I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 226: Cao Tianniu

Seeing Tang Puppet walk down slowly, the think tank below Zhang Jin suddenly raised his brows.

Because the Tang puppet in front of him was the most important experimental object of their Red Door.

Who ever wanted to be taken away by Ye Chu.

Later, because of the death of Hongmen Xiang Lei Xiao, Hongmen's living corpse research project was forced to suspend.

When Zhang Jin saw Tang Puppet, he already had an answer to the battle.

"Give up, Wang Chuang is not his opponent!"

Zhang Jin discouraged Cao Tianniu.

"Made, which side are you on!"

Cao Tianniu cursed directly.

"Before you start, you can let Lao Tzu count, where should I put Lao Tzu's face! Now, Wang Chuang is a spiritual evolutionary. Who is the opponent?"

"You don't know, the other party is not a person, he doesn't have energy at all, you let Wang Chong go up to death, let him come back quickly, so as not to cause unnecessary losses!"

Zhang Jin tried his best to persuade.

But Cao Tianniu didn't listen at all.


The iron chain rubbed the ground.

The wind screamed, and the **** smell of the people who had just been killed immediately filled the surroundings.

Wang Chuang suddenly frowned.

Because when Tang Puppet appeared, he had already scanned it with spirit.

What surprised Wang Chuang was that he didn't even inspect Tang Puppet to show signs of mental fluctuations.

Wang Chuang suddenly felt flustered.

Because this is the first time since he became an evolutionary that he has not sensed mental fluctuations from a person.

Without mental fluctuations, he would not be able to resonate and make attacks.

Could it be that, go up and hammer his chest with a small fist?


I saw Tang Gou's iron chain twitching, like a demon snake biting towards the king.

At the same time, there was a black mist surging on the iron chain, which looked terrifying.

Seeing the iron chain hit, Wang Chuang immediately mobilized his mental power, and then rushed towards Tang Puppet in the form of covering.

Although he didn't feel Tang Puppet's mental fluctuations, Tang Puppet couldn't avoid such a covering attack.

The speed of mental attack is extremely fast, even faster than Tang Puppet's speed.

But the next moment, Wang Chuang was stunned.

Because the spirit swept Tang Puppet, Tang Puppet didn't even react at all.


When Wang Chuang was stunned, the iron chain penetrated directly through his body, and then, black energy poured into Wang Chuang's body along with the iron chain.


The chain shrank, pulling Wang Chuang to fly towards Tang Puppet.


Immediately, Tang Gu pulled the sarcophagus behind him from his back.


The sarcophagus opened and Wang Chuang's body fell directly into it.

After doing all this, Tang Puppet put on the sarcophagus again and walked into the city.

In the eyes of outsiders, Wang Chuang didn't seem to make any moves.

It seemed that he was stupid and stupefied standing where he was hooked away.

"My Cao! Wang Chuang!"

Cao Tianniu was furious at once, then turned around and shouted angrily at this Jin.

"Do you know that person, why didn't you say it earlier!"


Zhang Jin grinned, he really didn't have the energy to explain to Cao Tianniu.

Staying next to Cao Tianniu, Zhang Jin felt that his whole person was hollowed out, as if he was facing a fool every day.

You tried to talk to him about geometry, but this idiot would only be bang bang bang, and in the end he hated your bad words.

The death of Wang Chuang stimulated Cao Tianniu.

At the next moment, I saw Cao Tianniu coldly saying, "Release the sky pig!"

"You are crazy! This will expose our identity!"

Zhang Jin was shocked, and quickly stopped.

"Fear of a bird, release the sky pig and take the opportunity to directly flatten Yulin City. Who knows then!"

Cao Tianniu ignored Zhang Jin at all.

As everyone knows, the super-evolutionary organization specifically asked Zhang Jin to assist Cao Tianniu.

But Cao Tianniu seemed to be A Dou who couldn't help, and didn't listen to Zhang Jin's words at all.

"Otherwise, we will send the 27th to see who Ye Chu will send this time!"

Hearing the words of Changjin, Cao Tianniu nodded in agreement.

"A good way, see how Ye Chu responds this time!"

At this time, Ye Chu was sitting in a chair, studying the special gift package he had just received.

"Didi! Do you want to open the special gift package?"

"Huh? Didn't I remember that your previous prompt sound was not Dingdong? Why did it become Didi?"

Ye Chu asked suspiciously.

"This is a deliberate change to avoid causing the host's hearing fatigue!"

"Didi! Open the special gift package. Congratulations to the host for gaining access to the store once, with an energy value of 100w, and an advanced weapon iron-blood mace!"

Three things, the most eye-catching is the one million energy value.

Because Ye Chu is currently short of energy.

One by one, Ye Chu found that the other two things were much more precious than one million energy.

Store extension permissions: The store range can be extended to one kilometer. Within one kilometer, the host is in an invincible state.

Ye Chu's previous invincible state was limited to the shop.

But now, this permission can extend the invincibility range to one kilometer.

Immediately, Ye Chubian prepared to use the authority directly.

But at this moment, Ye Chu suddenly lit up.

This authority is absolutely invincible, Ye Chu must make good use of it.

Thinking of this, Ye Chu asked the system: "Can you move the location of the store now?"

"Yes, but you need to consume a certain amount of demolition expenses!"

Hearing that he could move, Ye Chu immediately thought of the two Buddha eyes in his bedroom.

The Buddha's eyes are a gem of space.

There is exactly one kilometer range inside.

And now Ye Chu has built what he wants.

"If the shop is moved here, then I will carry my shop with me!"

This sudden thought made Ye Chu very excited.

Afterwards, I saw that Cao Tianniu's team had stepped out of a strange evolutionary.

When Ye Chu saw the monster, he immediately sat up.

"How could it be him?"

"Boss, do you know this monster?"

Zhuge Yi asked suspiciously.


Ye Chu said solemnly.

"Unexpectedly, the ultra-evolved organization sent these terrifying guys!"

"What is this monster?"

Zhuge Yi asked.

"The Devourer!"

Ye Chu said slowly.

After looking at it, the person's information immediately appeared in his mind.

Name: Ren Langtao

Strength: Tier 6 Advanced Devourer

Abilities: Devour, Evolve, Hunt, Beast War

Background: The physical education teacher of the key middle school in C city became the Devourer due to inhalation of the mutant virus drug. However, maintaining the wisdom and memory, the super-evolutionary organization No. 27 Devourer.

Two identities, one is his previous background and the other is his current background.

The person in front of him was the physical education teacher Ye Chu had seen in City C to protect students from evacuation.

When he became the Devourer, he was taken away by the Superevolutionary Organization.

These devourers can swallow the target and obtain the ability in the target body to use for their own use.

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