I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 230: Opened a branch in Yulin City


Fu Luwa opened her mouth wide, and her two tongues shot out directly.

A flame and a corrosive liquid directly hit the white pig.

Suddenly, the white pig's white body was burnt to pitch black.

Even the original hard fur, after being exposed to corrosive liquid, gave up a burst of white smoke.

This was not over yet, and immediately, I saw Fu Luwa's eyes suddenly turned red.

Immediately afterwards, two red rays shot out from Fu Luwa's eyes.

The white pig struggled violently, and the two rays even shot on the white pig's thigh without causing fatal injuries.

With this set of attacks, the White Pig was directly disabled.

"Last blow! I'll have roasted white pig tonight!"

Ye Chu spread his wings and flew away in the air.

In the next moment, the black gold armor on his body rushed towards his right hand.

Not long after, a whole set of void black gold weighing a thousand catties formed a huge hammer.

Clenching the hammer with both hands, Ye Chu circulated the Jintu and Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong, and then slammed the white pig on the head.


Cao Tianniu let out an unwilling roar.

But everything is too late.

The huge void black gold hammer smashed down fiercely.

The white pig's head was hit directly, the red and white splashed around, and then a crystal nucleus rolled out.

After taking a picture of the void, the crystal core started, Ye Chu said to Fu Luwa.

"Child, you eat first, have you heard something for us?"

Fluwa was overjoyed, and then quickly shrunk, and her big mouth went into the white pig's head.

After finally solving the white pig, Ye Chu set his eyes on Cao Tianniu.

"Humph! Do you think you can catch me if you kill the white pig?"

Cao Tianniu let out a cold snort, and his whole person quickly grew bigger, turning into a giant five or six meters tall.

Cao Tianniu's muscles were tense, then he clenched his fists, punched Ye Chu and smashed it down.

"Bull Bull Fist!"

The huge fist was like a bright car, and fell to Ye Chu.

But at this moment, Ye Chu's heart moved, and the ground rolled over, and several earth dragons rushed towards Ye Chu from the ground.

I saw that Ye Chu's body was quickly wrapped in mud, and then he also turned into a giant of five or six meters.


The two fists collided.

Ye Chu's right fist directly fell off the mud, and the entire mud right arm was knocked off.

And Cao Tianniu was not well, and the whole person stepped back.


Cao Tianniu looked up to the sky and roared, Ye Chu obviously felt a tyrannical force rising in Cao Tianniu.

In the next moment, Cao Tianniu's whole person became extremely irritable, even his attack power and speed became stronger and stronger.


I saw Cao Tianniu on all fours and turned into a pure black bull.

"Incarnation of a longicorn!"

Seeing this, Ye Chu took out the Buddha Eye Orb and threw it directly out.

Two orbs were suspended in the air, and the two rays of light collided in the air.

A portal slowly appeared in the air.

But Cao Tianniu didn't know at all, and rushed over with all his strength.

When Cao Tianniu collided with the portal, the entire huge figure was directly taken in.

Cao Tianniu's sudden disappearance left everyone in a daze.

The world seemed to quiet down suddenly.

Below, the people brought by Cao Tianniu were all killed by Ye Chu's people.

Withdrawing the Buddha's eyes, Ye Chu slowly turned around, and then returned to the city wall again.

In the Buddha's eye space, with a thought, Ye Chu fixed Cao Tianniu in place, preventing him from moving at all.

At this moment, all the people brought by Cao Tianniu were killed except Zhang Jin.

And below, the half a million people who fled Yulin City just now stood still at a loss.

At this moment, the leader of a personal base rushed towards the city gate.

"Boss Ye, open the door! Let's go in!"

"The leader opened the door. We were forced to let us in!"

"Boss Ye, we were joking just now, please let us in!"


Hundreds of thousands of people kept praying to Ye Chu.

At this moment, Ye Chu appeared on the wall.

Condescendingly looked at everyone below.

Ye Chu said without emotion.

"Everyone, go to the other side of the road. We don't welcome wall grass in Yulin City. Where do you go, where do you go, where you can stay cool!"

"Fuck off!"

Ye Chu didn't give these people any face.

"Tui! What kind of cow?"

"Yes, what's the air, so many of us, are you afraid that we don't have a base?"

"That is, even if so many of us build a base alone, we can compare those large bases!"

"Five hundred thousand people, if we work together, we will definitely become a base comparable to the official base. If everyone is willing, I will be the leader and let me lead everyone to the top!"

"I'm here to be the leader, I know there is an abandoned base nearby, let's go there!"

"Fuck, I am a Tier 6 evolutionary, do you have me as good as me?"


What matter hasn't settled yet, these people actually fought because of a leader position.

Seeing this scene, the others shook their heads helplessly.

There are half a million people, and there are many people who can see the situation clearly.

They were really scared before, so a big white pig attacked and asked which base could hold it.

People are not for themselves, and the earth is destroyed, so they have the idea of ​​running away.

But now, they obviously can't enter Yulin City.

Now only if you continue to join the Chang'an base can you hope to survive.

It is not far from the Chang'an General Base.

Some people immediately organized and rushed to Chang'an General Base.

In this regard, Ye Chu did not stop them.

The side task has been completed.

And Ye Chu also had a new direction for future development.

After all 500,000 people left, Ye Chu gave an order and started to clean up the mess outside the city.

Moreover, Ye Chu directly asked people to demolish the surrounding buildings.

These buildings were originally prepared for those personal bases.

When it was built, it was relatively crude.

Now that it is directly demolished, Ye Chu intends to build a defensive line.

This line of defense will directly encircle Yulin City and become Ye Chu's most important line of defense against the enemy.

The defensive line is still divided into inner and outer cities according to the previous construction.

As for the location of the original supermarket, Ye Chu directly built it into a warehouse.

Now supermarkets and other shops are installed in the Buddha’s eye space, making it very inconvenient to pick up the goods.

So Ye Chu can only store the goods in the original supermarket.

But this is very troublesome.

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly thought of a way.

Now the shops are installed in the Buddha's eye space, which is completely different from the real space.

"So, why can't you open a branch in Yulin City?"

Ye Chuke still remembered his mission, which was to open ten branches.

Now the Chang'an branch is closed, and Ye Chu has no branch.

If you open a branch in your own base, won't all the problems be solved?

"Haha, I am really a genius!"

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