I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 214: Mysterious old man

"Sister Qianmo?"

What Ye Chu couldn't imagine was that the person in front of him was the Su Qianmo he was looking for.

Last time the Evolutionary Academy and Guwu Academy were killed, and Ye Chu's parents entered the Academy to visit Su Qianmo.

Ye Chu went in desperately to rescue them.

But who knew that his parents and Su Qianmo had disappeared.

His parents were taken away, and Su Qianmo fled and disappeared.

Ye Chu searched hard, but couldn't tell.

Unexpectedly, I saw Su Qianmo here.

"Sister Qianmo, why are you here?"

"Are you... Ye Chu?"

The girl squatting on the ground was taken aback and looked at Ye Chu carefully.

"Ye Chu? Why are you here?"

"Sister Qian Mo, is it really you?"

Ye Chu cried with joy, and pulled Su Qianmo into his arms.

Suddenly, a sour smell came over.

But all of this was diluted by Ye Chu's longing.

"After the Evolver Academy encountered a crisis, where did you go?"

After a long time, Ye Chu and Su Qianmo let go.

"You went to the Evolutionary Academy?"

Su Qianmo asked suspiciously.

"Yeah! My parents went to visit you, but met the Para-evolutionary Organization to isolate the parallel space of the college. I went in with the rescue team from Yanjing City, but found that you escaped, and my parents were also taken away! "

"Hey! A word is hard to say!"

Su Qianmo sighed.

"The super-evolutionary organization invaded the academy. We were all arrested. Uncle and Auntie tried to save me, but they were also arrested. When they were in danger, the two of them used space powers together to teleport me away. I encountered a space storm during the teleportation process, but I survived thanks to this grandfather's rescue."

Su Qianmo looked at this old man.

Ye Chu was immediately stunned.

This Nima hermit master.

First, he gave Li Meng a copy of the Martial God Three Kills, but he didn't expect to be a space evolutionary.

"But my alienation ability was also destroyed in the space storm, and now I am an ordinary person, I can only hide here and live!"

While speaking, Su Qianmo sighed long.

But then he smiled indifferently.

"I'm very satisfied to survive, and I can still meet your stinky brother!"

With that, Su Qianmo touched Ye Chu's hair just like when he was a child.

"It's okay, all bad bad luck is over. From now on, no suffering will accompany you. You protected me when I was young. From now on, I will be your safest harbor!"


Su Qianmo immediately made a disgusting voice.

"Brother smelly never grew up!"

"By the way, what are you doing here?"

Su Qianmo asked suspiciously.

While talking, Ye Chu looked at the old man.

"Passing by Lushan, I defeated the local bandit leader Li Meng. He gave me a copy of ancient martial arts secret book, saying that it was given to him by an old man, because this secret book matches one of the exercises I practiced. I found it!"


I saw the old man jumped up directly from the bed, and then instantly came to Ye Chu.

"What did you just say? The exercises that match you are very similar? What is the name of the exercises you practice?"

Seeing the old man's speed so fast, Ye Chu was secretly alarmed.

However, he didn't tell him directly that the ghost knew whether this old man would kill chickens to get eggs, and kill people to get cheats.

"War God's three kills, the elbow kill is just one of them, and there are two kills?"

Ye Chu confronted the old man.

"War God triple kills, elbow kill, boxing kill, knee kill!"

The old man continued.

"What is the name of the exercise?"

"Lianjin map!"

Ye Chu said every word.


The old man's eyes instantly released a touch of excitement.

After that, the old man looked at Ye Chu from top to bottom, and then made a "tsk tusk" sound.

"Sure enough, you deserve to be a martial arts wizard, how many levels has the Jintu cultivated?"

"Twenty floors!"

Ye Chu answered truthfully.

Because Ye Chu didn't feel hostility on this old man.

"Yes, not bad, and the physical fitness is excellent, and it seems... there is still untapped potential!"

Ye Chu frowned when he heard the old man's words.

This old man is amazing.

Even this can be seen.

But Ye Chu didn't say that, after all, the injection of mutant medicine by himself would cause him a lot of trouble.

The mutation medicine only absorbed 5% and brought about such a huge change. Ye Chu couldn't imagine what changes would happen after all the effects of the medicine were absorbed.

"See you laughing and laughing, like an old naughty boy, thank you for saving my sister, what do you wish for, I can help you complete it!"

Ye Chu said seriously.

But Ye Chu's serious look made the old man laugh.

"Fulfill my wish? Do you know who I am? I should ask you this kid!"

"Well, I want the remaining Valkyrie three kills, boxing kills and knee kills."

Ye Chu's direct look caused the old man's blood to flow back, almost vomiting blood out of anger.

"Good boy, direct enough, so as long as you can buy me a bottle of Erguotou, I will give you a copy!"

The old man said triumphantly.

"As for the remaining one, I can only give you yours and help me complete the remaining one thing, but I can tell you what it is after I think about it!"


A whole box of Erguotou was moved on the table.

"Bring it!"

Ye Chu stretched out his right hand.


The old man looked at a box of Erguotou incredibly.


Another box was moved out.

"If the taste is not right, there is Moutai here!"


The aroma of wine is coming.

The old man couldn't help it anymore, he just tore open the wine box, opened a bottle and began to gurgle.

In just a few seconds, a bottle of spirits entered my stomach.

"Drink, cool! Have a good time!"

The old man made a hearty voice.

"Don't just drink, what if you don't order wine and food!"

The old man looked at it, and saw that the table was already full of snacks like chicken, beef with soy sauce, and peanuts.

Seeing the old man's eyes gleaming, Ye Chu smiled happily, and then threw a Knee Killer over.

Seeing this, Ye Chu was overjoyed.

Valkyrie Triple Kill: Knee Kill

Function: Through special energy operation, it can play an attack ten times the strength of itself.

Introduction: The elbow is like a knife, the knee is like a spear

Maneuvers: top knee, jump knee, drop knee, fly knee

"Sure enough! The simplest move is the biggest ultimate move!"

Let the system learn directly, and Ye Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

There is a final kill in the three battles of the Valkyrie, it seems that you have to flicker a little more to get the last one.

Thinking of this, Ye Chu looked at the old man with a wicked smile.

After he was full, Ye Chu asked with a smile.

"How about? Would you like more?"

"Okay, okay, you can't drink too much at one meal, you have to save it for the next meal, or not!"

The old man waved his hand and said,

"It's okay, too much!"

Ye Chu said, taking out another box.

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