I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 213: Gangnam base

The scale of Jiangnan base is much larger than that of Chang'an base.

Because this is a southern city.

So the population is relatively dense.

But at the same time, it is also the most severely affected area.

Because there are so many zombies here that you can't imagine.

Ye Chu couldn't help but have an idea, let Chen Nuo come here to develop the idea.

It's a big city after all.

The competition is great and the way out is great.

Because it was night, the city gate was closed directly.

In desperation, Ye Chu had to open up a luxurious suite underground outside the city and stayed there for the whole night.


And just when Ye Chu was about to rest.

Suddenly heard a violent tremor on the ground.

It's like a thousand horses galloping across the ground.

"Is there a war?"

Ye Chu hurried to the surface, then poked his head out to look outside.

Sure enough, there was an army galloping past outside.

All the ultralight tanks drove forward at extremely fast speeds.

At a glance, there are about twenty cars.

Followed by some light tanks, and heavy tanks.

"This Nima, the tank regiment?"

However, Ye Chu saw countless damages on these tanks.

Some are even being pulled by other tanks and have lost their mobility.

It looked like it had just gone through a great battle and returned in triumph.

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly saw that behind the last heavy tank, there were seven or eight tanks pulling a huge alien beast.

The strange beast is more than ten meters long and weighs hundreds of tons.

It looks like a wild boar.

The hair on his body is as sharp as a steel needle.

In this way, the tank corps pulled the wild boar and the strange animal into the Jiangnan base, and then disappeared.

Stretching his head, Ye Chu looked at the blood and drag marks on the ground.

Then he stretched out his finger and dipped it in blood, put it under his nose and smelled it.

At this moment, Ye Chu saw that the hexagonal crystal meteorite on his body directly sucked the energy in the wild boar blood into it, and then turned it into energy and became Ye Chu's reserve resource.

Just that little blood directly provided Ye Chu's five-point energy value.

If this is to pull the aorta and throw the gem in it, can't it get thousands of energy?

Immediately, Ye Chu lurked forward, and then quietly got into the body of the wild boar.

There are many babies on wild boars.

This wild boar is a very delicious food.

And that pair of sharp horns is the most suitable for weapons.

The wild boar that got into the wild boar soon followed into the Jiangnan base.

Of course, during this process, Ye Chu directly sucked up all the blood in the wild boar.

The blood provided Ye Chu with a total energy value of about 50,000.

This is really a little unexpected gain.

But later, Ye Chu planned to find the crystal nucleus of the wild boar.

It was discovered that the crystal nucleus had been taken away.

This should be a strange beast of rank eight.

If you can get the crystal nucleus, you can also change the energy value of millions.

After entering the Jiangnan base, Ye Chu sneaked away from the wild boar.

Because of martial law at night, Ye Chu immediately found a hotel.

Claiming that he was late to come back outside, Ye Chu opened a room smoothly.

Early the next morning, Jiangnan Base resumed the excitement of yesterday.

After taking out some food from his backpack, Ye Chu left the hotel and started wandering around the Jiangnan base.

Here is the excitement of peacetime.

The crowds coming and going, the vendors shouting on both sides.

All give people a trance that is not the end.

Soon, Ye Chu came to the Civil Affairs Department of Jiangnan Base.

The entire population of the entire Jiangnan base is registered here.

In order to facilitate the population query for the survivors, so as to facilitate the finding of the missing relatives, so here is free to query.

According to Li Meng's news, Ye Chu entered the old man's information.

What makes Ye Chu happy is that this old man is still alive.

However, the situation does not seem to be very good.

According to the information, he lives in a slum in Jiangnan base.

Due to limited resources, some of the survivors who lost their loved ones and were unable to work were placed in shanty towns by the Jiangnan base.

It is the so-called slum.

The people here live on supplies from the base. They have no relatives, so generally no one will come here at all.

Under the low house, sat some languid elderly and children.

Their powerless beggars stretched out their hands to the people who passed by.

Attempt to get help.

However, there are generally very few people here, and they won't give them alms at all.

Maybe they know this situation, but still begging on the roadside with this idea.

Staying at home is also staying, sitting at the door begging, what if someone is lucky?

Walking on a narrow street is actually not a street, but an alley is the most suitable.

In the two-meter-wide alley on the left and right, there are densely packed old people and children, looking very miserable.

According to the address shown in the information, Ye Chu came to a dilapidated colored steel house in the deepest part of the alley.


As soon as I knocked on the door, the door opened.

Suddenly, a rancid smell came over.

Ye Chu immediately frowned and covered his nose and mouth, and then asked, "Is anyone there?"

Quietly inside, Ye Chu didn't go in anxiously, but felt it with mental power.

Because it's so ugly inside.

After searching, Ye Chu found that there was actually someone inside.

Turning on the flashlight and walking in, Ye Chu saw a dilapidated wooden bed in the corner of the wall with a person who could not see clearly.

A bright flashlight projected over, and Ye Chu saw an old man with gray hair lying on the bed.

Had it not been for his ups and downs of breathing, Ye Chu would have thought this person was dead.

"Hello, are you Mr. Hong?"

Ye Chu poked the black glowing quilt and asked.

"Cough cough cough~"

The old man on the bed coughed violently, then fell back and went back to sleep.

Ye Chu felt speechless.

At this moment, I only heard the sound of footsteps outside.

"Grandpa Hong, I'm back!"

An ethereal voice like a cuckoo came from outside.

After looking around, I saw a girl in gray loose clothes walking in with a plastic bag.

Hearing the girl's voice, I saw the old man on the bed jumped out of the bed.

This action is a pity not to go to martial arts.

"Hey! Wine, is there any wine?"

The old man took the plastic bag in the past and pulled it for a while.

But then, seeing that his face went dark, he threw the bag directly on the ground.

"No wine, no food!"

After that, the old man turned sick and lay on the bed.


Ye Chu was speechless.

This old man has a problem.

When is this, you still want to drink and don't see where you are.

The slums, where you can’t even eat enough.

The girl sighed, then picked up the bag on the ground.

Ye Chu saw that the bag was filled with leftovers.

Even if it was soiled, the girl picked them up carefully.

Seeing this, Ye Chu couldn't help but feel sad.

But when the girl raised her head, Ye Chu was taken aback.

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