
Iska came over, she bent down deeply and bowed in greeting.

Lieutenant General Doro's incident made her feel a huge sense of alienation from the Navy, but this did not destroy her persistence in justice. She did not fully agree with Instructor Zefa's "justice of not killing", but she had fought in many battles. Use the long sword in her hand to beat the target into a hornet's nest.

But this does not prevent her from continuing to respect instructor Zefa and this respectable elder.


Zefa moved his eyes away from Eleus and looked at the students he had taught in the past.

"Quiting from the Navy... It's not a big deal. Justice has nothing to do with identity. Even if you leave the Navy, you can still stick to the justice in your heart."

As the former admiral of the Navy Headquarters and now the chief instructor of the new recruits, Zefa knew the whole story not long after Lieutenant General Doro was escorted back to the Navy Headquarters. Lieutenant General Doro fought against the pirates again and again in the name of justice. He unscrupulously harmed ordinary civilians, and Iska's parents, relatives and friends were the victims.

This is undoubtedly an infuriating thing.

Even Sakaski, a representative of the radical faction, expressed his disgust for Lieutenant General Dollo through the phone bug.


Not by harming innocent civilians.

The reason why Sakaski resolutely chose to bombard O'Hara's asylum ship was because he believed that the residents of O'Hara were not innocent and had violated the world government's prohibition by studying historical texts that were considered taboo. , thus causing a fatal disaster, it can be said that he brought it on himself.

And Lieutenant General Doro was completely indulging his destructive desire for revenge against the pirates in the name of justice.


After discussions among senior officials, Lieutenant General Doro was charged with "indiscriminate killing of innocent people" and sent directly to the Deep Sea Prison. He will spend the rest of his life in prison. However, in order to maintain the face and honor of the Navy, This matter was suppressed and was only known to the senior officials in the navy.

Tina and the navy soldiers present at the time were all given a silence order.

No rumors about Lieutenant General Doro are allowed.

In Zefa's view, Lieutenant General Doro's behavior was a complete trampling of justice.

When Zefa saw Iska, he couldn't help but feel a little pity in his heart. This child was also a victim.

"What are your plans now?"

After comforting the student, Zefa asked about Iska's current situation, "What are you going to do in the future? And...why are you here?" As he said that, he cast doubtful eyes on the person standing aside. of Elus.

Eleus smiled and said nothing.

Iska straightened her back as if she was being reviewed by an instructor in the past. She looked at Zefa and replied: "Instructor, Prince Elus invited me to join the army of the Kingdom of Exmundo. I am going to the new country." The world continues to fight against pirates.”

"To the New World?"

Zefa frowned.

He looked at Iska with a resolute face, half relieved and half worried. Naturally, he was relieved because Iska was still able to stick to her own justice after experiencing such a thing, and did not fall into evil ways because of this. It's because of her choice.

new world,

It is completely different from paradise!

He said such frivolous words as "Go to the New World and continue fighting pirates". If he really went to that hellish place in the New World, he would probably have bad luck.

"I have just seen it. Miss Iska has a good talent."


Eleus intervened in the conversation.

"Take good care of it. Ms. Iska's achievements will not be low. The new world is not a desperate place with no way out. On the contrary, there is no better place to sharpen yourself than the new world. As long as you don't have a long-sighted mind, you will seek your own death." , the new world is not that scary.”

"Besides, I'm not in the habit of sending my subordinates to die."

Eleus had a sincere and calm smile on his face.

He told the truth.

As long as Iska herself doesn't refuse the good thing about pie in the sky, he can really help her become stronger quickly.

His attendants are the best examples.

"...Prince Elvus, you haven't answered my question yet. You contacted me specifically through my student and said you wanted to meet. What is your purpose? What is your purpose?"

Zefa stared at Eleus.

His sharp eyes are like an eagle's, able to see through the sneaks lurking in the shadows, his firm will is like a sharp sword, and he is not confused at all.

He hadn't returned to Marineland yet, and while he was drifting on the sea on a training ship, he had already received a call from a phone bug. Tina, a former student who had now become known as "Black Throne", contacted him and said that it was His Majesty the King. The Black Prince of the Shichibukai is waiting for him in Marineland, hoping to meet him.

Got off the boat,

After handing various paperwork directly to his deputy, he took the two students who had been following him and went straight to the hotel where Eleus was staying.

Not to mention Elus's various calculations about Zefa, Zefa actually has some thoughts about Elus, the black prince.

Of course, no matter what ideas you have, you must first see with your own eyes what kind of person the other person is.

Only by confirming that Eleus is not a complete villain can his ideas have room to take root.


he came.

He happily agreed to the invitation and showed it to his door neatly, using his own eyes to personally judge the nature of Elus.

Elus looked at Zefa quietly. After a few seconds, he laughed. He opened his mouth and said, "It's very simple. Instructor Zefa, are you interested in going to the New World to hunt pirates?"



came from Zefa's side.

Sounds like a young girl.

"Going to the New World... to fight pirates? Is this why you came to me?" Zefa's expression was a little strange.

"That's right."

Eleus nodded.

"His Majesty the Shichibukai shoulders the responsibility of fighting pirates...but you are a bit sneaky, right? Prince Elus, do you want me to fight pirates for you? Just like you Are you going to lie to my students like that?" He said and glanced at Iska who was standing aside.

Iska blinked and looked at Zefa and Elus in a daze, not knowing how to respond.

"It has nothing to do with the identity of King Shichibukai."

Elvus smiled and shook his head. He looked around and said, "This is not the place to talk. It happens to be noon. Why don't we have a meal together?"

"Essay about you."

Zefa did not refuse.

It was already noon, and he came to find Elus as soon as he got off the boat. It was true that he had not eaten.


The hotel restaurant.

There were five guests sitting in the private box, Elus, Zefa, Iska, and the two students following Zefa, the beautiful Second Lieutenant Ain with smooth ocean blue wavy hair, and the well-dressed Second Lieutenant Binz is like a ninja from the country of Wano.

Unlike Iska, a student who has graduated from Zefa.

Because of their special experiences, Ain and Binz have never left Zefa's side. In the Navy Headquarters, they are almost regarded as Zefa's secretaries and assistants. After all, they are former generals, and they have also taught a large number of outstanding people. In the navy, some special treatment is normal.

"This, this...and this..."

Elus ordered a lot of dishes without asking anyone else's opinion.

However, neither Zefa nor the two young and immature second lieutenants had any objections. Neither of them indulged in food and drink. Zefa did not have the style of setting up a special stove for himself. Basically, he would eat whatever the sailors ate. , so as long as it is edible, he can eat it.

Iska is similar, she doesn’t particularly dislike anything, she just eats whatever is available.

"That's pretty much it, that's it for now! Order more when you don't have enough."

The waiter leaves.

The door was pulled shut,

Elus picked up the tea cup, took a sip of hot tea, looked up at Zefa, and took the lead in raising the topic, "Instructor Zefa, the Warring States Marshal wants to return the navy to the new world. You should know this. Right?" He said and glanced at Iska, Ain and Binz.

Speaking of which, this matter is still confidential for now.

However, Iska can now be said to be his subordinate, and Ain and Binz are Zefa's closest students, so there is no need to worry about them leaking secrets.


Zefa drank tea and responded in a moderate voice.

With his level and seniority, basically no information in the navy could be hidden from him. He knew a lot about Sengoku's plan to establish an alliance with Elus and use the Kingdom of Exmundo as a springboard to return to the new world. clear.

And precisely because I knew this,

The idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Then... let me tell you the truth! Regardless of my personal preferences or interests, I am happy to see the navy return to the new world. Compared with disordered chaos and destruction, maintaining order The new world is more in line with my expectations for the future.”

"It's just that the Yonko... To be honest, it's very difficult to deal with! Whitebeard's shock fruit is too terrifying. I don't want to see [Ekmundo] sink into the sea. The beast is the most unkillable." Strong creature, I have personally experienced the power of BIG·MOM. Chaoji is difficult to deal with, and Red Hair... Red Hair is so mysterious that it is difficult to find him, let alone kill him."

"The most important thing is that I don't want to go to war with the four emperors for the sake of the navy."

Eleus said it very bluntly.

"Then what?"

Zefa asked.

"You hope that the navy can return to the new world to maintain order and peace, but you don't want to stand alone against the four emperors, so you are targeting me, an old man, right? You want me to be the vanguard to attract the four emperors. hostility and attention?"

"A cooperative and win-win relationship needs to be maintained by both parties. If you want me to go against the Four Emperors, you can't write some empty promises to trick people into seeking death. I originally thought it would be best if the navy had a general who could station in the Kingdom of Exmundo. , with such a joint effort, as long as the four emperors do not unite, they are sure to win against any one of them alone."

"But it's a pity that Marshal Sengoku can't allocate manpower. The three current generals are very busy, and Vice Admiral Garp... The hero of the navy seems to have made a mistake recently. After being taught a lesson by Marshal Sengoku, He returned to his hometown in Donghai with anger, and to be honest, this character is not very suitable."

Karp made a mistake;

Zefa knows this very well.

To be honest, when he found out that the recently popular pirate supernova, Fire Fist Ace, was Garp's grandson, he rushed directly in front of Garp and cooperated with Sengoku to beat the old bastard hard. The son of a naval hero is the most wanted criminal in the world, and his grandson has now become a pirate supernova with a bounty of hundreds of millions...

If he couldn't do it, Zefa would really want to pry open this bastard Garp's head to see what damn educational concepts are inside.

How do we educate them so that all their sons and grandsons embark on the path of breaking the law and committing crimes?

It's like hell!

However, it is not accurate to say that he returned to his hometown in Donghai with anger. According to Garp himself, he still has a young grandson staying in his hometown in Donghai. In order to prevent his eldest grandson from leading him astray, he wants to go back and educate this little grandson. Maybe he will Bring your grandson to Malinfando to prevent him from going astray.


Although this rhetoric sounds a bit strange,

Do you feel that if Garp doesn't go back, his grandson will also go astray?

Zefa's thoughts were a little far away.


Eleus raised his voice.

Zefa glanced at it and retracted his divergent thoughts.

"So, I hope that Instructor Zefa can come to the new world, not build a new naval base, and use guerrilla methods to fight against pirates in the new world. On the one hand, you can weaken the pirates as much as possible, and on the other hand, it can also initially improve Let’s look at the navy’s presence in the new world.”

"So Warring States has already agreed?" Zefa asked.

"I have already spoken to Marshal Warring States, and he has no objections. However, I need instructor Zefa to nod on this matter. If you are not willing, then..."

"Guerrillas... Guerrillas... Guerrillas that hunt pirates? Hahaha!!!"

Zefa muttered twice.

Laughed loudly.

"Okay, leave it to me to build this guerrilla army!"

He agreed very proudly.

Next to them, Ain and Binz looked a little weird, but they both remained calm. They didn't have eyes that were about to pop out like Iska's. They wanted to carve a few big question marks on their foreheads to show their confusion and confusion. surprise!

"...Eh? Don't you think about it again?"

Zefa agreed so readily, and Elus was surprised. The pirate guerrillas were indeed created by Zefa in the future, but the problem is that now Zefa has not even installed mechanical prostheses and is still concentrating. As for training new recruits, I was originally thinking about how to convince Zefa...

Could it be said that he already had relevant ideas at this time?

He noticed the changes in the facial expressions of Ain and Binz, and realized in his heart that perhaps Zefa had already had the idea of ​​establishing a pirate guerrilla force to fight pirates at this time.

"Prince Elus, I have been collecting information about you ever since I knew you would become a member of His Majesty's Shichibukai. The shipping network established by the villain known as the King of Shipping has now been taken over by you, right? Moreover, the Warring States Period also promised to let you extend your hand from the New World into Paradise..."

Zefa stared at Elus and said meaningfully: "Recently I heard that pirates are wreaking havoc on your newly occupied territory. This guerrilla group dedicated to hunting pirates was established to protect you. maritime network?”

"Compared with the guarantee of love, the bundle of interests makes people more inseparable from each other, doesn't it?"

Eleus said righteously.

He didn’t feel embarrassed at all because he was directly singled out by the target for trying to use Zefa to protect his own interests.

"You are thick-skinned, comparable to those bastards from the World Government... However, rather than recruiting pirates whose bad habits are hard to change, I would rather see more people like you, Prince Elus." Such a king belongs to the Shichibukai."

No matter how much selfishness Elus had in this matter.

In short,

From his point of view, Elus is not a saintly monarch, but he is not a heinous villain either. As Elus himself said, between chaos and order, he obviously stands on the side of order. one party.

And in order to protect his own interests, Elus must embark on the path of fighting against pirates.

"I can form a pirate guerrilla team in the new world to fight against those wanton villains, but... the navy only has two bases in the new world. If we don't build a new base, I'm afraid we will need Elus Prince, you are here to help solve logistical problems, as you said before-"

"A win-win cooperative relationship requires both parties to maintain it."

Zefa said so.

"Instructor Zefa, don't worry about this. The wealth accumulated by [Kingdom of Exmundo] over the past two hundred years will not be lost so easily, not to mention that as long as the smooth operation of the shipping network can be ensured, even if it is to establish a 100,000-strong I can also support a human guerrilla army.”

Eleus smiled happily.

He looked at Zefa as if he were seeing millions of elite troops and a tall flag that could shake the navy.

As long as you can hold the flag of Zefa in your hands, you will have the foundation to compete with the navy.

At this time——


There was a knock on the door, and the waiter brought out the ordered meals.

it's time for lunch.

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