I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 175: Raiden Karmapa Yang Yongxin

At the meeting, Lan, who had not made any comments, spoke.

"I have a way!"

Everyone looked at it, but saw Lan looking at Ye Chu.

Ye Chu said: "Everyone actively expresses their opinions, don't be restrained!"

After getting consent, Lan said slowly.

"Nowadays, for some bases, ordinary people are actually a burden because they don’t have enough resources to protect their food and clothing. But for us, these people are resources. Instead, we set a price and let They come over with survivors, and we buy a group of survivors, then if the manpower for construction projects will increase accordingly!"

"Selling and selling people?"

Ye Chu frowned suddenly.

This is disgusting to everyone who has come from the peaceful age.

"Do not!"

Lan slowly shook his head and said.

"This is called saving the people!"


Zhuge Yi said in agreement.

"We spend money to redeem them in a better environment. This is salvation, not sale!"

Ye Chu pondered for a moment, and finally nodded.

Of course, the primary goal of trading is those small individual county-level bases.

Because they all have contact with surrounding bases.

Ye Chu naturally knew their situation.

Send people to communicate and exchange huge supplies for survivors on the grounds of building a base and lack of human resources.

Immediately, the major personal bases agreed without hesitation.

Gradually, the population of the base in Yulin City is growing at a rocket speed.

But when it reached a certain range, it suddenly stopped moving.

Because Ye Chu has no money.

This spending money is like burning money, and it is still burning at the speed of a beacon.

Ye Chu's deposit of more than two million yuan immediately bottomed out.

But the effect is really good. The population of Yulin City has gradually increased from 50,000 to 200,000.

Two hundred thousand is enough for all kinds of construction.

Not only that, Ye Chu also found many top talents in it.

Like this...

Principal Wang.

President Wang is forty-five today and has a big belly.

But don't underestimate him.

This guy used to be the principal of a key middle school in the city, and he has rich educational experience.

There are more than 200,000 people in the base, and there are more than 10,000 children from six to fifteen years old.

If these people are not educated, the future development will cause a great delay to the social nature of Yulin City.

Because they will have no culture, do not understand mathematics, physics and chemistry, and do not understand language, mathematics and English.

This makes it difficult for them to survive in various industries.

Immediately, Ye Chu promoted President Wang to the Director of the Education Department of Yulin City.

They are talents and must be reused.

Principal Wang was so grateful to be able to return to his old career.

Let Principal Wang let go and work, and education work must not be delayed.

Immediately, President Wang took Ye Chu's verbal order and directly found Qian Lingyu.

Suddenly, two schools rose from the ground, and they were still located very close to Yechu Supermarket.

This place is absolutely golden.

In the future, housing prices around here will be hard to find.

Out of 200,000, President Wang gave an order to select 2,000 elites in the education sector.

Education is thriving.

After three months, the expansion of the base finally achieved a certain scale.

In this range, even the total base of Yanjing City is almost the same.

But the construction has a scale.

Ye Chu must guarantee the safety of these constructions.

Ye Chu had the final say, the current base area was four thousand square kilometers.

If once you suffer from those who have those large-scale attack methods, everything here will fall short.

Walking straight into the Alien Science and Technology Park, Ye Chu found what he wanted.

City energy defense cover.

This thing can be big or small.

The small protection range is small, and the energy consumption is naturally small.

The large protection range is large, and the energy consumption is naturally large.

Ye Chu had the final say, and would expand in the future, so he bought the largest one.

The protection area reaches 5,000 square kilometers.

As for the extra part, Ye Chu plans to build an outer city and set up access monitoring points.

However, the city energy defense cover only defends against the air range.

As for the underground, Ye Chu is an evolutionary of soil attributes.

But you can't go underground all the time.

Thinking about it, this problem has troubled Ye Chu for a long time.

When he was puzzled, Ye Chu suddenly received a letter of approval.

"Raiden Karmapa, Yang Yongxin?"

Ye Chu laughed at the name above.

"What about people?"

Ye Chu asked the sender.

"At the gate of the outer city!"

The man replied.

Immediately, Ye Chu got up and walked towards the outer city.

The energy protection area is 5,000 square kilometers, and the inner city is 4,000 square kilometers.

One thousand more, a huge circular city wall has been formed at this time, protecting all the inner city.

Outside the city, the man who is known as the King of Thunder and Lightning was pacing in place anxiously at this time.

"Aren't there five thousand people? Why are these few left?"

Ye Chu looked at the dozen or so people below and asked suspiciously.

"They said there were five thousand people when they came, but they all died on the road!"

"Open the door and let them in!"

Ye Chu ordered.

Suddenly, Yang Yongxin and others rushed in.

After entering, these people breathed a sigh of relief and sat limp on the ground.

Ye Chu walked over slowly.

At the same time, Xiaoqiang in his mind immediately separated a clone.

Ye Chu walked over and patted the man's shoulder pretentiously.

"I heard that you came from the south? Why did you think of going to me?"

While talking, the cockroach clone entered into the opponent's body.

This is a sixth-order evolutionary, but at this time, Xiaoqiang has already reached the sixth-order.

"I have heard of Ye Chu Department Store, Boss Ye's famous name, and he came and rushed for a long time. I hope Boss Ye can accept me and other brothers!"

Yang Yongxin stood up immediately.

"We don't want everyone here!"

Ye Chu said coldly.

Because at this time, the avatar of Xiaoqiang has already feedback information.

This guy is lying.

Yang Yongxin's thoughts were immediately stolen, and then fed back into the ontology.

From this look, Ye Chu immediately understood.

It turned out that this guy was chased here.

"It's okay to join us, what will you do? Or, what will you bring me?"

Ye Chu asked.

"I am an evolutionary of the Tier VI Thunderbolt system. With me, I can supply the entire base with electricity!"

Yang Yongxin patted his chest and said confidently.

"anything else?"

Ye Chu continued to ask.

"More? And..."

Yang Yongxin raised his brows and gritted his teeth one last time, and took out a card from the space ring.

Along with this card, there is a wallet.

It looks like it shouldn't be his own.

"This is the membership card of Shangmeng. With this card, you can buy things in Shangmeng with 20% off!"

Seeing this, Ye Chu immediately understood what was going on.

It turned out that this kid killed the people of the business alliance and was chased here.

And this card, he killed that person.

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