I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 173: Side task

The dwarf zombies nowadays are completely strange and unique monsters.

Small body, big mouth, pointed ears, long tongue, and two tongues.

Coupled with the looming black and golden skin, it gives people an extremely hard feeling.

And every time you breathe, the whole body will expand or shrink.

After looking at it, Ye Chu found that the name of the dwarf zombie had also changed.

Fu Luwa: The seventh-order lower devourer

Abilities: Entangling, assassinating, corrosive liquid, flame jet, indestructible body, body size, laser eye, wind ear...

Background: Affected by the Gourd Baby TV series, all the abilities similar to the seven Gourd Baby will be combined into the Gourd King Kong.

Note: Affected by the clone cabin, it has been automatically recognized as the owner.

Seeing this, Ye Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the things that have been transformed by the clone cabin are directly recognized by the master and cannot be rebelled.

This is a mandatory function of the system.

This saved Ye Chu a lot of trouble.

After all, although the previous Fuluwa was obedient to Ye Chu, she was not controlled by Ye Chu.

So it is quite troublesome.

Now, after the transformation, Fu Luwa has become Ye Chu's loyal little brother.

No, the younger brother is a bit inferior.

Should be a loyal grandson.

Nowadays, Fu Luwa's ability is far from that of the last little King Kong's gourd.

But where can I get him a gourd!

Ye Chu was suddenly embarrassed.

However, I really look forward to what this dwarf zombie will become after synthesizing Fulu Xiaojingang.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chu focused on Xiaoqiang.

Xiaoqiang's current evolution direction has completely taken the direction of a spiritual mage.

And also blended with his own soul.

Soul cockroach: fifth-order lower

Ability: soul body, soul spirit.

Soul spirit can control others for a short time.

It can also read the thoughts of others.

Thinking of this, Ye Chu found that Xiaoqiang was crawling slowly in his mind, leaving a clone of himself in place.

With a thought, this Xiaoqiang clone appeared in his palm.

Xiaoqiang looked very illusory because he was already in a spirit state.

Seeing this, Ye Chu had a clever idea and placed this Xiaoqiang clone on Fuluwa's body.

But when Xiaoqiang's clone entered Fuluwa's body, a picture suddenly appeared in Ye Chu's mind.

"this is?"

Ye Chu was shocked and found that this was actually from Fu Luwa's perspective.

At this moment, Ye Chu saw Xiaoqiang slowly crawling in his mind.

And Fu Luwa actually started to act in Xiaoqiang's direction.

"This is, do you use the master to control the clone?"

This spirit magic can control targets not higher than your own level.

But Ye Chu found a problem, that is Xiaoqiang is the fifth rank, and Fu Luwa has reached the seventh rank.

How can it be possible to control Fuluwa?

Subsequently, the system gives an explanation.

It turned out that Fu Luwa has now completely recognized the Lord, and will not have the thought of resistance, so it can control smoothly.

After getting the answer, Ye Chu immediately relaxed.

In the next time, Ye Chu put all his thoughts on creating parallel spaces.

The jewels on the pair of Buddha statues have a parallel space of one thousand square meters.

Ye Chu wondered how to make it his most luxurious palace inside.

Time flies, it's half a month in the blink of an eye.

Ye Chu's housing construction framework has also come out.

I have to say that this Rubik's Cube is really easy to use.

As long as there are drawings and materials, you can directly build them one-to-one without worrying about errors.

It also saves labor costs.

During the recent period, Ye Chu communicated with Yushenfeng every day.

Yanjing City knows that it has a branch in Chang'an City.

After the last incident, Ye Chu wondered that the guy Long Shiyun would definitely take action on his points.

But after such a long time, Yushenfeng did not receive any order to close Ye Chu branch.

"It seems that Long Shiyun doesn't want to completely turn his face with me!"

Ye Chu thought secretly.

Sitting by the fish pond, Ye Chu looked at the empty fish pond and thought.

"I don't know what happened to those piranhas!"

Since releasing them into the sea last time, Ye Chu can only vaguely feel the existence of piranhas.

But what is the specific situation, but because the distance is too far, I can't feel it.

"Dingdong! Develop side missions, expand the development of the base, increase the base population to one million, and increase internal sales!"

At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded from the long-lost system.

Ye Chu's eyes suddenly lit up.

The main task of opening ten branches this year is really too sleepy.

A branch is worth millions of energy.

Ten of them are worth tens of millions of energy.

If Ye Chu didn't sell his things, he couldn't open the points at all.

Internal sales are also limited, after all, the population is there.

Moreover, with the slow development of the human base.

Many bases have their own factories.

Most of the bases have entered the age of self-sufficient modern industry.

This reflects Ye Chu's previous conjecture.

The working people are the foundation of society.

The evolutionary plays a protective role in this social knowledge.

But the real sustainable development still depends on ordinary people.

The construction of factories, economic stability, and popularization of education require many ordinary people to implement.

And now, the system just released a side mission to Ye Chu at the right time.

Expand the internal population and increase internal sales in the process of development and construction.

Once a person has a goal, he has a direction, and when he has a direction, he has motivation.

Ye Chu stood up abruptly, and then immediately went to Lingwu Pavilion.

In the meeting hall of Lingwu Pavilion.

All the top leaders of Yulin City were present.

At present, even the people from the Chang'an branch have been recruited by Ye Chu.

For fear of accidents.

Ye Chu had called Zhang Meiyu, Chen Yiyi and others back earlier.

And implemented a way to scan robots for unmanned sales.

As the senior staff gradually arrived.

In the huge central conference room, Ye Chu leaned on a chair and closed his eyes to rest.

The scene was silent, everyone looked at each other and was silent.

After a while, Ye Chu slowly opened his eyes.

At a glance, no one dared to look at Ye Chu with a glance at the audience.

"Have you all arrived?"

Ye Chu said lightly.


Everyone said in unison.


Ye Chu knocked on the desktop.

"I'm calling everyone here today, there is mainly one task..."

"That is to expand the base construction!"

"At present, the construction of our base is a peaceful and stable development, but economically, we are far from enough..."

"I have a goal now, which is to expand the scope of the base and increase the population. The current goal is... one million!"

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