I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 176: Wild goose

By stealing Yang Yongxin's thoughts.

Ye Chu learned.

Yang Yongxin was originally the leader of a municipal personal base.

The war in the south was chaotic, and he accidentally killed the people of the business alliance, and was forced to flee here.

And this business alliance was formed by some large bases in the south.

And now, Yang Yongxin gave this card to Ye Chu. Although it was sincere, it was a trap.

Because, as long as Ye Chu took out this card, he would be chased by the Commercial League.

"Go! We don't welcome you here!"

Ye Chu sneered, and then issued an order to dismiss the guest.

"Why? Why can't you even take in the survivors?"

Yang Yongxin shouted unconvinced.

Ye Chu didn't speak, but just threw the card over.

Yang Yongxin received the card and immediately knew that Ye Chu understood everything.


But at this moment, only to hear the roar of cars behind, some cars with southern license plates rushed in.

Seeing this, Yang Yongxin suddenly stood up nervously, and then prayed to Ye Chu.

"Boss Ye, let me tell you, I did grab this card, and they are the ones who chase me, as long as you take me in, I am willing to do anything you ask me to do!"

With that, Yang Yongxin directly knelt down to Ye Chu.

"Will you do anything?"

Ye Chuyin asked with a smile.

Seeing Ye Chu's smile, Yang Yongxin shuddered suddenly.

However, Yang Yongxin nodded fiercely when he saw the business alliance that he had chased after.

Even being a slave here is better than being captured by them.

"Okay! Eat this, you will be our Yulin City from now on!"

With that, Ye Chu spread out his hand, and saw a clone of Xiaoqiang in his palm.

"what is this?"

Yang Yongxin asked curiously.

"Nothing, as long as you eat it, what bad thoughts you have in the future, I will know immediately!"

Ye Chu said lightly.

But Yang Yongxin hesitated.

If this is true, then he said he would completely become a person from Yulin City.

After thinking about it, weighing the pros and cons, in the end, Yang Yongxin swallowed the clone of Xiaoqiang in one bite.

The energy of the two clones can make Ye Chu feel the changes in his body more clearly.

As long as there is an unsuspecting mind, Ye Chu will know immediately.

After receiving Yang Yongxin, Ye Chu walked outside.

Because of Yang Yongxin and Ye Chu offending the Commercial League, is it worth it?

In the eyes of outsiders, this is not worth it.

But in Ye Chu's heart, it was worth it.

Because of Yang Yongxin's appearance, Ye Chu's biggest problem can be solved.

That is the underground defense system.

There is an energy shield in the sky, and Ye Chu intends to set up a super current protection net under the ground.

Then walked out.

Ye Chu saw more than a dozen off-road vehicles parked at the gate of the outer city.

Ye Chu's reputation has been widely circulated in major bases.

Looking at the huge Yulin City, these people showed shocked expressions.

"I'm going. Such a large base is bigger than our Jiangnan general base!"

"Aren't they afraid of someone dropping a bomb from the sky?"

"Throw a bomb? Don't be funny, don't you see that their sky has an energy shield?"


A group of people pointed at Yulin City.

Ye Chu walked over with a smile.

"A few, look at your license plate numbers, it seems that they are not locals! Are you coming here all the way, are you planning to buy something?"

"Are you Ye Chu?"

A middle-aged man in the lead looked at Ye Chu with scrutiny eyes.

Ye Chusui only looked around and found that this person turned out to be a seventh-order evolutionary.

This strength is probably the top master among the major general bases.

"Have you seen more than a dozen evolutionaries come here just now?"

The person asked in an irresistible tone.

Hearing this person's tone, Ye Chu frowned.

But it stretched after a while.

Because the visitor is the customer, the customer is God.

"Are you talking about them?"

Ye Chu just stepped aside and pointed to Yang Yongxin behind him and said.

Hearing Ye Chu's words, Yang Yongxin and the others turned pale.

"Boss Ye, what are you doing?"

Yang Yongxin's facial features were all together, his face was very ugly, he thought Ye Chu was going to sell them.

However, they were right, Ye Chu really wanted to sell them.

But at this price...

Ye Chu thought of this and suddenly smiled.

"How many are interested in them? They have joined our Lingwu Pavilion just now. If you are interested in them, you can buy them back for a certain price!"

"Buy? Haha~ I'll buy a hammer!"

A yellow-haired young man behind the leader burst out laughing.

"These guys killed the people of our business alliance and are now running around here. If you want to stop us somehow, don't blame our business alliance for being impolite!"

"Shangmeng? What? I haven't heard of it!"

Ye Chu said with a confused face, and then asked Mark next to him.

Although Marco is a robot, he has ordinary thinking and incomparable skills in various fields.

"The business alliance is not something, but an organization jointly formed by major bases, independent of the major general bases, and supports trade exchanges between each base!"

Mark has no humor at all.

"Oh! That's why the business alliance turned out to be not a thing, no wonder!"

Ye Chu suddenly realized.

Immediately, Ye Chu said to these people in front of him.

"Sorry, in my northwest region, I have never heard of such a thing as the Shangmeng!"

"You and he are looking for death!"

The yellow hair was furious, and he was about to rush up.

But he was stopped by the leader with a hand.

"Introduce myself. My name is Wang Hu, the captain of the law enforcement team of the Southern Commercial League. The people behind you killed the members of our Commercial League. I am chasing here now. I want to make a ruling on him and ask Boss Ye My face!"

The middle-aged man headed indifferently said.

But the tone still made people unable to resist breaking his saliva.

Seeing this, Ye Chu said disapprovingly.

"Introduce myself, my name is Ye Chu, the leader of Lingwu Pavilion in Yulin City, and the owner of Ye Chu Department Store. The people behind me are members of my Lingwu Pavilion. I want to protect them now and ask Captain Wang to give me one. face!"

Ye Chu used Wang Hu's words to return the original form.

Suddenly, Wang Hu's face was directly pulled down.

"It seems that Boss Ye doesn't give us the face of Shangmeng!"

"It seems that Captain Wang doesn't give us the face of Lingwu Pavilion!"

Ye Chu also said in an unquestionable tone.

"If you want someone, you can, ten thousand coins per person!"

"Ten thousand coins?"

The yellow hair behind him suddenly exclaimed.

"Are you stealing money?"

"No no no!"

Ye Chu waved his hand and said.

"I am a businessman. Since some of you have come here, I will naturally give you a fair price. You said, if anyone comes to me to ask for someone, then where do I put the face of my Lingwu Pavilion?"

"It seems that Boss Ye has really fallen into the eyes of money!"

Wang Hu laughed furiously.

"In that case, don’t bother. The people behind you are not worth 10,000 crystal coins. Our business alliance has now reached a cooperation with the Changan General Base. In a few days, I will use the name of the Changan General Base Business Alliance. Come over and discuss with Boss Ye, I hope Boss Ye can still have such an argument then!"

With that said, those who have to turn around and leave.

"It's said that the geese have plucked their hair, and the car has passed by to keep people. You just left like this, it's not so good!"

Ye Chu said lightly.

Suddenly, around the Wang Hu motorcade, gradually revealed a number of figures.

The leader was a mutant blade with a strange green light all over his body.

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