early morning.

Mist enveloped Malinfando.

Opening the window, the humid and cold air poured in, and the hairs on his hair immediately stood up. Elus exhaled and rubbed his hands, a trace of warmth was born from the friction. Marinefando is Spring Island, so there is a place called " The weather phenomenon of "late spring cold".

So much so that although there is no winter here, you can sometimes see snowfall.

It's not that exaggerated today, there are no snowflakes falling, it's just a thin layer of crystal-clear final frost covering the grass blades in the flower bed.


"Bang bang————!!"

Drills have already begun on the training ground in the distance. The shouts of the sailors and the roar of guns echoed in the cold morning wind, driving away the remaining sleepiness of the surrounding residents.

Marinefando is the naval headquarters.

However, this is not a complete military camp. In addition to military camps, there are also towns and villages. Of course, the residents who can settle in Marineland are inextricably related to the navy, including naval officers and soldiers. Family members, suppliers who provide supplies to the navy, and even retired naval officers have settled here directly.

The hotel where Elvus stayed was opened on the island by a relative of a senior admiral in the navy. It was specially designed to entertain guests like Elvus who came to the Navy headquarters for business but could not directly stay in the military camp.


There was a knock on the door.

"Your Highness, I'm coming in!"

The maid lady Fran walked in pushing the dining cart. She received a phone call from Elus and came down from the Holy Land with a large number of maids and servants. She directly booked the entire hotel, from the chef to the busboys. All replaced by their own people.

This was his third day back from the Chambord Islands.

He had stayed in Malinfando for the past three days because he wanted to meet a certain person.

"Flan, is there any news today?"

Elus picked up a piece of sea beast's hind leg meat, dipped it in the sauce and put it into his mouth.

"At noon today, the navy's training ship should return to Marinefando. This is the information revealed by Major Tina."

"Noon? Very good, continue to contact Major Tina and ask her to introduce me to her instructor. If possible, I hope to meet the "black wrist" today." He has stayed in Marineland for three days. , if it weren’t for not seeing the person he wanted to see, he would now be on a boat heading to the Seven Islands of Water.

Seven Islands of Water,

This was the furthest stop on his planned trip to Paradise.

For the shipbuilding technology and Pluto blueprints of the Water City, this trip is a must.

Even though the New World was in trouble again, his shipping network was repeatedly attacked by some independent pirates who were quite famous in the New World. Eschbach and other attendants were busy putting out fires everywhere.

Although there is no clear evidence, it is almost certain that behind these attacks there must be someone powerful enough to instigate them. Perhaps Big Mom resents Elus for rejecting the request for an alliance, or it may be that he has occupied the The beasts of Wano are testing the bottom line of Elus, the fifth overlord of the new world.

after all,

Most of the pirates who can survive in the new world for a long time have to take refuge with a certain pirate emperor or a giant in the dark world. There are very few pirate groups that can maintain integrity and independence in the new world, even if it seems to be superficial. It doesn't sound like there's anything involved. In fact, it's all a trap planted by a certain force.

In short,

He has been away from the New World for a long time and lacks top-notch military personnel, which has indeed affected all aspects of his work in the New World.

So Elus is now thinking about taking care of the affairs of the paradise as soon as possible and then returning to the new world.

"By the way, how is our guest doing now?"

Elus picked up a piece of shredded radish with his chopsticks.

"Miss Iska is still not in good spirits, but I just saw her taking her sword to the training ground next to the hotel. I guess there is nothing serious!" Iska had already processed it three days ago. After the discharge procedure, he is no longer a second lieutenant officer of the Navy Headquarters, but an ordinary civilian.

Ever since she left her hometown, she was brought to the Navy Headquarters by Vice Admiral Doro and came to Marineland. She received training here, grew up here, and set out from here. She has been fighting pirates in the paradise. Her life has already been Entangled with the army, pirates, and battles.

The identity of the navy can be clearly cut through the discharge documents.


The mark left on her life cannot be erased from her memory.

No matter how much she resists the navy in her heart, her body's habit cannot let go of the sword she holds tightly in her hand.

After thinking about it, she finally agreed to Elus's invitation. She had no place to go, so she could find a place to stay for the time being. As for whether she would continue to look for her place to stay in the future, or turn this place of stay into a My own place...

Let’s talk about such things later.

If you can't even deal with the current difficulties, then there's no need to talk about the future.

She is now staying in this hotel and is preparing to return to the New World with Elus.

Go and see if the Kingdom of Elkmund is a temporary place to stay or a destination that can accommodate you.

"Is that so? That's good."

"After breakfast, we will go visit Miss Iska."

Elus was confirming his morning itinerary while eating breakfast.

After breakfast, take a short rest.

Elus left the suite on the top floor of the hotel and came to the large, well-equipped training ground next to the hotel. This is because there are many retired naval officers on the island. They need standardized venues to exercise and cannot borrow them after retirement. It is a military facility, so there is such a training ground.

There are many training grounds like this on the island of Marinefando. At this moment, Elus walked into the large training ground owned by the hotel, which specifically provides services to guests staying in the hotel.

There are shooting ranges (shooting ranges), cold weapons training grounds, comprehensive training grounds, boxing rings, swimming pools...there are many varieties, and the venues and equipment are all first-class.

Iska is at the cold weapon training ground, practicing swordsmanship.

She was the only one in such a large area.

She wields a slender double-edged sword with a gauntlet.

Elus stood at the edge of the field, quietly watching the former navy headquarters ensign officer practice swordsmanship. His style was very authentic military swordsmanship, with wide opening and closing, both offensive and defensive, with no obvious strengths or weaknesses. But the quality is by no means low-level.

On the contrary, this is a very advanced swordsmanship, which may not allow one to become a great swordsman. However, if Iska can maintain her current speed of improvement, there will be no problem in becoming a swordsman before the age of thirty.

The world government has accumulated a solid foundation of eight hundred years, and it can be said to be vividly reflected in these details.

A scripture that has been continuously revised and adjusted by generations of great swordsmen and swordsmen, so that it can be applicable to most people, and at the same time, it will not become an ordinary swordsmanship... Except for the World Government, no country can There is such a foundation.

Not to mention the six postures and other superb physical skills with endless potential.

These things are the wealth of the world government.


The swordsmanship practice came to an end, and Iska panted slightly.

She returned the double-edged sword to its sheath and turned to look at Eleus.

"Your Highness Elus, what's the matter?"

She took down a dry towel from the shelf next to her and wiped the sweat from her forehead and temples.

"You have nothing to do, come and take a look."

Elus told the truth.

Because the person you want to see can only come back at noon, there is nothing to do in the morning. If you practice training, you can't do it here. Marinefando is the headquarters of the navy. If there is too much noise, it will obviously cause a lot of trouble.

He had no acquaintances to socialize with on this island.

He just got to know some officers from the Navy Headquarters.

It's too troublesome to go back to the Holy Land, and there are always CP0 flies following him.

After much thought, I decided to come over and find Iska.

The former second lieutenant of the Navy Headquarters agreed to her invitation. Although he had not officially joined the navy of the Kingdom of Exmundo, he could be said to have become his new subordinate. He wanted to carefully confirm the strength and strength of his new subordinate. potential.

Iska herself is less than twenty years old.


She is a girl who is only seventeen years old, as old as Fire Fist Ace.

At this age, without anyone's help, she was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant in the Navy Headquarters, and became the "Nailmaker". This is not a harsh nickname for a girl at all. Her abilities are not small at all. Many pirates who looked down upon her eventually fell at her hands.

That is, I encountered Fire Fist,

It was the first time that Iska experienced the feeling of failure in her battle with pirates.

That subtle bond was born from this.

Of course, even without this connection with Fire Fist, her potential alone is worth reaching out to recruit.

"Miss Iska, are you interested in competing with me?"

Eleus asked with a smile.

"Sparring? With me?"

Iska grabbed the towel and her eyes widened in surprise.

"I haven't even mastered Haki yet...I'm afraid I can't even block your sword, Your Highness Elus now..." She saw Al with her own eyes on the Shampoo Islands. A swordfight between Uth and Rayleigh.

And I could vaguely understand the horror in it.

Just because she was barely aware of the concept of the power of monsters over humans, she really didn't have enough confidence to compete with Elus.

"rest assured!"

Eleus waved his hand.

"I'm not looking for someone to practice against to hone my swordsmanship. I just want to experience your actual combat skills in battle, so that I can be sure whether I want to help you improve your strength as soon as possible... Well, everything has to wait. Let’s try again.”

As he spoke, he casually took a heavy sword from the weapons rack next to him.

The broad blade can be used as a shield, and it is quite difficult to wield the heavy weight.

"In that case, please give me some advice, Your Highness Elus."

After resting for a while, Iska regained her strength and took the field again.

She drew her accustomed double-edged sword.



The roar shattered the silence in the air.

Iska swung her sword towards Elus, and slashed down as fast as thunder.

“Dang Cang!!”

The swords clashed.

Elus raised his heavy sword to block the slash, and the heavy impact was reflected back from the heavy sword. Even he was a little surprised by Iska's power. What he saw before was Iska's practice. The master of swordsmanship did not notice her unexpected strength.

Moreover, Iska's sword is thin and long, giving people a delicate feeling. It is difficult to imagine that someone would use such a sword as roughly as a hammer.

A single blow has no effect.

Elus didn't even move.


This did not affect the will of the "nailer" at all.

She raised her sword again and slashed diagonally.

One move after another, she tried to capture Elus' loopholes as much as possible, and continued to attack along the loopholes. Even if she couldn't find the loopholes, she persisted in finding ways to create loopholes through strong attacks again and again, so that she could The flaw in Elus's vacillation.

The absolute disparity in strength prevented her from thinking about absurd things like victory.


Although victory was said to be out of reach, she still tried her best to fight. She didn't need to win, as long as she could bring a little harm to Elus, no, as long as she could break through the defense of the shield-like heavy sword. It was already her victory.

"I see, the nailer...is indeed as bold as wielding a hammer to hammer nails..."

Elus spoke during the battle.

"However, this shouldn't be all your abilities, right? If that's all it is...it's a bit disappointing!"

Elus swung his sword without using any extra force. It was just a little stronger than Iska's power and knocked her back a few steps.

"It's not over yet!"

Iska, who stabilized her steps, rushed forward again.

The sword light is like lightning.

It was thrust out at a speed that exceeded the limit that ordinary people can observe.

【Nail Hand】——

This is not to say that Iska is an idiot who can only use brute force, but it means that the enemies she kills are like being driven into a hornet's nest by nails, and she stabs the enemy's body with lightning-fast thrusts, leaving a fatal Because the wound caused by the thrust is too narrow, in order to ensure that the target loses the ability to resist, high-speed thrusts will be carried out continuously.


It is difficult to catch alive under such an attack.

But it was precisely because of this that the pirates who were lucky enough to survive by using their companions and allies to block the gun began to fear Iska, and gave her the reputation of "Nail Hand".

This is where the Nail Hand comes from.

In other words, compared to chopping, thrusting is Iska's unique skill.

She tried to attack Elus before without knowing how to use the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box, and then failed as expected, and...

"Oh! The high-speed thrust has turned into an impenetrable wall. No, wait, this should be a hedgehog that combines offense and defense...the strongest attack method is also the strongest defense method." Ai Erwus tried several sword strikes, but all attacks were blocked without using overwhelming power and speed.

"Nice speed!"

Eleus praised him for the first time.

The speed of this thrust is quite excellent!

If cultivated properly, the strength of a vice admiral is not far away for her. Her talent may not be as perverted as Ace's, but among her peers, she is already the closest to Ace who was born to be at the top. One of those people.

"Next, let me test your endurance!"

Elus once again increased his strength and speed, waving the heavy sword in his hand with a leisurely expression, constantly sniping to block Iska's attacks, and chose to use force instead of using force in every collision. , The force-transforming technique also cracked Iska's force-discharging method, consuming Iska's physical strength as much as possible.

Test endurance.

It means it takes a long time.

But Elus came here just to kill time, so he didn't mind spending some time to communicate with his future subordinates.


A terrifying aura like a super-large battleship running rampant on land suddenly rushed into the training ground.

"Second Lieutenant Iska, you still haven't exercised enough! Especially the muscles in your shoulders are not fully exercised. Your thrusting speed can be faster. Don't just focus on wrist and arm strength, shoulders, waist, and feet. It can help you increase the speed of your sword."

The powerful and thick sound rushed into the training ground as fiercely as the shells being discharged.

"Ze, Zefa...instructor?"

Iska, who had maintained a calm state of mind while fighting Eleus, finally became distracted.

Immediately afterwards,

The distracted Iska screamed.

"It hurts~!"

She was swatted away like a fly by the shield-wide heavy sword.

"Hey, Miss Iska, being distracted in battle will kill you. Don't make a fuss so easily, okay? But... you're doing well. If you don't have any objections, I will help you improve as soon as possible. Strength, otherwise the new world will not be easy to mix with!"

Eleus thrust the heavy sword in his hand into the granite floor.

Then, he turned around and looked at the burly man with one arm missing standing at the edge of the training ground.

With short purple hair, a body as majestic as iron stone, a missing right arm, and an aura as terrifying as a passing typhoon, there is no doubt that the arriving guest is the former admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Ze, known as the "Black Wrist". French general.

A man and a woman followed Zefa, all wrapped in dark coats.

Elus took two steps forward, raised his head and looked at Zefa, and said hello: "General Zefa, I'm glad you can accept my invitation."

"I am now just the chief instructor of new recruits at the Navy Headquarters, Admiral... That is already a thing of the past, Prince Elus."

Zefa responded.

"If I remember correctly, General Zefa, you retain the rank of general, right?"

"It's just a false title, not as useful as the title of Chief Instructor."

"Okay, Instructor Zefa."

Elus followed his good deeds and replaced the title of general.

This time Zefa didn't find fault. He just looked at Elus silently. His tawny eyes were like two bottomless ancient wells. There was no emotion at all. However, just as Elus was finishing his words. When he spoke again, Zefa was the first to break the brief silence: "Prince Elvus, don't talk unnecessary nonsense. What is the purpose of you looking for me?"

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