I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 215: Unknown information

The old man patted his chubby belly and looked at Ye Chu with satisfaction.

"You are a good kid, I like it, and you have also cultivated the strength chart and become the descendant of the Valkyrie. Do you want to worship me as a teacher?"

The old man looked like a worldly expert, and said a little arrogantly.

"To be honest, the younger generation is very grateful for your life-saving grace to my sister, but as for the apprenticeship, let's forget it!"

Ye Chu said with an expression of disgust.

"Here, I have a ruthless please..."


Hearing Ye Chu's unwillingness, the old man said with a slight expression on his face.

"You saved my sister, and I plan to take my sister out of here. If you want to go with you, I can guarantee that you will not worry about food and drink in the future, and what you want. If you don’t leave, I can give you a lot of money. Speaking of a lot of food and wine, do you think this will work?"

Hearing Ye Chu's request, the old man raised his eyelid slightly and asked, "Where do you live?"

"Yulin City!"

"It's that... that Yulin City that makes enemies everywhere and knows nothing about life and death?"

The old man frowned and asked.

"Um...I'm in Yulin City, but I haven't made enemies everywhere as you say, I don't know whether to live or die!"

Ye Chu said awkwardly.

"Dare to organize a frontal bar with the super-evolved, and dare not to bird the main base of Yanjing City, do you say that you do not live or die?"

The old man snorted coldly.

"Then I'm going, and someday a missile will come over. Don't I have to follow you? I'm not going!"

"Uncle, with all due respect, now I am confident that there is no such base as safe as my Yulin City. You will know when you go!"

Ye Chu also wanted to dig this old man over.

Even if it is offered as an ancestor.

If one day is really in danger, the old man seems to be very skilled, won't he solve it if he just takes a shot?

This is equivalent to raising a guardian.

In addition, there was still one kill in the three battles of the Warriors. Ye Chu didn't want to just give up.

"Is there enough wine tube?"

The old man asked lightly.

"How about I build a winery for you in the past?"

Ye Chu said directly.

"I don't want people to disturb me, I must be quiet, and don't want me to help you!"

The old man warned directly.

"Just kidding, I think I still have the power to protect myself. In addition, taking you in the past is a blessing. It is purely grateful for your gift of ancient martial arts secrets and your life-saving grace to my sister!"

Seeing Ye Chu's so sincere and confident look, the old man nodded and said with difficulty.

"In this case, I stay here as well, so I'll go to your place.

and also……

Don't you still want my Valkyrie three kills?

You have to do two more things for me. "

"Isn't it a thing?"

Ye Chu was speechless.

"It doesn't count what you just took!"

Seeing the old man cheating, Ye Chu could only express his helplessness.

"Well, as long as I can do it and don't violate worldly morals, I can do it for you!"

Ye Chu first said the rules.

"The first thing is, to find the Valkyrie treasure in the future, you must take me in!"

The old man said seriously to Ye Chu.

Ye Chu was stunned. This old man seemed to be very familiar with the Valkyrie Treasure, and he also knew the Lianjin map, and knew that the Lianjin map was the treasure map.

"I take the liberty to ask, who are you?"

Ye Chu asked cautiously.

"It's about your hammer, don't ask if you shouldn't ask!"

The old man rolled his eyes and said.


Ye Chu nodded repeatedly.

"As long as you find it, I will take you in!"

Having said this, Ye Chu directly used the system to look at the old man.

But when the system fed back the information to himself, Ye Chu suddenly saw the old man staring at him viciously.

"Boy, if there is another time, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Ye Chu's heart was shocked.

This is the first person who can feel the system scanning.

"Who is he!"

With just this, Ye Chu immediately dispelled his plan to explore his thoughts with the ghost Xiaoqiang clone.

"This person is terrible!"

It's just that the system also got information from the prying just now.

Although it was found, it was worth it.

Name: Unnamed

Strength: unknown

Ability: unknown

Background: unknown

"My Cao!"

Ye Chu looked at this blank piece of information.

"What kind of information is this? Can't even the system see his information?"

"Hint: The scan target does not belong to the current time and space!"

Immediately afterwards, the system gave a prompt again.

"Doesn't belong to the current time and space?"

Ye Chu fell silent immediately.

It is time and space, not space.

Ye Chu suddenly thought of his own time ability.

The time ability reminds that the current time and space that humans are in is actually a past tense.

The sunlight we see is not the first time.

How many light years have passed since he was projected here.

So how far is it from us in the true first time and space?

And this old man, he is not a person in this time and space, but a person in that time and space?

Ye Chu took a deep breath, then looked at the old man solemnly.

The old man seemed to feel his gaze, but he only glanced back, but there was a sharp warning smell in his eyes.

Ye Chu nodded silently, indicating that he would not talk nonsense in the future.

Then he asked: "What about your last request?"

The old man did not speak, but took out a photo.

"Help me find these two people!"

Ye Chu looked at it.

I saw two girls in the picture. One girl was wearing a police uniform and the other was wearing a nurse uniform.

The two girls look exactly the same, they should be twins.

But why does that nurse look so familiar?

"Who are these two girls?"

Ye Chu asked curiously.

"My granddaughter!"

The old man said lightly.

"Oh, that's not bad! There are such beautiful granddaughters, what are their names?"

Ye Chu said with a chuckle.

"If you find it, can you introduce it to me? I'm still single now."


The old man shouted directly.

"Don't think labor and management don't know, I don't know how many you keep in the base?"

"do you know?"

Ye Chu looked at the old man suspiciously.

But the old man's face changed slightly, and then pretending to be a deep city, he said, "It's all men, don't I know who you are?"

Seeing the old man's appearance, Ye Chu knew that this old man became more and more difficult.

He may have a special ability to see other people's things.

But then Ye Chu was relieved.

Because the system has said, he may not be in this time and space.

If it is a person who is over time, it is a person from the future.

People in the future must know the things of people in the past.

"My sister is the nurse named Li Chanchan, and my sister is the policeman named Li Juanjuan!"


Ye Chu was surprised.

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