I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 179: Take out all your pitted babies

"Let's take a look, Guwu Cheats is just such a book, you can take it with you even if you put it in your pocket, but at this price, you have to be mentally prepared!"

Ye Chu smiled.

I saw Wang Hu picking up a book suspiciously.

"Broken Stone Palm, 10,000 energy value?"

"Cultivation Dacheng can split stones and break gold with bare hands?"

But then, Wang Hu groaned.

"This power is somewhat inferior, and now a simple power system evolver can reach this point, this ancient martial arts is still more suitable for ordinary people!"

Ye Chu nodded, Wang Hu's opinion was still in place.

"Since the broken stone palm is inconspicuous, come and see these!"

Ye Chu then took out a copy of other cheats from the cabinet.

"This is a weapon cheat. I think you don't have a suitable weapon yet? Choose a weapon cheat and use a suitable weapon. The power is unimaginable!"

What Ye Chu took was a martial arts secret book called "Sword Double Kill Seven Seven Forty-nine Styles".

This cheat book has average strength and cheap price.

The most important thing is the long name.

Since ancient times, martial arts, the longer the name, the fastest.

This sword double-kill seven-seven-forty-nine style is quite complicated, but many of them are useless moves.

In the eyes of masters, all are flaws.

Even so, there is an advantage to having a long name.

That is forced.

This name is quite compelling.

Sure enough, when Wang Hu saw it, his eyes lit up.

The most important thing is the price of this ancient martial arts secret book, which is just 70,000 yuan.

"That's it!"

Wang Hu chose this ancient martial arts secret book without hesitation.

"My ability is to combine two alien beasts into one, and become a hybrid alien beast, but the duration is relatively short, and what I do best at the moment is to combine the tiger and the wolf into one!"

Wang Hu said without concealment.

"Of course, the two things are combined into one, it's my transformation, not the synthesis of real monsters!"

Ye Chu was relieved immediately.

Because at first, after seeing Wang Hu's ability, Ye Chu thought of the scene where he was in the cloning laboratory, combining other alien beasts into one.

If this King Tiger also had this ability, then it would really be possible to form a powerful alien beast army.

"Since I like it, I will give you a discount, sixty-five thousand and sell it to you!"

Ye Chu said with a smile.

"Really? You are so kind!"

Wang Hu immediately installed the cheat book carefully as if he had won the treasure.

After leaving the Jin Gu Cheats Shop, Wang Hu saw the Alien Science and Technology Park across the road.

Judging from the name, Wang Hu can guess what's inside.

China Resources Supermarket sells daily necessities, firewood, rice, oil and salt.

The CF arsenal is full of munitions.

And in this golden ancient cheat book shop, dare to all be ancient martial arts cheats.

Then in that alien science and technology park...

Thinking of this, Wang Hu thought of a rumor about Ye Chu.

Wang Hu once heard of one thing.

Say there is a person named Ye Chu in the northwest.

A city was bombarded with a single shot of intercontinental missiles.

Most importantly, there is a base in that city.

This is not the base of ordinary people, but the base of Red Gate.

What organization is Red Gate?

That is an organization that only holds the sky in peacetime.

After the end, they are even more powerful than imagined.

But Ye Chu blasted off the opponent's branch base in a moment.

Wang Hu heard that the reason seemed to be that the Red Gate had robbed Ye Chu.

But afterwards, Hongmen was so scared that he didn't even let go.

There are things from the other day.

Since the Red Gate joined the super-evolved organization, their sect owner has changed.

But just a few days ago, the trustworthy sect owner of Red Gate brought people to make trouble.

But Ye Chu killed everyone at the gate of the base.

Wang Hu has always been scornful of such rumors.

He believes that even the official headquarters cannot be so awesome.

What's more, is it a private personal base?

Therefore, from the beginning, Wang Hu maintained a skeptical and contemptuous attitude towards Ye Chu.

Everything was ready to go, Wang Hu got into the car with gratitude.

But Yang Yongxin behind him smiled bitterly.

"That's right, I was chasing after half a day ago and was about to kill me. Now this is a smiling dog face!"

Yang Yongxin cursed secretly behind.

However, through this incident, Yang Yongxin also gained a new understanding of Ye Chu.

Maybe... if Yulin City base is not a bad thing.

Perhaps this is a new starting point.

"Oh! Captain Wang!"

Just when the car was about to start, Ye Chu stopped Wang Hu suddenly.

"You have learned the seven-seven-seven-forty-nine style of double-killing with swords, but it's not a solution without a suitable weapon!"

Ye Chu said with a look of embarrassment.


Wang Hu was also embarrassed.

"Ordinary weapons, I am afraid that even the skin of Tier 2 zombies can't be cut off. When the time is time to learn, it will be for nothing!"

"Here I happen to have a sword and a sword. It seems to echo you. I wonder if you are not interested?"

Ye Chu grinned lightly, showing a wicked smile.

"Oh? Really? Produced by Boss Ye, it is naturally a boutique!"

Wang Hu immediately turned off the car and got off again.

"Of course, both of my weapons are made of high-end alien animal bones. They are extremely sharp and extremely hard!"

Ye Chu waved his hand, and one person walked over with a wooden box.

Looking at the packaging of the wooden box, Wang Hu suddenly brightened his eyes.

With this packaging, even one hundred thousand energy is worth it.

"This is made by me mixing the bones of a different animal and white ape with alloy. Even an ordinary person can cut the skin and flesh of a Tier 5 zombie with bare hands. If you use the sword to kill the seven-seven-forty-nine style , Then even dealing with higher-level monsters is easy!"

Listening to Ye Chu's introduction, Wang Hu immediately touched the sword in the wooden box with both hands with excitement.

"Good things, really good things!"

While sighing, Wang Hu asked with embarrassment.

"This sword, I am afraid it is not cheap!"

"Hehe, good things are naturally not cheap. I put them in the store, and the price for external sales is 150,000 energy values, but if you can trust them, how about I sell you 100,000 energy values?"

Ye Chu said with a painful expression.

"But... I really don't have that much money now!"

Wang Hu's face suddenly changed to the color of pig liver.

This looks good, but I don't have any money. What an uncomfortable feeling.

"Oh! That would be a pity, why don't I keep it for you? Next time you come to pay the loan, I will sell it to you together!"

With that said, Ye Chu "slapped" the wooden box and handed it to the people around him.

Seeing this, Wang Hu couldn't move his eyes.

Immediately, Ye Chu patted Wang Hu on the shoulder.

"Captain Wang, don't read it, go back and practice the ancient martial arts secret book. Next time you come over, maybe you will have a small state, and you will have a suitable weapon!"

Wang Hu nodded reluctantly, then turned and walked into the car.

Seeing Wang Hu turning around, Ye Chu frowned and said in his heart: "No! It's all this time, why don't you turn around?"

Ye Chu actually did it on purpose.

People are like this, if you don't show his favorite things, he won't show his private money out.

Ye Chu stared at Wang Hu's back.

Ye Chu couldn't help sighing when he saw him opening the car door and preparing to get on the car.

"Huh? Is there really nothing good about him?"

When Ye Chu was disappointed, Wang Hu suddenly turned around.

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