I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 243: Rescue operation (5)

This rescue operation must be guaranteed to be foolproof.

Now Chang'an General Base looks normal on the surface, but undercurrents are surging in the dark.

Once you enter it, an inadvertent person may sink deeply.

Moreover, now that the base is in the hands of the super-evolved organization, getting in is also a big problem.

If you use the space power, the opponent will definitely notice it.

So the only way is to enter as a survivor.

But now every base has set up a face recognition system.

All those who entered, or the survivors previously filed, were all recorded.

When you are at the door, people will know if you have been to Chang'an General Base.

"The leader, you don't have to enter as a survivor, other identities are fine!"

At this moment, a person sitting at the end suddenly spoke.

Everyone looked at it, and Zhang Jin stood up a little nervously.

Recently, Zhang Jin has performed very well in the base.

Moreover, Ye Chu also left a soul cockroach in his body. After ensuring that he was 100% trusted, he was transferred to the Lingwu Pavilion.

"What do you mean? In what capacity?"

Ye Chu suddenly became interested.

Zhang Jin is known as the No. 1 think tank of the Red Gate, and Ye Chu is also very curious about how good his think tank is.

"First of all, the number of people in this rescue operation should not be too many, as long as the ability is large and useful for rescue people can go, no more than five people!"

Zhang Jin stood up and analyzed.

"These five people will enter in batches and pretend that they don't know each other..."

"Do you mean that members of the project to occupy the magpie's nest with doves enter?"

Zhuge Yi looked at Zhang Jin with a smile.

Zhang Jin suddenly turned around, then looked at Zhuge Yi.

These two people, whom Leng Yun called the Wolong and Phoenix Young, had their first collision.


Zhang Jin nodded in awe.

This alone gave Zhang Jin a new understanding of Zhuge Yi.


But who knows, Zhuge Yi shook his head.

"Incorrect? Why?"

Zhang Jin asked unconvincedly.

"You overlooked a problem, that is the leader!"

Zhuge Yi said with a smile.

"The leader is the main person in charge of this rescue plan. Without him, let alone five people, even five thousand people would not be able to save those people!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jin nodded uncontrollably, and then arched his hand at Zhuge Yi.

"I admire it! I am negligent!"

"However, your plan is still feasible. In addition to the leader, you will send five people to enter in batches with the members of the project!"

Zhuge Yi believes that Zhang Jin's plan is indeed very feasible.

Because, before, Zhuge Yi had also thought of entering it with another identity.

But his idea was to enter with the inspection team from Yanjing City.

However, after hearing about Zhang Jin's plan, Zhuge Yi believed that Zhang Jin's plan was better than his own.

Because they trust their own people very much, but if they are from Yanjing City, they will still conduct numerous investigations.

If you show your feet, it's time to give up all your efforts.

"Then how do you think I should enter?"

Ye Chu looked at everyone and asked.

"The current Chang'an General Base is like an egg shell. The top, bottom, left, and right are all sealed. There is only one entrance and exit. Even the use of space abilities does not work. Therefore, it is not feasible to sneak in secretly!"

"If our people go in first, and then find a way to get the space conversion ball in Xiaohuo's hands, will there be a chance?"

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly thought of the space conversion ball.

"But if this happens, someone will inevitably sacrifice!"

"Leader, sacrifice is inevitable. Besides, do you think our people in Lingwu Pavilion are the kind of people who are afraid of death?"

Zhuge Yi said with a smile.

Indeed, in the last days, people are dying every day, and death is inevitable.

Although Ye Chu felt distressed, there was no way.

Let Zhuge Yi choose the right person, and Ye Chu is personally choosing one side.

These people must all be fresh faces, have never been to the Chang'an General Base, and are not well-known figures in Yulin City. This is a bit difficult.

After all, if it is a master such as Johnson, they must have a record on the organization of the super-evolutionaries.

I am afraid that even a synthetic alien beast next to Ye Chu might be filed by them.

Therefore, the people around Ye Chu must not be used.

After layers of screening, Ye Chu finally confirmed four people.

One of them was Zheng Yuan, who had just become the director of the Royal Animal Division.

Zheng Yuan has now reached the second-order evolver, he has opened up the ability of a strange beast space.

The ability of this alien beast space can store the alien beasts that you conquer.

At the beginning, there were three places. In other words, even though Zheng Yuan is now a Tier 2 evolutionary, he can carry three extremely powerful beasts on him.

If you get in then, releasing the three strange beasts together will definitely cause unimaginable panic, and then other people will have a way to get inside the protective cover.

"Even if you get inside and get the space conversion ball, how do you bring out one of the conversion balls?"

At the meeting, Ye Chu asked suspiciously.

"This one……"

Everyone fell silent immediately.

"and many more!"

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly lit up.

"Maybe, I have another way!"

Ye Chu smiled mysteriously, then stood up.

"How do I enter? You don't have to worry about it. The other five people will respond and enter in batches according to Zhang Jin's plan!"

Looking at Ye Chu's mysterious appearance, although he was puzzled, he didn't ask much.

There must be reasons why Ye Chu didn't say it.

In fact, Ye Chu's method is very simple, and that is to enter through branch authority.

Although the branch of Chang'an Base was closed by Cao Tianniu.

But that was only a unilateral closure of the Chang'an base, not Ye Chu's withdrawal of the branch authority.

Although the goods inside are forcibly taken away, the goods will be replenished automatically at 12 o'clock in the night.

After opening the branch authority, Ye Chu saw that the Changan branch was still lit in red.

In other words, this branch is still recognized by the system.

"I hope that after this branch is closed, no one will enter it!"

Ye Chu prayed secretly.

Because after this branch is closed, once someone enters it, they will find that the goods are automatically replenished.

Once this secret was discovered, Ye Chu's trade secrets could be exposed.

However, judging from the chaotic situation of the Chang'an base, the secret of the branch should not have been discovered yet.

The rescue group of five set out immediately. They all had the logo of the Super-evolved Organization in their hands. When they arrived, the people over there would naturally recognize it.

And Ye Chu... has arrived at this time.

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