I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 229: Transfer shop

After all the shops were transferred, Ye Chu directly used the shops to extend the permissions.

"Didi! The store's range has been successfully expanded, the range is one kilometer, and the host is invincible within the range!"

Hearing the system prompt, Ye Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, the twenty Aegis heavy tanks began to strike together.

When he came outside quickly, Ye Chu looked around.

I saw hundreds of missiles fired together, bombarding the white pigs all at once.

At this moment, the white pig was shaking all over.

The white hairs on the back, like steel pins, were fired all at once, densely packed with thousands of them.

Boom boom boom!

The missiles that were launched together were directly intercepted by these white hairs like steel needles in mid-air.

After the explosion, the white pig was unscathed.

This principle is the same as modern air defense technology.

Coverage attack directly explodes the missile in the air.


Cao Tianniu laughed proudly.

"I tell you, bullets can't penetrate the white pig's skin, and the missile can't hit the white pig. Give up resistance and bear the trembling from the white pig!"

With that, Cao Tianniu pointed at Yulin City, and said fiercely.

"White pig, flatten everything in front of you!"


The white pig made an excited sound.

Immediately, the white pig's nostrils emitted bursts of white air, and then his entire body pressed towards Yulin City like a large mountain.

"Open the energy shield!"

Zhuge Yi coldly ordered.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Zhang Jin looked at all this in surprise.

The white pig pressed over like a Taishan mountain, but everyone on the wall did not retreat!

This powerful discipline and ethos made Zhang Jin's impression of Yulin City radically changed.


The white pig slammed into it.

But when it was 500 meters away from the city gate, it was installed on an invisible wall.

Suddenly, a light blue energy shield emerged.


As if dissatisfied with the obstacles in front of him, the white pig kept arching the energy mask with its sharp fangs and pig nose.

This should be the "invincible pig arch" for the white pig.

With every attack, the energy shield will light up.

With constant and frequent attacks.

People saw bursts of cracks in the energy shield.

The sound of glass shattering kept in mid-air, and everyone became nervous with this sound.


Just when the energy shield was about to shatter, Cao Tianniu suddenly stopped the white pig.

"Listen to the people inside. I know that many of you have just joined Yulin City. Now I give you a chance to walk out of it and join the Changan General Base. Otherwise, Yulin City will be attacked for a while, and you will all resist. The person is on the way!"

Hearing the voice of Cao Tianniu, the personal base leaders standing on the city wall who had just chosen to join Yulin City immediately shook.

"That, Boss Ye, didn't we say it before? At the critical moment, you respect our choice!"

One of the base leaders looked at Ye Chu embarrassedly.

Ye Chu suddenly laughed while sitting on the chair.

"Of course, Ye Chu's words still count!"

The reason why Ye Chu wanted them to join desperately was to complete this side task.

Now that this side task has been completed, Ye Chu doesn't bother them at all.

It's just these walls and grass, it's good to go.

"Boss Ye, what you said is true?"

The leaders of these personal bases asked uncertainly.

"Of course, when did I, Ye Chu, haven't said anything?"

Ye Chu stood up and said.

"Open the door and send the leaders away!"

With an order, the city gate opened.

The leaders of these personal bases all ran to Cao Tianniu and the others.

More than 200,000 people have walked in this walk.

"Hey! Is there anyone left? If not, I will close the door!"

Ye Chu shouted at the people in the city.

This voice passed, and some people who were originally uncertain immediately packed up and all followed and left.

The number of people watching the system statistics keeps on decreasing.

When it dropped to half a million, the number stopped.

More than half a million people walked.

Looking at the crowds of people outside, Ye Chu shouted loudly.

"close the door!"


The door made a harsh sound.

This voice seemed to be a roar that Ye Chu completely broke off relations with these people.

"This... why did Ye Chu let these people go!"

Zhang Jin asked Leng Yun in a low voice, somewhat puzzled.

"You don't know the leader, let alone Yulin City!"

Leng Yun looked at the 500,000 people left behind.

These people are all people who spill their blood and sweat on this place, and here is their root and home.

"Very good! Is there no one anymore? If there is no one, I will represent Yanjing City and flatten Yulin City!"

Seeing that half a million people turned out, Cao Tianniu's confidence swelled to an unimaginable level.

The underwhelming crowd gave Cao Tianniu extremely strong confidence.

"White Pig! Level this city for me!"

With an order, Bai Zhu made a humming sound, and then rushed towards Yulin City again.

But at this moment, I saw Ye Chu slowly take off his coat, revealing a black emptiness black gold armor inside.

Behind him, the red cloak danced with the wind, and on the left and right sides, twelve golden hairpins, Tang puppets, Dao Feng, Johnson, Zhuge Yi and others stood behind in a staggered manner.

These people are the backbone of Yulin City.

At this moment, Ye Chu slowly stretched out his right hand, and then slightly shook his index and middle fingers. These people immediately climbed down from the city wall and rushed towards Cao Tianniu and others.


The white pig slammed into the energy shield, and the energy shield shattered.

At this moment, Ye Chu took out the ETA gem from his arms and pointed it at the white pig.


A red eta ray shot out, directly hitting the white pig.

"Uh uh uh~"

The white pig let out a scream, and his whole body fell directly to the ground.

The ground rumbling like an earthquake.

Eta rays, causing 80% damage to any target.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Chu shouted: "Fu Lu baby, give it to me!"

Ye Chu's voice lags behind, and only a black shadow grows rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it increased to several tens of meters.

Although there is still some gap with white pigs, this size is more than enough to deal with white pigs with only 20% of their lives left.

Fu Luwa: The seventh-order lower devourer

Abilities: Entangling, assassinating, corrosive liquid, flame jet, incorruptible body, body size, laser eye, wind ear...

Background: Affected by the Gourd Baby TV series, all the abilities similar to the seven Gourd Baby will be combined into the Gourd Little King Kong.

Note: Affected by the clone cabin, it has been automatically recognized as the owner.

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