exaggerated Rayleigh's words were, his return in one piece proved that the situation was not dangerous enough to warrant concern.

"He's a very good boy!"

Reilly took a sip of wine and frowned slightly, "It's... well, how to describe it, there is a deep sense of guilt hidden in that child's eyes! Is that the word? I think he I'm afraid he understood his identity very early... The son of the Pirate King, the weight of such an identity is not light."

Not only is it not light,

[One Piece] Gol D. Roger, he is not a criminal in the ordinary sense, but a legendary villain that everyone knows and knows. He single-handedly opened up the so-called era of great pirates. Even though nineteen years have passed since his execution, his reputation is still shining brightly.

Although this aura often appears with negative effects.

The civilians who have suffered from pirates have always hated Roger. Even without Roger, the world has never lacked pirates. However, it is undeniable that Roger's words before his execution were indeed a reminder. It emits the ambition of countless people.

The Age of Pirates is not fake.

Because of Roger's amazing influence, the number of pirates on the sea is increasing year by year. Even if the navy fights with all its life, it is just a drop in the bucket. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as King Shichibukai. The birth of this system.

In short, in this sea, there are a hundred times or a thousand times as many pirates who yearn for the Pirate King, and even more civilians who were harmed by pirates hate the dead Pirate King.

"It wouldn't be a problem if he was a bad boy, but...that old guy Garp taught this kid to be too kind!"

Riley held the wine glass and stared blankly at the light green liquid in the glass.

A pirate who is too kind,

This is not a good thing!

Especially when this kind-hearted pirate has a father who is criticized by thousands of people and cursed by thousands of people, that kindness will only bring him insurmountable torture and pain, making him suffer mentally day and night. The suffering, wondering whether I should not have appeared in this world from the beginning...

"Sounds like a lot of trouble!"

Xia Qi said.

"It's different than expected, and the current problem feels more difficult."

Reilly smiled a little bitterly.

"Then are you going to take care of that child?"

"······I don't know either."

"Are you still worried about your captain not entrusting your child to you?"

"No..." Rayleigh shook his head, "I was just thinking about whether my meddling in that child's affairs was good or bad! And seventeen years old is no longer a child... ··”

The lady's cigarette burns out.

Xia Qi threw the cigarette butt into the trash can.

Turning around and leaving the kitchen, only the voice echoed in the kitchen, "If you really plan to travel far, leave your life card."

Rayleigh took the beans and slowly put them into his mouth, chewing the taste of the carefully cooked beans, then drank a glass of wine, and repeated this cycle until all the beans on the plate were eaten. , the wine in the bottle was drank.

He put down his chopsticks and wine glass.

Sighed deeply.

"...Portcas D. Ace, little guy, I'm sorry! Use your own hands to find the meaning of your life!"

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