I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 232: Lingwu College


Two Lingwu guards walked over immediately, and then blocked Ye Chu's way.

But when they saw Ye Chu's face, they suddenly took a step back in shock.


"Do your job well, I'll go in and stroll around!"

Ye Chu waved his hand, then walked straight in.

The school is very big, and Ye Chu looks around like a curious baby.


Suddenly, someone rushed out from behind Ye Chu, then patted Ye Chu on the shoulder.

Turning his head suddenly, Ye Chu found a girl in sportswear appeared behind him.

The girl, about twenty-three or four years old, walked to Ye Chu's left side with a familiar face.

"Are you the new teacher? Go, I'll take you to transfer campus!"

With that, the girl took Ye Chu and walked into the campus.

Following this girl for a stroll, Ye Chu discovered that this was actually a school for training all the first awakening abilities and learning ancient martial arts in Yulin City Base.

"When will an ancient martial arts academy be created? There is something interesting!"

Ye Chu looked at the construction of this campus with satisfaction.

"The principal said, after the new teacher comes, let me take you around first, and then take you directly to your classroom to see the hordes of beasts you will teach in the future!"

The girl was very sunny and hearty, with a natural look, which made Ye Chu feel good.

"The school district of the ancient warrior and the school district of the evolver are not together. There is a wall in the middle. You are leading a class of junior evolvers, some of the evolving beasts who have just awakened, all fourteen or five years old, very rebellious. I know if you can manage it!"

The girl said worriedly.

"By the way! I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Gao Tiantian, what is your name!"

"My name is... Ye Chu!"

Ye Chu said with a smile.

But when Ye Chu thought that this girl would suddenly realize, and then looked at him in surprise, Ye Chu found that the girl just scratched her head in confusion, and then muttered.

"Ye Chu? It seems to have heard of it somewhere, but where it came from, it seems to have forgotten!"

Seeing Gao Tiantian's lovely appearance, Ye Chu suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

Gao Tiantian pouted and looked at Ye Chu complaining.

"I can tell you, put away your thoughts, I now have a master of famous flowers, do you know who my boyfriend is? My boyfriend is the leader of our Yulin City."

At this point, Gao Tiantian looked into the distance with a nympho.

"He is a hero, a superhero, if I could marry him, that would be great!"

Afterwards, Gao Tiantian recovered quickly, and said righteously.

"I'm just taking care of you as a senior, don't think I like you."

Followed Gao Tiantian all the way up the stairs.

Ye Chu kept listening to her nagging behind her.

"Do you know that there are three major illusions in life?"

"What illusion?"

Ye Chu was taken aback and asked suspiciously.

"One of the three major illusions in life, you have already committed one!"

Gao Tiantian stopped suddenly, because she was going upstairs, Ye Chu bumped her head on her ass.


Gao Tiantian blushed immediately, but a big girl like her would soon not care.

"The three daring illusion in life is that he (she) likes me, the door is not closed, and the phone is vibrating!"

Ye Chu didn't react at first.

But when I think of things in the previous peacetime, I suddenly realized.


Sometimes I always think that the door is unlocked when I go out, especially when I have a mobile phone in my pocket, I always think he is shaking.

Nodding in agreement, Ye Chu looked up at Gao Tiantian, but suddenly found a tall young man standing behind her.

"Teacher Gao, you have no class? How about I invite you to dinner?"

"No, there is a new teacher in Class 3. I will take him to get acquainted!"

With that, Gao Tiantian pulled Ye Chu and walked upstairs.

"The new teacher?"

I saw the tall young man glance at Ye Chu with a trace of hostility, and then said with a smile.

"Since it's a new teacher, I should also take him to see, so let's go together. The new teacher has just arrived. After we get acquainted, we will go to eat together, OK!"

Hearing this, Gao Tiantian thought thoughtfully.

"You are right, we should take him to dinner!"

Hearing Gao Tiantian's promise, the tall teacher was overjoyed and said quickly.

"The newly opened casserole in the cafeteria tastes very good!"

"Casserole? I like it best!"

Gao Tiantian said happily.

Now it's the end of the world. In the end of the world, the academy teachers in Yulin City can enjoy the casserole, and there are other choices. What do you think of the treatment in Yulin City?

When other bases can't even get enough food and clothing, Yulin City has the right to choose what to eat.

This is the difference.

Soon, the three people arrived in a classroom on the fourth floor.

"Hey, have you heard? We are going to change to a new teacher!"

"Do you think this teacher will be mad at us?"

"Hey! Although we are a little stupid, but that guy insults us so much, we don't want them to teach us!"


When Ye Chu came to the door, he heard a mess inside, and didn't know what he was arguing about.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chu frowned.

The establishment of the academy is to cultivate talents who can contribute to Yulin City, not to provide for the elderly here as before.


Gao Tiantian pushed the door in, then clapped his hands to signal that everyone was quiet.

Suddenly, the classroom fell into silence.

Seeing this, Ye Chu couldn't help but wonder.

"Aren't these guys those naughty bad boys!"

"Don't be discouraged. The last teacher has been transferred to another post. Our school has replaced you with a teacher. Applause and welcome!"


Suddenly, there was a warm applause in the classroom.

Seeing these students so excited, Ye Chu couldn't help but feel a little proud.

After being mistaken for a teacher just now, Ye Chu didn't expose it, so he planned to continue the performance to see the basic situation of the school.

"This Yelaoshr is your teacher in the future. I hope you will study hard and don't let down the training of teachers, schools and bases. Have you heard?

Gao Tiantian said to all the students.


Fifty or sixty students said in unison.

"Very good! Then let's Mr. Ye say something for everyone!"

Gao Tiantian said, then watched Ye Chu walk over.

Ye Chu nodded, then slowly walked up.

"Introduce yourself, you can call me Yelaoshr.

I really want to ask you a question. Why didn't your previous teacher want to teach you? "

Ye Chu looked at a young man wearing glasses.

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