The pirate guerrillas were promoted very quickly. Although Zefa himself had no objection and even said that he had similar intentions, he used all his strength to promote the formation of the pirate guerrillas and The day after Elvus met, Marshal Sengoku issued the corresponding order under the watchful eyes of Zefa.

Zefa took the order document with the signature and seal of the Warring States Period, directly transformed into an unreasonable bully, broke into the garrison of each army unscrupulously, selected capable talents with righteousness from different armies, and unceremoniously killed The elites from each unit were snatched away and reorganized into the pirate guerrillas.

In just two days, Marine Fando was in mourning.

It just so happened that it was Zefa who did this.

Almost one-third of the generals and officers in the Navy Headquarters were Zefa's students. Even the three generals had received Zefa's teachings. Coupled with the order issued by the Warring States Marshal, everyone had no choice but to hold their noses and admit that they were unlucky. After all, , even the troops directly under General Kuzan were robbed.

This series of storms,

The Warring States Marshal let it go.

General Kuzan slept behind closed doors.

Lieutenant General He... No one dares to disturb His Excellency the Chief Staff Officer.

Also, General Sakaski, who was originally scheduled to return to Marineland in half a month, suddenly wrote back saying that he was hunting a group of cunning pirates, and directly postponed his return date to a month later. Such a reply also means that he will not intervene or interfere. manner.

Everyone knew that within a month, with Zefa's impulsiveness, he had already led the organized pirate guerrillas to the new world.

This posture made it clear that Zefa was willing to toss him around. As long as Malinfando was not torn apart by the tossing, he was really free to do whatever he wanted!

In fact, this is exactly the case.

It took Zefa three days to mobilize more than 6,000 people from various troops.

As the chief instructor of new recruits at the Navy Headquarters, he knows the specific situation of each unit better than anyone else. From the moment he made up his mind to take action, he had already made a rough draft. It seemed like it was just a patchwork of things. The troops actually learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses.

The generals and officers of this unit are all Zefa's students, and they are not rebellious students like Sakaski and Porusalino. They are all students who are closer to Zefa's ideas in terms of ideals and aspirations. With the support of these students, he easily put this patchwork team together.


After a short period of one week, Zefa led the newly established pirate guerrillas across the Red Continent to the New World, and couldn't wait to start attacking the pirates in the New World.

As soon as he left, he immediately caused a storm in the new world.

This is [Black Wrist] Zefa!

Former admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

All the old pirates in the New World know about this once ferocious monster, Zefa, who has fought countless pirates in his life, but has never killed any enemy. To be honest, this is better than killing him directly. The enemy is much more difficult!

Although later on when I got older, I accidentally got my shoes wet while walking along the river, killing a whole boatload of recruits. I heard that I even lost an arm, and my physical strength dropped a lot.

But even so, not many people dare to look down on this old guy.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. We have all heard similar truths at least. As for those who really want to step on the former admiral and get into power, I can only wish them an early death and a rebirth. Zefa does not kill the enemy. But the pirates caught were either sent to the deep-sea prison to eat in prison, or they were directly sentenced to death.

Even the four emperors,

He was also attracted by the appearance of Zefa.

They are not afraid of Zefa at all, but what they care about is the navy standing behind Zefa. If this means that the navy is unwilling to give up and is expelled from the new world, and is preparing to return to the new world to seize hegemony... Then you need to make some preparations!

Of course, there is no need to rush to be the first person. Let’s see what this old guy Zefa is going to do first!

The four emperors unanimously chose to watch indifferently.

Even if the navy is really ready to return to the new world, it will not be achieved in a short time.



"Pirate Guerrilla... Bah! Bah! Bah!!!" Doflamingo, wearing a pink feather coat, was sitting on the window sill, holding a phone bug in his hand, talking to the spy Will who was installed in the navy. Lieutenant General Ge called.

The pirate guerrillas led by Zefa passed the G5 branch.

After paying a certain amount of ammunition and supplies and sending Zefa away, Vergo took the initiative to contact Doflamingo and reported the detailed information.

"How's the situation with that black guy?"

"The condition looks good. The broken arm is still the same as before. How much ability I still have is difficult to determine. From the perspective of momentum, it is not inferior at all to what it was back then." Vergo recalled He Ze Fa met briefly, his brows furrowed.

His level of hegemony is not low, but the strength of his sense of hegemony cannot be truly reflected in combat power.

Just like Zefa,

No one knows how he lost his arm. It is said that his right arm was cut off by a pirate, but how many pirates are there in the sea who are capable of cutting off an arm of an admiral? There are just so many people to count, and the navy has not let out the news yet about who cut off Zefa's arm.

It has simply become an unsolved mystery at the Navy Headquarters.

Even Lieutenant General Vergo, who also served as the base commander, knew nothing about it.

Probably apart from Zefa and the two surviving recruits, the marshals and generals of the Navy Headquarters must know the specific situation. Perhaps the lieutenant generals, Garp and He, also know something about it. As for whether there are other insiders... ·Virgo didn’t know.

"Black Wrist...Pirate Guerrilla...Interesting!"

Doflamingo narrowed his eyes and looked out the window at the open sea and sky scenery, "Virgo, find out why former Admiral Zefa, who has been an instructor at the Navy Headquarters for so many years, suddenly established this so-called pirate guerrilla group. I want to know what’s going on here.”

If the navy is preparing to take action in the new world,

Then he would have to carefully figure out what to do to get the most benefit.


He always felt that there was something fishy about this matter. He knew that the Navy had never given up its plan to return to the New World. Just seeing how many of the Navy's toughest people were sent to the G5 branch every year, he knew that the Navy had never given up completely. New world.

After all, thorns often represent a certain degree of strength.

Waste is not eligible to be sent to the G5 branch for reuse as hair thorns.

The reason why he felt strange was because it happened so suddenly, without any warning. Zefa came to the new world suddenly with the newly built pirate guerrillas, without any preparations. You must know that the army Do not move the food and grass first.

The new world is not a paradise with branch bases all over the world.

There are only two branch bases here, G1 and G5.

"Could it be related to the Black Prince?"

Vergo thought of the gossip he heard from a lieutenant general in the Navy Headquarters whom he deliberately befriended, "I heard from the gossip that Zefa and the Black Prince met in a hotel in Marineland..." ··”

"The Black's him again! Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!"

The smile on Doflamingo's face became extremely bright.

"So that's it. Big Mom manipulated pirates to destroy his shipping network, and he pulled the navy out to solve the problem... As expected, he is not a pirate, and his way of thinking is completely different from that of a pirate." Generally speaking, New World pirates The battle between them will not involve the navy.

Fortunately, Doflamingo is not a pirate in the ordinary sense. Tenyasha, who is connected to the Holy Land, will also skillfully borrow the power of the world government and navy to help himself seek benefits. Therefore, after being reminded by Vergo, he immediately It was determined that Zefa's entry into the new world was definitely caused by Eleus.


Deliberately encouraging Zefa, a former navy general, to create a new world, just to confront Big Mom?

His intuition told him,

This may not be as simple as it seems.


Wanguo·Cake Island.

The base camp of the BIG·MOM Pirates. In this fairy tale-style castle, BIG·MOM was sitting at the dining table. She was enjoying the dessert for lunch. She ate the huge Montblanc cake, which was almost one meter high. She ate it one bite at a time. .

The happiness brought by the sweets made her smile.

Although this smile is not pretty.

But most of the children of Big Mom below were all relieved, as long as their mother smiled.

What they were most afraid of was that their mother suddenly broke out into food cravings, craving for desserts that couldn't be made in a short while. Katakuri was not around several times, and no one could stop her crazy mother. In the end, the cake island was completely covered with food. The destruction was beyond recognition.

"Mamama! Katakuri, what's the matter?"

After eating the last piece of Montblanc cake, Big Mom felt satisfied and finally turned his attention to his best son.

"It's still [Black Wrist] Zefa's matter."

Katakuri calmly reported the latest information. "According to the latest information obtained, the pirate guerrillas established by Zefa should be preparing to stay in the New World for a long time. We have already had several pirate groups annihilated, although they are all pirate groups that have nothing to do with us on the surface. .”

"Zefa... that annoying guy."

A flash of unhappiness flashed across Big Mom's face.

But he laughed again in an instant, "Mamama! Don't worry about him. As long as he doesn't come to the world, don't worry about him. He's just a crippled naval admiral. He can't destroy the situation in the new world. Compared with this, the investigation clearly attacked me. Who is the enemy of the pirate group?"

"Sorry, Mom, the murderer hasn't been found yet."

Katakuri shook his head.

Not long ago, three pirate ships of the Big Mom Pirates that went out to collect food were attacked. They were completely annihilated before they even had time to report the identity of the enemy through the phone bug. Afterwards, they spent a lot of effort to investigate. , but still did not figure out the true identity of the attacker.

Judging from the wreckage of the destroyed pirate ship that sank on the seabed and the rocks that weighed down the pirate ship, it seems that it was sunk by the rocks that fell from the sky?

In other words,

Were they hit by a meteorite?

Or did someone drop such a big stone from the sky?

Of course, Katakuri didn't think this was an unfortunate, low-probability incident. Rather than being hit by a meteorite... he felt that it was more like the handiwork of an esper. It reminded him of a legend that had disappeared for many years. The monster in the movie is a big shot who once knew my mother.

"Mom, do you remember...the golden lion?"

"...Do you mean Piaopiao Fruit?"

BIG·MOM is very calm.

When Sireka does not attack, Big Mom will not get angry casually. On the contrary, her intelligence is not low at all. Under normal circumstances, there is no problem with her thinking at all, and she also knows Control your temper.

"It's not the Golden Lion. That bastard Shiji doesn't have a good relationship with me, but he doesn't have any grudges. He only has eyes for the thief Roger."

Big Mom said.

The reason why Roger is called a thief is because Roger secretly rubbed away the historical texts she had collected, and finally let him find Raff Drew and become the Pirate King. She is still bitter about this matter and will always remember it. Roger regarded him as a despicable thief.

Well! Although they are all pirates.

"But the Piao Piao Fruit... The Golden Lion should still be alive, right? He escaped from the deep-sea prison of the World Government... He would never die in such obscurity. There should be some kind of Piao Piao Fruit. Similar abilities." BIG·MOM speculated.

After a two-second pause, she ordered:,

"Katakuri, for the time being, stop attacking that unscrupulous guy in Elus, disperse all my men, and go find this enemy who dares to attack my pirate group directly, just to avoid Ze Get rid of that difficult guy."

"I know, Mom."

Katakuri agreed.

Big Mom suddenly showed a satisfied smile.

"By the way, there's also Fire Fist, that Fire Fist Ace, he's already come to the new world, right?"

"Yes, he's already here, but I heard that he burned Whitebeard's flag on Fish-Man Island, and now he may be preparing to challenge Whitebeard."

"...What a pity!"

Big Mom had an unhappy expression on her face, like a little girl who had lost her beloved doll, "I was still thinking about asking him to be my new husband! I actually challenged that old bastard Whitebeard..." ····What a waste!”

Katakuri's face, hidden under the scarf, remained unchanged.

The children of Big Mom in the restaurant all looked normal.

Their mother already had 41 husbands, so even if there was another Fire Fist, there would be nothing surprising. They would only guess whether their mother would give birth to a younger brother or a younger sister. As for whether Fire Fist lived or died, they didn't care.

"Mamama! That's it! Since he's looking for death, there's nothing he can do about it!"

Big Mom laughed regretfully and gave up her plan to find Fire Fist Ace to be her 42nd husband.

after all,

It's Whitebeard!

Being hit by a fist with the power of the Shock Fruit was not comfortable at all. She did not intend to go to war with Whitebeard just for a mere fire fist.

Especially when Zefa appears in the new world and her pirate group is attacked by unknown enemies, she will not do such crazy and stupid things!

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