I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 235: The Demon Lord that everyone fears

A few hundred meters away, Ye Chu smelled a strong aroma of wine.

"Didi~ Energy limit +5!"

At this moment, after Ye Chu smelled the aroma of wine, he even heard the system's prompt tone.

"I drop it, you can raise the upper limit just by smelling it, so is it worth a sip?"

Ye Chu opened his eyes wide and looked at the huge manor in the distance in shock.

"It seems that Old Head Li doesn't know what good things have been messed up inside!"

Going in excitedly, Ye Chu rang the doorbell.

Old Head Li said that no one can disturb him, including Ye Chu himself.

Jingle Bell!

The bell rang for a long time, and Ye Chu also stood outside the door for a long time.

About ten minutes later, the gate of the manor opened slowly.

Walking in, the aroma of the wine became stronger and stronger.

After a garden, Ye Chu came to the entrance of the manor.

The door was open, Ye Chu walked straight in, but he didn't see Old Li.

Walking along the fragrance of wine to the underground wine cellar, Ye Chu really saw Old Li's head inside.

This wine cellar covers an area of ​​more than 500 meters.

I saw that Old Head Li didn't know what he was playing in front of the test bench, as if he was doing some scientific research experiment.

But what he got was the preparation of fine wine.

"Sister Qian Mo!"

Seeing the girl next to Old Li Tou, Ye Chu walked over with a gentle smile.

Since the old Litou came back, he has left Su Qianmo by his side.

Because he wants to make wine, and Su Qianmo's ability can help him speed up the brewing of wine.

So Ye Chu hadn't seen Su Qianmo for so long.

"Brother smelly, do you miss your sister?"

Su Qianmo's face was filled with a happy smile, and the thoughts and joy were completely uncovered on her face.

"Of course I do! You accompany me out this time, and I will take you around!"


Su Qianmo looked at Old Li with a look of embarrassment, as if seeking the unity of Old Li.

"Okay, just go if you want, anyway, my research here is over!"

Old Head Li said indifferently.

Seeing this, Ye Chu walked over curiously.

"Old head Li, what are you studying?"

Ye Chu walked over with a probe.

"As soon as I walked in, I just smelled the aroma of wine, and I actually felt my energy level increased!"


Old Li laughed triumphantly.

"This is my baby, it's not a finished product yet. If it's finished, you can enjoy it with just one sip!"

"Are there any semi-finished products now? Let me have a taste?"

Ye Chu licked his lips and asked greedily.

"Go go! No, no!"

Old Li's head was like protecting a calf, and he quickly blasted Ye Chu out.

"Hey old Li, come out in a while, I'll find you if I have something to do!"

Immediately, Ye Chu and Su Qianmo left.

Sitting in the living room, Ye Chu saw that the furnishings in the living room were exactly the same as before, and it seemed that Old Head Li hadn't moved anything here at all.

Seeing Ye Chu's doubts, Su Qianmo sat beside him and explained.

"Grandpa Li has been in the wine cellar ever since he moved here, and he has never been here!"

"This old drunkard!"

Ye Chu shook his head speechlessly.

After a while, Old Head Li came out of the wine cellar.

Ye Chu glanced back and found that at least ten big locks were locked on the wine cellar of Old Li Tou.

Moreover, in order to prevent accidents, this old guy also created a space trap around him.

The corners of his eyes twitched, and Ye Chu couldn't help smiling wryly.

"Is it necessary to be so strict? This is Yulin City, so don't worry at all!"

"Am I defending others? I am defending you!"

Old Litou walked over with a pouting mouth, but he was carrying a can of fine wine in his hand.

"Come on, **** spirit brew!"

Old head Li put the wine on the table.

"This spirit brew is after the girl's energy accumulation, after drinking it, it can increase the energy value to a certain extent!"

As he said, Old Li opened the wine, and suddenly a refreshing fragrance of wine came to his face.

"Didi! The upper limit of energy value increased by 100!"

The aroma of the wine that came directly increased the upper limit of Ye Chu 100's energy value.

"This one is boring to drink, I have brought something good here!"

With that, Ye Chu took out a piece of braised pork wrapped in paper from his backpack.

"Try it! The white pig I killed last time, I asked someone to bring it to you, but you didn't open the door, try it this time!"

A large piece of stewed pork is four or five catties. After Ye Chu sliced ​​it, and then made some dipping sauce, he picked up one piece, dipped it, and drank a big sip of wine. This is called a beauty!

"Didi! The upper limit of energy value increased by 1000!"

A prompt sounded.

One sip has increased so much.

Ye Chu looked at the head of Old Li incredulously.

When Old Head Li saw Ye Chu's shocked look, he seemed to affirm him the most.

However, Ye Chu continued to drink, only to find that the upper limit of the increased energy value was very small.

This is probably the immune function.

In the end, a can of wine was almost finished, and Ye Chu never heard the sound of an increase in the upper limit of energy.

After drinking three rounds, Ye Chu lay comfortably on the sofa.

"By the way, Old Head Li, when did you come here!"

Ye Chu asked nonchalantly.

"I came from the void, went to the void, this is just a site of mine!"

Old Li said with a smile.

"What I am asking is, when did you come here!"

Ye Chu emphasized again.


Old Li frowned and looked at Ye Chu with some doubts.

"What? Didn't understand what I meant?"

Ye Chu looked straight at the old head.

"I'm asking you, is it from ten years or twenty years from now?"

Hearing Ye Chu's words, Old Li's expression gradually solidified.

When I looked at Ye Chu, I didn't have the free and easy appearance before.

"What do you know?"

Old Li's expression became completely solemn, and the wine just now disappeared without a trace.

"What did I know? I don't know anything!"

Ye Chu laughed suddenly, as if just joking.

"I just asked casually, what are you nervous about? Is it possible that you really came from the future?"

Seeing Ye Chu's indifferent appearance, Old Head Li still looked solemn just now.

"What do you know?"

"I just want to ask, is my future really a big monster who kills people without blinking?

Where did my name as a devil come from?

Why did I become the demon lord that everyone fears?

In the end what happened? Will make me transform so much?

Who is dead next to me? Will it irritate me into the kind of frightening person? "

Ye Chu's series of questions made Old Li Tou take a deep breath.

After a long time, he saw Old Head Li slowly stand up.

"It seems that it's time for me to leave!"

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