I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 174: Base expansion and construction

Ye Chu's voice fell behind, and Zhuge Yi immediately stood up.

"At present, the population of the base is about 50,000, and the distance is one million. I am afraid it is a little far away. In addition, the base with a population of one million is already larger than some official main bases!"

"In peacetime, what was the population of Yulin City?"

Ye Chu looked at Zhuge Yi and asked.

"About half a million, this is a standard in the urban area, so if we want to expand, then the scale of our base is bigger than the scale of peacetime!"

"is there any method?"

Ye Chu asked straightaway.

What Zhuge Yi said was to help everyone analyze the difficulty of a current task.

But Ye Chu didn't care about the difficulty, but the process and the result.


Zhuge Yi immediately analyzed.

"At present, the major bases are in a peaceful and stable development. Basically, more than 90% of the survivors are in major bases and personal bases, but there are still some people who live like strong cockroaches in various cities. In the townships, there are as many as a few hundred people, and as small as dozens of people. These people are people who have really experienced disasters. If these people are drawn in, then the war for the base to grab population resources can be avoided!"

Ye Chu nodded in agreement.

If you want to develop population.

Then collision with other bases is inevitable.

Furthermore, the surrounding bases are all Ye Chu's partners.

If you do it directly, it will have irreversible consequences for the business.

"Of course, draining these people is one of them, and the other is...open your base!"

The words came out, and the crowd was shocked.

Open base?

Isn't this taking off the armor so that others can easily pierce one's chest?

"Only by opening up the base can we achieve maximum drainage. Without war, people from other bases can be brought to us!"

Zhuge Yi's bold ideas made Ye Chu's eyes bright.

Only by doing the best, then people from other bases will come here naturally.

When a person is in the original base and can't get enough food and clothing.

The Yulin City base, however, can be like in peacetime. As long as you do something, you will have food to eat. Then these people will definitely rush to enter Yulin City.

Even if it is going to construction sites or cleaning dishes in a hotel, these basic tasks are done by individuals.

"Right! One more point!"

Zhuge Yi said in thought.

"That is the million people who will directly become the local residents of Yulin City!"


Even in peacetime, it is an extremely precious resource.

How many people squeeze their heads to enter the big city

Take the former Modu account and Yanjing account for example.

Just one account, I am afraid it is several million.

Now, if Ye Chu throws out these conditions.

With the development of the base construction, then the household registration of Yulin City will become the most desirable sacred place in the entire Chinese land.

"But... by opening the base, we are equivalent to being exposed to the enemy!"

Johnson said hesitantly.

"Hehe, are you suspicious of your own security issues?"

Ye Chuxiao looked at Johnson.

Seeing Jiang Sen's face flushed, he immediately lowered his head.

Once the base is released, there will be countless unruly people entering Yulin City.

At that time, Yulin City will face nuisances and attacks not only from major bases, but also from super-evolved organizations and major official bases.

All this requires Johnson's army to suppress and protect.

"Little Lord!"

After a while, I saw Johnson stand up.

"I ask the Lingwu Army to assist!"

With the assistance of the Lingwu Army, Johnson's information will have greater protection.

Immediately, Ye Chu looked at Zhuge Yi.

Because Zhuge Yi is the person in charge of Lingwu Pavilion.

"Agree, the people from the Lingzun Sect and Wuzun Sect, please dispatch it with you!"

Zhuge Yi agreed with one bite.

Hearing this, Johnson suddenly opened his eyes.

"If this is the case, then I have confidence!"

"Don't worry, everyone who comes in, we need to register. As for whether he is a man or a ghost, I have my own plan in my heart!"

Ye Chu looked forward and smiled coldly.

Now there is the soul of Xiaoqiang, as long as everyone who comes in, Ye Chu uses Xiaoqiang's clone to take a look at him, then he will know who he is.


Ye Chu continued.

"After the plan is implemented, immediately set up a rescue team. The first goal is to find out the remaining survivors within Yulin City, and then bring them back!"

There are two districts and nine counties in Yulin City, the scope is extremely wide.

Ye Chu must let everyone in the range come in.

"and also!"

Ye Chu looked at Qian Lingyu.

"After the meeting, we immediately began to design expansion drawings for the topography of our Yulin City. How to expand? From where to start the expansion, and how to get the maximum expansion speed while ensuring safety!"

Qian Lingyu is an evolutionary in the life department. His construction skills can quickly and effectively analyze the design of a building or multiple buildings.

"no problem!"

Qian Lingyu realized the importance of the problem and nodded heavily.

Ye Chu gave an order, and all 50,000 people in Yulin City began to act.

Headed by the mutated blade, the twelve golden hairpins were broken into pieces, and search and rescue operations were started in the surrounding counties and districts.

At the same time, under Qian Lingyu's design, Yulin City began to gradually expand to the surrounding area.

The previous base only occupied the center of Yulin City.

The goal now is to restore to the former Yulin City.

Ten days passed.

The search and rescue teams all returned.

Ye Chu looked at the person who brought him back and shook his head in disappointment.

I saw these search and rescue teams, and probably only hundreds of people they brought back.

And these people are already dying.

Had it not been for the search and rescue team, they would have lived soon.

"If calculated according to this ratio, even if the scattered survivors from all over the country are gathered together, it will probably be less than 100,000!"

Ye Chu thought secretly.

Individuals or small organizations have no chance of survival under the big end.

They can only hope to survive if they join a big base.

Otherwise, it is a dead end.

"Set them up, the search and rescue plan, temporarily canceled!"

Ye Chu didn't want to waste extra people on such unworked things.

But then, Ye Chu encountered another problem.

"what happened?"

Ye Chu found Qian Lingyu.

Qian Lingyu is responsible for the construction of this base expansion.

"Chief, I am afraid that the plan cannot be completed as scheduled!"

Qian Lingyu said embarrassedly.

"Our manpower is really too few!"

Ye Chu fell silent.

Today, the Yulin City base has a security force of about 20,000 people.

There are 10,000 logistics support personnel, and the remaining 20,000, leaving the old, the weak, women and children, only more than 10,000 people can join the construction work.

Follow this schedule.

Even if the original urban area of ​​Yulin City is expanded, it will probably take about a year.

As a last resort, Ye Chu held a meeting again.

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