I Open a Store in The End Times

: Chapter 236-Chapter 237

Chapter 236 Biography of Demon God

I saw Lao Li looking forward and said helplessly.

"I don't care how you know, but now that you already know something, then my task should also be completed."

With that, the old head of Li under Ye Chu's surprised gaze, and then slowly knelt down on one knee to Ye Chu.

"Drunkard King, see Lord Demon God!"

Facing the sudden change and address of Old Li Tou, Ye Chu slowly stood up.

"who are you?"

"Sit down, Lord Devil, one of the Three Kings and Five Emperors, the Alcoholic King!"

Old Li said word by word.

"The rules of time and space, I can't say much, otherwise it will seriously affect the development of this time and space. I will lose half of my cultivation base just to come back and tell you, Master Devil, in twenty years, don't be because of inner obsession and hatred. , Start a war with mankind."

After speaking, Old Head Li slowly stood up.

"On behalf of the Demon God Lingwu Army, I solemnly convey to Lord Demon God, remember, let go of your obsession!"

As he said, Old Li sighed long.

"The longer the time in the wine cellar, the greater the effect. The space traps set up on the periphery can only be unlocked only if your spatial ability reaches level 8 or higher. At that time, I hope these spirits can help you through the difficulties. !"

"The rules of time and space are suppressing me more and more. I originally planned to make a good brew and leave, but I didn't expect that you didn't know where you got the news. This surprised me!"

"Master Devil, the drunkard king is gone, so you can do it yourself!"

With that, the old head of Li slowly disappeared in front of Ye Chu.

The sudden disappearance of Old Li's head seemed to make Ye Chu feel a dream.

If it weren't for Su Qianmo who witnessed all this, Ye Chu really thought it was all fake.

Come from the future, are you kidding me?

Unfortunately, all of this is true.

Slowly pouring out the remaining spirit brew, Ye Chu drank it all.

Su Qianmo next to him cleverly did not ask any questions.

Just stayed silently beside Ye Chu.

After a long time, Ye Chu woke up from thinking.

The appearance of the old head was not accidental.

At least it is certain that he appeared in this time and space very early.


Because of Li Chanchan, sister Li Juanjuan was raised by him.

This is something that exists.

If the old head of Li came from the future, how could he raise them.

Unless, Old Head Li came here decades ago.

And his purpose is to find Ye Chu.

But because Ye Chu had cancer at that time and had been undergoing treatment, Old Head Li couldn't find himself at all.

Knowing that the doomsday broke out, the real Ye Chu came through, otherwise, Ye Chu would have died long ago.

Later, because Ye Chu controlled Yulin City, he gradually gained a little capital in the last days.

Perhaps it was all he expected that the drunkard king rescued Su Qianmo.

Everything is to wait for Ye Chu.

And the purpose is to tell Ye Chu to let Ye Chu let go of his obsession in the future.


What kind of obsession will make people spend such a huge amount of energy, come back from the future and tell Ye Chu.

Of course it is impossible to stop it. Because of the suppression of the rules of time and space, the drunkard king cannot make significant interference.

"In the future, I will become a great demon known as the Lord of the Devil. There are also emperor-level subordinates like the Three Kings and Five Emperors, and will fight against humans. How is this possible!"

Ye Chu said it was impossible at all.

But everything is connected now, this is really something that will happen in the future.

Things in the future cannot be changed now.

Now that the trajectory of time is doomed, Ye Chu only needs to stick to the belief in his heart. No matter what dangers may occur in the future, as long as he strengthens his belief, Ye Chu will not believe that there will be any changes.

"Silly brother, sister Qianmo, will always be by your side, forever, forever, and never leave!"

Seeing Ye Chu hesitating, Su Qianmo hugged Ye Chu lightly in distress, and then leaned on Ye Chu's shoulder and said softly.

Turning his head to look, his eyes met, Ye Chu was instantly melted by Su Qianmo's gentle homeland.

"Thank you, Sister Qian Mo!"

"Actually...you can call me Qianmo!"

Su Qianmo's face blushed instantly, her eyes flickered, and she dared not look directly at Ye Chu.

"Qian Mo..."

Ye Chu smiled with satisfaction, then opened his arms and slowly embraced Su Qianmo in his arms.

Ye Chu hugged him tightly with the soft bone in his arms and the fragrance of the body.

Then bowed his head and leaned down gently.


Ye Chu plans to live in this manor in the future to protect the wine cellar left by the drunkard king.

The wine cellar was completely sealed, and Ye Chu had to be level eight or above to unlock it.

In addition to the spirit brew inside, Ye Chu suspected that the drunkard king left something else inside.

Otherwise, he would not have such a big hand.

When he came to the supermarket, Ye Chu saw that Zheng Yuan had woken up.

But the twelve golden hairpins surrounded him, taking care of him according to Ye Chu's instructions.

Seeing Ye Chu coming in, Zheng Yuan immediately panicked and got into the quilt.

"Zheng Yuan is it!"

Ye Chu pulled a stool and sat beside the bed.

"I know you came from the future, and it's still twenty years from now.

And you are afraid of me because I will become the person you fear and fear in twenty years, right?

I don't know if you are in the future, do you understand my past, that is, now?

But now I can definitely tell you that this is Yulin City, and it has been eight years since the end of the world broke out! "

Ye Chu told Zheng Yuan the current time point, which also gave him a little understanding of the world.

Hearing this, I saw Zheng Yuan slowly poking his head out of the bed.

"Here, is it really the eighth year of the End Yuan Dynasty?"

Zheng Yuan licked his lips and asked cautiously.

"The end of the era? Is it the time of the era recorded by the future people on the outbreak of the end?"

Ye Chu groaned.

"If you say that, now is what you call the eighth year of the end era."

"In the 20th year of the end of the Yuan Dynasty, someone wrote a book about the experience of the devil, called "The Biography of the Devil.

It is recorded that before the demon change, Lord Demon God was a king who was sympathetic to others and integrated all the advantages of benevolence, love, friendliness, and closeness to the people. Are you really such a person? "


Ye Chu suddenly laughed.

"I didn't expect me to have such a high evaluation in the future!"

"You kid is right, the boss is indeed such a person!"

The twelve golden hairpins said in agreement.

"Let’s look at the entire Huaxia country now, and ask which base has the same treatment as ours in Yulin City? No matter which survivor you meet on receiving, you can just ask about our boss’s personality!"

"It seems that what the Demon God's biography says is true!"

Zheng Yuan suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

Chapter 237

"Can you introduce yourself?"

Ye Chu asked.

"Oh! My name is Zheng Yuan. In the 28th year of the end of the Yuan Dynasty, I was an A-level fighter of the Human Federation, but now I am just a student in Yulin City!"

"In that Biography of the Demon God, is there any mention of me, such a good person, and why did I become a great demon that everyone fears?"

Ye Chu is most concerned about this matter.

If you know this, Ye Chu can make arrangements in advance, just in case.

But who knows, Zheng Yuan frowned slightly in pain after hearing this question.

"His! My head...it hurts!"

Zheng Yuan seemed to think of something that irritated him, and then he held his head in pain.

Seeing this, Ye Chu immediately understood what was going on.

Because when Xiaoqiang Soul entered his body, Ye Chu saw that his spirit was fragmented.

In other words, some of his memories were destroyed when he passed through.

Therefore, it is normal for some things to be thrown away.

But this question is Ye Chu's most important question.

The mental injury is difficult to recover, and it seems that in a short time, Ye Chu will not be able to know what happened to him.

With a sigh, Ye Chu waited for Zheng Yuan to recover some, and then continued to ask.

"Then how did you get here, you know?"

"It's you... Lord Demon God!"

Zheng Yuan suddenly raised his head and looked at Ye Chu.

But when he recalled that he had come to the past, this fear slowly disappeared.

Fully? After several minutes of recovery, Zheng Yuan continued.

"It's you, your leader of the Demon God Lingwu Army invaded the Human Federation. You have to kill a lot of people. You are really terrible...

One hundred thousand people in a Legion of the Human Federation were slapped to death by you. "

Zheng Yuan shook his head in fear.

"At that time, the Sabi Stars suddenly started to invade, densely packed alien spacecraft descended on the planet, and the Human Federation was facing the double invasion of the Demon God Spirit Martial Army and the Sabi Stars, steadily retreating.


"What happened later?"

Ye Chu didn't expect that such a shocking thing would happen in Laiwei. It was a terrifying thing that he could shoot 100,000 people to death with one slap.

"Later, I saw that you suddenly started to kill the Sabine Stars, and the Human Federation was able to breathe a little, and I was also shattered by your time and space abilities, and then I opened my eyes and came here. ..."

Upon hearing this, Ye Chu couldn't help but start to guess.

"It seems that I was the prodigal son back then!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu couldn't help laughing.

Knowing everything he wanted to know, Ye Chu gave Zheng Yuan a good rest.

"Stay here from now on!"


Zheng Yuan looked at Ye Chu differently.

"You let me join the Demon God Lingwu Army?"

"What the devil **** Lingwu Army, now in Yulin City, Lingwu Pavilion has just developed. Now that I know everything in advance, do you think I will become that kind of person in the future?"

Hearing Ye Chu's explanation, Zheng Yuan nodded thoughtfully.

In Ye Chu's view, Zheng Yuan was just an ordinary person who had been strangled by time and space and returned to the present by chance.

Ye Chu was worried at first.

According to the general plot, after he returns, he should be awakened by a system or something, but now it seems that he has simply returned, with some remaining memories.

Others, nothing cheats.

In addition, if Zheng Yuan can be kept by his side, Ye Chu can still know some things in advance.

For example, where exactly is the spaceship of the Erbaiwu star guarded by the Ye family?

This is also the biggest problem at present.

Of course, all of this still requires Zheng Yuan to slowly recover his spirit and retrieve the lost spirit and memory.

Slowly walking out of the supermarket, Ye Chu couldn't help sighing as he watched the porters entering and leaving.

Now the population of the base has dropped to 500,000, and daily sales have also dropped very little.

In addition, some surrounding personal bases all joined the official base, which caused Ye Chu to lose a lot of customers.

"It seems that we must connect with Yanjing City again and open a branch on their site!"

Since the last time I listened to Old Li's words.

Ye Chu had another direction for the development of Yulin City.

With official bases all over the country, they have the strength to save survivors across the country.

This is incomparable to Ye Chu.

Ye Chu has the feeling of family and country, but it is really an official base that can really save the world.

So Ye Chu's development direction has to go in another way.

Don't compete with them for the world.

Ye Chu only needs to open branches all over the world.

However, on this basis, it is very difficult for Ye Chu to be alone.

The only way is to use the system.

It would be great if the entire Yulin City base could be housed in the Buddha's eye space!

The Buddha's eye space is a single, very stable space that is consolidated with materials. As long as it is not damaged by external forces, it can exist for thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years.

Moreover, as an evolutionary of the space system, Ye Chu naturally knew that this Buddha-eye space could be expanded.

However, the materials to be consumed are very precious.

Even in the current system shops, there is no such suitable material.

But not having it now does not mean there will be no in the future.

The system prompts that after opening ten branches, you can open the next store authority.

What if the things sold in a shop are powerful things that Ye Chu never imagined?

Therefore, everything is possible.

When he arrived at Lingwu Pavilion, Ye Chu planned to hold a meeting again to see what the construction of the base had become.

But just when I came to Lingwu Pavilion, I saw Li Juanjuan stepping off the police car holding a person.

"What the **** is this?"

Since Li Juanjuan came back with herself last time, Ye Chu has been directly added to the Lingwu Pavilion, and her duty is to cooperate with the anti-corruption alliance to publicize Yulin City.

Moreover, Li Juanjuan, who was the granddaughter of the old head Li, just left, and Ye Chu was quite regretful that he hadn't even seen it.

It seems to find a suitable opportunity to tell him later.

"This kid is stealing things!"

Li Juanjuan said righteously.

"Huh? Stealing things? Just leave this kind of case to others, what are you doing!"

Ye Chu suddenly felt speechless.

"I can't help it? Ah!"

Li Juanjuan opened her hands to express helplessness.

"The law and order in your Yulin City is really good. There are no big cases at all, so I can only vent from these small cases!"

After speaking, Li Juanjuan tugged the thief in.

"What did he steal?"

"I don't know, just a broken stick!"

With that, Li Juanjuan took a black stick about one meter long from the car.

Seeing this stick, Ye Chu's eyes lit up, and then he took out an iron-blooded mace from the special gift package he opened last time.

Comparing the two things, Ye Chu couldn't help laughing happily.

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