I only want to be a Shichibukai when I have Bengyu

Chapter 71 General Kuzan’s Justice

Red continent.

Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

Still in that spacious room, the faces of the five old stars were slightly solemn.

"The latest information, [Pluto] Silbaz Rayleigh, he appeared in the Chambord Islands, stopped Elus, and rescued [Fire Fist] Portcas D. Ace, now The identity of [Fire Fist] can be confirmed, he is the child who was not found back then."

"The blood and bones of the Pirate King?"

"It's a problem! Gol D. Roger... won't live in peace even after death!"

"Didn't we already execute all the children born within the possible time range around Batelila Island in the South China Sea? How did Fire Fist escape?"

"The news came from the Navy Headquarters. It is said that Fire Fist is Garp's grandson. Warring States and Garp had a big quarrel because of this." The person who said this was wearing a flat hat and an extremely fluffy white beard. elder.

As soon as this news came out, the faces of the other four old stars instantly turned livid.

It's actually Garp,

damn it!

"It was Garp who took that child away... No wonder! What should we do next? Deal with... Garp?" The man with a bald head, glasses, and a white robe, carrying a long sword The old man made this extremely risky suggestion with great difficulty.

"not worth it."

Objections arose immediately.

The old man, who also had a bald head and a raised mustache, shook his head in opposition.

"Garp is a [Navy Hero]. It's impossible to attack him without enough reasons. Moreover, Sengoku doesn't know Fire Fist's true identity yet... Forcibly demanding Garp's execution will only cause the navy's backlash, let alone Talking about Garp’s own combat power, if it is not handled properly, the navy... will be ruined."

The last sentence is the most important reason.

Garp's powerful force not only scares the pirates, but also the adults in the Holy Land.

"Then just let it go? Do such evil things and get no punishment?"

"As long as the secret of Fire Fist is not leaked, it will naturally be business as usual."

"But Rayleigh has already taken action, which inevitably leads people to think that this secret may not be kept for long. If the news that the son of the Pirate King is still alive spreads, the world will probably be boiling because of it."

"In that case, the navy will be even more needed to suppress the sea."

Having said that, there is no need to argue anymore.

The World Government has three armies, the strongest of which is the Navy. If this pillar of the Navy is broken, the world will definitely go berserk. The Age of Great Pirates... is by no means an empty slogan. In order to maintain the rule of the World Government , it is very necessary to maintain the strength of the navy.


It is impossible to deal with Garp, and even the secrets about Fire Fist cannot be revealed to the Navy to prevent the secrets from leaking. After all, the spies of the Revolutionary Army are now simply pervasive. CP0 confirmed that there are high-level spies in the Navy Headquarters who are spies of the Revolutionary Army, but It was never found out who it was.

"In that case, leave it to CP0 to deal with Fire Fist?"

"In that place in the New World, even CP0 cannot come and go freely, and Fire Fist defeated the Vice Admiral head-on... If you send someone there, you need to choose someone reliable enough."

"How about... how about leaving it to the Black Prince?"


The old man with blond hair and golden beard and wearing a dark red suit proposed a new method.

He went on to explain:

"There's no need to explain the whole story. Capturing Fire Fist was the mission given to him. It's understandable that he failed this time because of Rayleigh's intervention, but...it's not unreasonable to let him continue this unfinished mission. , and the Kingdom of Exmundo itself is in the New World.

In addition, the Black Prince has inherited Umit's legacy, and his subordinates have been expanding their power in the new world crazily recently. If this kind of landless tiger cooperates to deal with Fire Fist, the success rate will be higher. "

After hearing these words,

It made the others think.

"Let's do it like this!" After a short weighing, the old man with long straight white hair, a long beard, and a dark blue suit cast the first vote in favor.

"Asshole Garp, I don't have a problem with causing this kind of trouble."

"It doesn't hurt to try."



The opinions of the five old stars were unified.

Without Elvus knowing anything about it, trouble had quietly fallen on his shoulders.


Shampoo Islands, Peninsula 63.

military harbor,

"Was the trip in vain?"

"Sorry, General."

"It's not your fault. When you meet such a scary guy like Pluto, it's pretty good that you can avoid being frightened and faint! Even for me, facing that kind of monster... to be honest, it's very troublesome!"

"Uh, yes!"

"What about that? Where did Prince Elvus go?"

The tall man stood on the dock and looked around, but there were only sailors in military uniforms and craftsmen busy repairing ships in the distance.

"Prince Elus, um, he went sightseeing and shopping. He said yes. He said it was a long time to come to Shampoo Islands. It would be a waste not to take this opportunity to have fun..." Tina Ai Ai answered the questions periodically.

Although she felt that this was not a good time for sightseeing, she did not have the power to stop the actions of Elus, the prince of the empire and the king of the Shichibukai.

He could only watch helplessly as Elvus invited Ensign Iska to accompany him, broke away from the large navy team, and started sightseeing on the island.


The man tugged at the collar of his dark blue shirt and exhaled, "Then leave him alone. As long as he doesn't commit any crime, he can do whatever he wants... Also, that Second Lieutenant Iska is now What's going on?"

His eyes wandered among the surrounding sailors, but he did not notice the existence of the second woman besides Tina.

On the way here on the warship, he had already received the entire story about the battle between Vice Admiral Doro and Fire Fist. He also learned about the existence of Iska, a young female ensign. His compassion made him unable to sit back and ignore such a thing. .

Especially since he was an admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Marshal Sengoku had no time to pay attention to such small details, but he could not ignore them and pretend not to know.

It is the boss's duty to care for his subordinates.

"That, Second Lieutenant Iska, she, she..."

Tina has never felt as bad as she does now. When she thinks of the events that Iska has experienced, she can't help but feel depressed. "Prince Elus..." She restrained her bad mood. , she dutifully recounted the exchange between Elus and Iska.

"Ah! He actually poached the Navy. It's really... difficult to handle!"

The man sighed in annoyance, "Forget it, that's fine! After all, that guy Doro went too far in this matter... No, this kind of behavior is already a crime, and the military is a violent institution. There is nothing wrong, but it is a serious mistake to inflict this kind of violence on civilians! If it cannot protect civilians, the navy will have no reason to exist."

Tina, who listened carefully, nodded in agreement.

There are many factions in the Navy, and different people have different interpretations of "justice". Admiral Sakaski's "thorough justice", Admiral Porusalino's "ambiguous justice", and Admiral Kuzan's "lazy justice" "In addition, Marshal Warring States, Lieutenant General He, and Chief Instructor Zefa also uphold different justice.

Influenced by these different ideas, Tina is more inclined to General Kuzan.

General Kuzan——

This is the tall man in front of him wearing a white suit vest and a dark blue shirt. He is the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, codenamed "Ao Pheasant", and is one of the monsters standing at the pinnacle of the world.

"That Lieutenant Iska... Retiring is not a bad thing. Justice is not the private property of the Navy. Different identities and different positions will have different interpretations of justice... Although the Marshal's Absolute justice is hung in the office, but I still think justice changes relatively."

"Okay, let's stop talking here! Next...it's time to clean up the amusement park of the world's nobles for the first time in a long time! There is probably so much dirt here that it makes you want to vomit!"

The capture of Pluto failed.

To be precise, the capture operation was aborted before it even started. This result was expected.

Knowing that this would be the result in all likelihood, he still sent generals to land on the Chambord Islands. In addition to fighting for the one or two possibilities, there was also a mission to cleanse the illegal forces of the Chambord Islands. The sudden appearance of Pluto made the Holy Land The Tianlong people felt threatened.

Afraid of the threat of the admiral, generally speaking, no one dares to be disrespectful to the Celestial Dragons. Even those pirates who do all kinds of evil are mostly unwilling to provoke the admiral's pursuit because of a few trash scum. Therefore, the world's nobles Safety is guaranteed in the Chambord Islands.

However, this is just a general situation.

Most pirates are unwilling to attack the Celestial Dragons, but there is always a small group of pirates who are either stupid and bold, or really powerful. The former is easy to say, and the navy will just go up and defeat them. The problem is the latter, monsters like Rayleigh , the admirals found it difficult to deal with.

If a Celestial Dragon encounters a monster like Rayleigh, whether he can come back alive really depends on luck.


The Holy Land issued an order to clean up the Chambord Islands.

Admiral Kuzan, who was in charge of the Navy Headquarters, was forced into a mission.

"Everyone take action!"

Following the order of General Kuzan,

The large fleet from the Navy Headquarters spread out and blocked all the ports in the Shampoo Islands. Kuzan rode a bicycle and launched a large-scale search of the entire island with his own hands. The ice froze all the famous seaports on the wanted list. Among the thieves, there were those who traveled thousands of miles from all over the world to get to the Chambord Islands, there were losers who were attacked and recovered from the New World, and there were local snakes that were easily dealt with.

The battle at sea was even more lively.

The pirates who sensed something was wrong tried to escape, but were blocked by the naval fleet responsible for blocking the port and shipping routes, and a fierce battle broke out smoothly.

From now on,

Smoke and blood became the main theme of the Shampoo Islands.

This time the island-wide search lasted for five days and four nights.

There are a total of 79 peninsulas in the Chambord Islands. The total area is quite large. Moreover, the island is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and there are too many chaotic forces. Even with Kuzan in the lead, it took him a lot of energy to deal with this mess.

This action,

More than 900 pirates named on the wanted posters have been captured, including many old thieves who have disappeared for many years. The total bounty exceeds one billion berries.

In addition, numerous illegal forces and organizations were swept away, and more than 3,000 criminals were arrested. The Navy specially sent three large prison ships to stuff these scum garbage on the ship like making sardine cans, and then transported them to Judiciary Island.

They will be tried in the trial court on Judiciary Island, and then will be sent to the Deep Sea Prison for detention, or directly sentenced to death, depending on the outcome of the trial.

to the end,

No trace of Pluto's whereabouts has been found.

As if Rayleigh's appearance in the Chambord Islands was just a coincidence, the adults in the Holy Land were naturally dissatisfied with this result, thinking that the navy was incompetent. However, the Five Old Stars did not express their opinions, so this dissatisfaction was just dissatisfaction and did not hinder anything. to the normal functioning of the Navy.


The sixth day after the "Fire Fist Incident".

The wind is soft, the sun is warm, and the blue waves are vast.

The seagull flag fluttered gently in the breeze. The warship lacked the support of the wind and could not help but slow down in such good weather.

"Human auctions, aren't things like that banned?"

"The business operations of King Shichibukai are permitted and protected by the World Government."

"Even if it's an illegal business?"

"Prince Elus, the laws of the world government include slave laws, and the slave trade is a legal business."

"That's right, Mariejoia itself is the largest slave consumer market in the world..."

The place of conversation——

It's a drawing room in the cabin of a warship.

After finishing the cleaning work of the Chambord Islands, the navy began to evacuate and return to its headquarters, Marinevando. Elus continued to mess around with the ship and got on board Kuzan's battleship.

"However, General Kuzan, don't you have any objections to this current situation?" Elus said with a smile while holding a tea cup, "This slave law...may have played a certain role in the past. But time is moving forward and times are changing. Don’t you think this inhumane system is outdated?”

Kuzan sat on the hardwood armchair, lowered his head slightly and looked at Elus, who was a bit shorter than him, and said meaningfully:

"Prince Elvus, your statement sounds somewhat similar to the theory promoted by the Revolutionary Army."

Elus smiled, rubbed the tea cup in his hand, and denied: "I have nothing to do with the revolutionary army, but..."

He suppressed his smile and said seriously: "I think some of the ideas of the Revolutionary Army are not without merit. At least I agree with the abolition of slavery. People are not born to be slaves for others, even if people are different from each other. There are classes, rich and poor, strong and weak, but this does not mean that the weak do not have the right to live."

"Furthermore, I always believe that human beings should die as human beings. They can die in the hospital, die on the bedside of old age, or die on the battlefield. Even if they commit suicide, it is their own choice, rather than being bullied like beasts by slave owners. Squeeze and torture to death.”

Kuzan's eyes showed surprise.

He stared at Elus as if he was looking at some strange creature, but he soon calmed down all his emotions and returned to his lazy and indifferent expression.

"It is impossible to abolish the slave law. The world's nobility needs slaves, so the slave law must exist. No matter what you do, it will be useless. Maybe you can abolish the slave law in your country, but don't think about it. In order to let other countries learn from it, the Holy Land can allow a small number of countries to act independently, but it will never allow the revolutionary army's ideas to spread on a large scale."

"Do you think no one has ever thought of abolishing slavery before?"

Kuzan said, then changed the topic and asked an unrelated question: "You should know that a civil war is going on in the Kingdom of Alabasta, right? There are many reports in the newspapers! And I think you can guess the truth of this matter, right?"

Elvus frowned and said tentatively: "Are you saying that Crocodile is related to the civil war?"

"Otherwise? Alabasta has been peaceful for so many years and there has never been any civil strife. Why did the civil war break out after Crocodile stayed in Alabasta? Anyone can see this and that as long as they wipe their eyes. Something to do with a cunning crocodile.”

"King Kobra of Alabasta also knows what's going on behind the scenes. He has contacted the World Government many times, hoping to get some help, but... all of his requests for help were rejected by the World Government and the Holy Land. The Neferutali family, who once established the world government together, asked for help, and the reason..."

Eleus listened silently.

Kuzan continued: "The king of Alabasta in the previous generation raised the issue of abolition of slavery at the World Conference. The issue was naturally rejected, but after that, the Kingdom of Alabasta abolished domestic slavery... ····”

Hearing this, Elvus raised his eyebrows, and he interjected: "Could it be that the Holy Land still holds a grudge against this matter, so it just sits back and watches Crocodile disrupt the Kingdom of Alabasta?"

"That's it."

Kuzan nodded.

"The world government doesn't care, and the navy... also sits idly by?" Elus asked subconsciously.

"The navy has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of the country. The navy's duty is to fight against pirates and maintain the peace of the sea, not to interfere in the internal affairs of the countries that join the World Government. I also agree with this. It is best not to interfere in the internal affairs of a violent institution like the military. , otherwise justice will deteriorate."

"So, Prince Elus, you can just do things like abolishing the slave law in your kingdom. There is no point in telling me this..."

Eleus had nothing to say, and he didn't say anything about the slave law. He just kept drinking tea.


But my heart was filled with joy!

General Kuzan spent so much effort to explain that the abolition of the slave law was impossible, but did not directly say that he did not want to do it. This subtle choice proved that Kuzan also disliked and even hated slavery, that is, It means there is a chance...

Hmm, there’s no need to think too far ahead just yet.

For now, all we need to do is confirm Kuzan’s idea. The next thing will be done step by step, just like the chance encounter with Yixiao. It’s enough to leave an introduction. There is no need to change anything immediately. There is nothing yet. Get ready!

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