I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 225: Tinkerbell

When Ye Chu left, he left a book of I Ching Jin for their village.

Because they weren't evolutionaries, to help them, Ye Chu left a book of Yijingjin.

But who knows, after so much time, they actually walked out of the mountain.

And each became an ancient warrior.

"How come you join the Chang'an General Base!"

Ye Chu looked at the petite Dingdong, then put his hands on Dingdong's shoulders, and punched a soul cockroach into Dingdang's body.

Feeling the pure inner thoughts of Tinker Bell, Ye Chu immediately relieved his heart.

"These people are all survivors in the Sichuan-Liangshan Mountains. After you left last time, our village was attacked by alien beasts. When we hid in the refuge and escaped from the alien beasts, we began to practice the ancient Wu..."

Xiao Dingdong explained.

"And my grandfather also left in that attack..."

Having said that, Tinkerbell lowered his head sadly.

After a while, Ding Dong looked up again firmly.

"Later, we thought it was not a problem to stay in the mountains all the time, so we prepared to come out. I met many survivors on the way, and I taught them Yi Jingjin. Now they are all ancient warriors!"

As he said, Xiao Dingdong looked at the simple Chuanliang people behind him.

Seeing this, Ye Chu nodded with satisfaction.

"Don't leave in the future, just stay here, this is your future home!"


But at this moment, only a huge fireball fell from the sky and hit the energy shield of Yulin City.

Seeing sparks in the sky, Ding Dong suddenly turned around, and then said to more than a thousand people behind him.

"Have you heard? Starting today, this is our home. Are we going to protect our home?"

"Yes! Guard our home!"

"Death to protect the homeland!"


More than a thousand people immediately picked up the weapons in their hands and began to roar loudly.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chu burst into tears.

On this matter, Ye Chu received a long-lost system prompt.

"Didi! Congratulations to the host for completing the side mission, the base has expanded, the number of the base has reached one million, and a special gift package will be awarded!"

While walking towards the city wall, Ye Chu opened the special gift package.

When he came to the city wall, Ye Chuduan sat on the city wall, and then the people looking at Cao Tianniu below were ready to attack.

The elemental evolutionists are in the back row, and the ancient warriors, body mutation and other evolutionists are all standing in the front row.

Seeing this, Ye Chu couldn't help but sneered, and then looked at Zhuge Yi.

"Let me see how the training results of our base are going!"

"Haha! No problem!"

Zhuge Yi smiled confidently.

Immediately, Ye Chu took out a big speaker.

"Boom boom boom!"

Ye Chu patted his horn.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Ahem! Warning, you have now stepped into the territory of my Yulin City, please leave here immediately, otherwise, we will take compulsory expulsion methods against you!"

"Warning, you have now stepped into the territory of my Yulin City, please leave here immediately, otherwise, we will take compulsory expulsion measures against you!"


Ye Chu said it three times in a row.

"Warning Nima!"

Cao Tianniu scolded immediately.

"Smash their tortoise cover for me!"

Immediately, I saw the elemental evolver behind began to perform abilities.

Suddenly, in the air below, various elements began to converge.

A huge fireball is suspended in the air, and ice thorns more than ten meters long are condensed in the air...

Seeing this, Zhuge Yi picked up the walkie-talkie calmly and said, "Put away the energy shield, Johnson is ready!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"


Johnson's voice came from the intercom.

"Do it!"

Ten seconds later, as the energy cover closed, Zhuge Yi said coldly.

Bang bang bang!

With successive gunshots sounding, Ye Chu saw dozens of element evolutionists in the back row of the opponent falling down.

And the fireballs, ice thorns, and other attack methods they just condensed just exploded in mid-air because they lost control.

Boom boom boom!

In mid-air, the collision of colored energy is as beautiful as gorgeous fireworks.

"The Cobra armored vehicle is ready!"

Zhuge Yi commanded methodically.

Immediately, I saw passages appearing on the ground under the city wall.

The roar of the armored vehicle came out from inside.

I saw a row of twenty armored vehicles neatly appearing under the city wall.

The armored vehicle is equipped with a Cobra long-range sniper cannon.


Five people operate the armored vehicle, following an order.


The thick sniper barrel shrank sharply, and then fired a powerful sniper shell.

The sniper projectile has a straight range of more than 10,000 meters.

And has a strong penetrating effect.

Twenty sniper projectiles were shot out.

Twenty rows of evolutionaries fell instantly.

Those who stood in a line were all pierced by sniper bullets.

After an attack, the armored vehicle slowly returned to the ground.

Under the city wall, it was restored as before.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Seeing the fallen evolutionary, Cao Tianniu immediately called people to retreat.

After maintaining a certain formation with Ye Chu, Cao Tianniu yelled to Ye Chu.

"Ye Chu, if you or him are a man, you should go head-to-head with labor and capital. Before the two armies, there is a one-on-one fight, two wins in three rounds. As long as you can win labor and capital, all the goods in your branch, I Give it back to you!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu suddenly became interested.

"Okay! This is what you said, but if you dare to shame if I win, I promise you won't leave here alive today!"

Ye Chu stood up.

It just so happens that you can also experiment with the results of the Jiwu Project.

After seeing Ye Chu's unification, Cao Tianniu discharged an evolutionary.

Ye Chu looked at it, but found that this evolutionary was also a seventh-order evolutionary.

The seventh-order evolutionists are now considered masters, no matter where they are, they are top-notch.

Name: Wang Chuang

Strength: Seventh-order evolutionary

Ability: mind control

Background: A member of the "Dove Occupying Magpie's Nest Project"

"It's really generous!"

Ye Chu sneered again and again, then said.

"Tang Puppet!"


There was a sound of dragging iron chains, and I saw Tang Puppet wearing a black robe slowly walking over.

Because Tang Puppet is a living corpse, Ye Chu didn't ask him to do anything, but was immersed in cultivation.

Now that such a long time has passed, Tang Puppet's cultivation base has reached the sixth rank.

Probably there is no cultivation system for living corpses in this world.

Therefore, the system automatically classifies Tang Puppets according to the evolutionary system.

Name: Tang Puppet

Strength: Sixth-level lower

Abilities: Soul Lock, Bloodthirsty, Chain Kill, Soul Calming, Coffin Corpse, Corpse Melt

Origin: A mysterious corpse from five hundred years ago was called a living corpse due to the influence of the virus.

Note: Sign a soul contract with the host and never betray.

Tang Puppet's main method of attack was the iron chain in his hand and the sarcophagus behind him.

Because Tang Puppet is a living corpse, there is no spirit, and there is no need to worry about Wang Chuang, a spiritual evolutionary.

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