I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 178: Ye Chu's business experience

"There are prices above, good quality and low price!"

Ye Chu smiled faintly.


Wang Hu swallowed unconsciously.

"That... Boss Ye, I don't know that there is a sentence that should be said inappropriately!"

"Improperly speaking!"

Ye Chu waved his hand and said directly.


Wang Hu had already planned a thousand words in his heart, but at this moment, Ye Chu held a word in his throat, unable to spit it out or swallow it.

How could Ye Chu not know what his calculations were.

How many people come here is the same idea as Wang Hu.

But Ye Chu just didn't eat this set.

But at this moment, the system suddenly rang in Ye Chu's mind.

"Ding Dong! The loan default feature is enabled, and the host can open the loan default service for specific targets."

"Ding Dong! In order to make it easier to use the loan arrears function, open the host's special permission skills and credit limit query!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu was overjoyed.

The credit line here is not the credit line of the previous bank.

Here, the system queries each person's life deeds.

Then sum up a person's credit limit.

According to the credit limit, the system will give a judgment criterion.

If the person's credit limit is low, then providing the person with arrears service is a good old man!

But if this person has a high credit limit.

Then this person may directly become a loyal customer of Ye Chu after using the loan service.

This is a very huge network of relationships.

Now that Wang Hu needs to owe a loan, Ye Chu immediately uses his skills to check his credit limit.

Wang Hu: The seventh-order low-level evolutionary

Ability: Synthesis of alien animals

Credit limit: 70

Relatively speaking, 60 is the passing line.

70, it shows that Wang Hu still has a certain degree of credit.

However, because of the cold end times, Wang Hu scored 70 points, indicating that he is still worthy of trust.

However, even if he is trustworthy, Ye Chu would not owe him so easily.

At this time, Wang Hu felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

He could see that Ye Chu knew what he wanted to say.

However, he really didn't want to give up such a good opportunity.

"It's not impossible to discuss things!"

After a while, Ye Chu's words made Wang Hu's whole body shake.

This shaking, like the shaking after urine, was extremely sour.

Wang Hu knew that Ye Chu knew what he was thinking.

Then he asked, "Boss Ye, I don't know what negotiation method is this?"

There is no free lunch in the world, and Wang Hu knows that since Ye Chu promised to pay on credit, it must be conditional.

Ye Chu slowly stretched out three fingers.

"Three conditions!"

"Third, the amount owed cannot be too large!"

"Second, the interest is calculated at one percent during the period of default, and it will be repaid ten times over the repayment date!"

Having said that, Ye Chu paused.

But he remembered Wang Hu round and round: "What about the first?"

"The first is..."

Ye Chu looked at Wang Hu and said seriously.

"I believe in what you are!"

With this sentence, Wang Hu was taken aback first, and then a warm current emerged in his heart.

In the doomsday, people's hearts are unpredictable, and you say you trust the other person, isn't that a joke?

"Choose something, how much money do you have and how much money can you buy? In addition, I can help you loan half of these things!"

Ye Chu patted Wang Hu on the shoulder.

After a short while, Wang Hu and others picked things out.

Then the porter went in and moved all these things out.

Looking at the stuff of more than ten pickup trucks, Wang Hu came to Ye Chu excitedly.

"Boss Ye, this is the most common coin I have now..."

Ye Chu glanced lightly, and then a person behind him immediately came over to collect the crystal coins.

"Captain Wang, actually, you don't necessarily need crystal coins. Other valuable things are also possible. In addition, the crystal cores of zombies and alien beasts are also possible, but I need to evaluate them here!"

Hearing this, Wang Hu was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly tossed from the car, and then found a box of crystal nuclei with blood stains.

"Boss Ye, are these all okay?"

In half, these crystal nuclei need to be pulled into the furnace of the main base for recasting.

Moreover, the zombies that had just been killed, his crystal core contained a breath of zombies or monsters themselves.

If this kind of breath is absorbed into a person's body, over time, it will have bad consequences for one's own cultivation.

Commonly known as madness.

"of course can!"

Ye Chu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Walking to the box, Ye Chu checked with the system.

A box of crystal nucleus = 65000 energy value.

"This box is worth sixty-five thousand energy points!"

Ye Chu explained after seeing it.

"so much?"

Wang Hu suddenly exclaimed.

"These were all shot along the way when I chased Yang Yongxin, and I didn't bother to pick up some low-level zombie crystal cores!"

"Then I... can I get in..."

Wang Hu said embarrassedly.

It stands to reason that I owe so much credit, and the money should be used to offset the debt.

"Of course, as long as your car can be pulled down!"

Ye Chu pointed to the full car and said.

Seeing this, Wang Hu immediately scratched his head in embarrassment.

Because now the car is full.

If you continue to load things, it is still a question whether you can go back safely.

Pulling so many goods back with a car and walking thousands of kilometers, the dangers on the road can be imagined.

Although Wang Hu was a seventh-order evolutionary, he knew how dangerous the road was.

"In that case, the sixty-five thousand should be taken to remove my 100,000 arrears. If you count it now, I should owe boss Ye 35 thousand!"

Wang Hu pushed a whole box of crystal nuclei past.


Ye Chu shook his head.

"I believe in Captain Wang's character, so you can still buy these things"

"But, my car can no longer fit!"

Wang Hu said embarrassedly.

"Go, I'll take you to see a good thing!"

Ye Chu said mysteriously.

Upon seeing this, Wang Hu became curious.

Immediately, Ye Chu took Ye Chu to the Jin Gu Cheats Shop.


Wang Hu looked at a small quaint room and asked curiously.

"Does it seem to sell Chinese medicine here?"

Looking at the old cabinets on the left and right, Wang Hu asked suspiciously.

"traditional Chinese medicine?"

Ye Chu rolled his eyes suddenly.

"Ancient warrior knows, right?"

"Of course I know that all the major ancient martial arts families have emerged now. Although those guys can't fly into the sky, they are more difficult to deal with than ordinary evolvers. Those ancient martial arts are simply too powerful!"

"Could it be that……"

Speaking of this, Wang Hu suddenly opened his eyes.

"They are all ancient martial arts secrets?"


Ye Chu snapped his fingers.


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