I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 231: Imagination about Buddha's Eye Space

The transfer fees for several shops directly consumed all of Ye Chu's reserve energy.

The energy value left now is only enough to build a supermarket branch.

Of course, the supermarket built by Ye Chu is the largest supermarket.

As for the branches of other stores, Ye Chu plans to save for a while to open.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. Ye Chu knows that the people in Yanjing City must already know everything here.

The people in Yanjing City are not stupid. After this war, they must have seen that Cao Tianniu is a member of the super-evolved organization.

Otherwise, if they were really from Yanjing City, then they would definitely not give up and come to hold them accountable.

But after so long, there is still no movement in Yanjing City, indicating that they already know all this.

As for Cao Tianniu, Ye Chu directly shut him in the Buddha's eye space and hungry for half a month.

When he came to the Buddha's eye space, Ye Chu saw that Cao Tianniu was dying of hunger.

The evolvers are also humans, and they also need to eat, especially the evolvers with this physique abnormality, they need more food.

"Please, give me something to eat, I'm almost starving to death!"

After seeing Ye Chu coming in, Cao Tianniu immediately pleaded bitterly, completely without the arrogance and arrogance before.

"Let's talk about it, what is going on with your plan to occupy the magpie's nest?"

Ye Chu sat on the chair and looked at Cao Tianniu from a distance, gnawing on a roast pig's feet in his hand.


Cao Tianniu couldn't help swallowing saliva.

"Can't say it, I will die if I say it!"

Cao Tianniu looked at the roast pig's feet and couldn't restrain his appetite, begging.

"If you don't say you will die, if you say you still have the hope of living, and you can have a full meal, choose yourself. If you don't say it, I will leave. You continue to be hungry here, waiting for what to say , I'll come in again!"


Ye Chu lost the roast pig's knuckles.

But the roasted pig's feet fell one meter away from Cao Tianniu.

Because he was tied up, he couldn't move his hands and feet, so he watched the roast pig's feet close in front of him and couldn't eat it.

"I said, I said..."

Cao Tianniu couldn't help it anymore, and said with a cry.

In fact, Ye Chu didn't want to talk nonsense with him.

But this guy is a seventh-order evolutionary, even if the soul Xiaoqiang is beaten into his body, he will have extremely strong resistance. Whether he can succeed is still two different things.

"Say it!"

Ye Chu sat down again.

"You give me some food first, and I will tell you one bite!"

Cao Tianniu said while keeping Hara.

Seeing this, Ye Chu couldn't help but sneered. The super-evolved organization didn't know what it thought, how could such a person participate in such an extremely secretive plan.

Seeing this, Ye Chu kicked the pig's hoof directly, and then untied his body with a thought.

Here, Ye Chu doesn't need to worry.

Because here, Ye Chu is an invincible existence.

After loosening the rope, Cao Tianniu loosened his muscles and bones, then suddenly raised his head and sneered at Ye Chu.

Immediately, Cao Tianniu walked over, then picked up the subject, and began to eat without even taking the dirt on it.

Seeing the appearance of Cao Tianniu, Ye Chu knew that this guy was ready to resist.

Sure enough, after eating the whole trotters, Cao Tianniu turned into a long-horned beetle and rushed towards Ye Chu again.

I saw that Ye Chu didn't dodge, and slapped him with his right hand.

The huge black longicorn was directly slapped and slapped.


Cao Tianniu returned to his original shape after landing.

Seeing this, Ye Chu moved Cao Tianniu over again.

"Give you one last chance. To be honest, I am actually not interested in what your doves occupy the magpie's nest.

Ye Chu said impatiently.

Seeing Ye Chu's expression, Cao Tianniu also knew that Ye Chu had really moved to kill.

He still couldn't understand why he couldn't resist in this place and in front of Ye Chu anyway?

The kind of coercion on Ye Chu made Cao Tianniu unable to resist.

"I don't know, this project of doves occupying the magpie's nest is carried out in groups, and we don't know who it is. There are ten people in our group. The targets are Chang'an Base and your Yulin City!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu frowned.

"You mean, there are also members of the Dove Occupying Magpie's Nest Project in my Yulin City?"

"Yes! But I really don't know who it is. We all signed a non-disclosure agreement, and it is a contractual non-disclosure agreement. If you say it, you will die..."

Having said this, Cao Tianniu's eyes were rounded, and then his mouth foamed, and his whole body began to swell.

It's like a balloon.

Slowly, slowly, Ye Chu frowned, as if he would explode in the next moment.

In this case, it seems that the contract has come into effect.


Cao Tianniu's whole body exploded directly, and he couldn't die anymore.

After tidying up here, Ye Chu left here.

After a battle with Cao Tianniu, Ye Chu suddenly thought that he had a magic weapon that would turn the Buddha's eye space into an invincible weapon.

The portal that the light of the Buddha's eyes intersects and produces can be called the gate of hell.

As long as you enter, you will enter Ye Chu's hell.

But the premise is that the target needs to enter by itself.

Is there any way to force the goal in?

This is a difficult problem.

For example, the Zijin gourd in Journey to the West is equipped with a sound sensing system, and it will be activated directly when the name is heard, the target is sucked in, and then turned into thick water.

Then can Ye Chu put two Buddha eyes on a certain thing, and then this thing has a special ability that can be forced into the target?

Entering the Alien Science and Technology Park, Ye Chu started to stroll around.

Ye Chu's initial idea was to install a powerful suction system, which will generate a powerful suction power to **** the target in.

But later I thought about this idea as unrealistic.

Because there is no such thing as a device that generates strong suction.

Even if it does, a powerful engine is needed.

"Apart from sucking him in, what else can I do to get him in?"

Ye Chu suddenly fell into a problem.

With two Buddha eyes in his hand, Ye Chu walked on the street alone.

There are very few people on the street, because most people have gone to build the city wall.

The scale of this city wall is about 20 meters, and there are attack points inside the wall. Once it is built, there is no need to worry about being attacked by the enemy.

Unconsciously, Ye Chu came to a school.

"Lingwu Academy?"

Looking at this rather large and strictly guarded school, Ye Chu suddenly became interested.

He walked straight, but before Ye Chu stepped into the school, he was stopped by the guard at the door.

After looking at it, Ye Chu was shocked to find that even the guards of the academy were masters from Lingwu Pavilion.

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