I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 244: Easy to get (6)

In the dark shop, Ye Chu looked at the dusty shelves around him.

But the shelves are neatly stocked with daily necessities and food and non-staple food.

Walking slowly to the door, Ye Chu found that the door had been welded to death.

Seeing this, Ye Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

"System, temporarily close the branch!"

"The current branch has been temporarily closed!"

The next moment, I saw all the goods in the branch disappeared and was taken back by the system.

"Fortunately, Cao Tianniu snatched the things here and welded it to death. Otherwise, if someone comes here every day, then you have to die!"

Ye Chu thought to himself very gratefully.

After confirming that there was nothing in the branch, Ye Chu left the shop underground without damaging the doors and windows of the shop.

After arriving on the street, Ye Chu obviously felt a little more desolate around him.

Even though it was not lively, there were also streets where people occasionally passed, and there was no one at this moment.

Ye Chu was worried that they would ban the survivors, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he entered the underground again, and then slowly moved towards the center of the city.

Every base has built underground shelters.

After all, it is impossible for so many people to live in buildings on land.

So a large number of people have been living in underground shelters, only to come out once in a while.

Walking continuously in the underground passage, Ye Chu saw a lot of survivors with tattered clothes, pale faces and thin bodies.

After seeing Ye Chu, they all looked at Ye Chu with doubts.

Because Ye Chu's clothes are very new, and his face and body are very healthy.

But this healthy appearance looks so abnormal in this simple underground shelter.

Passing here quickly, Ye Chu keeps approaching the city center.

But the closer you get to the city center, the more guards become.

Even the underground is the same, and there are some underground areas where survivors are not allowed to enter.

But Ye Chu passed through the wall, walked through the dirt, and quickly bypassed them.

As he approached the city center, Ye Chu found an extremely powerful and violent energy right in front of him.

Using mental energy to sense, Ye Chu found that this energy was emitted by the energy shield Xiaohuo said.

Taking out the satellite phone, Ye Chu dialed out to Xiao Huo.

"I have arrived at the Chang'an base now!"

"So fast?"

Xiao Huo said incredible.

"Then where are you now? I tell you, don't show up now, the people of the super-evolved organization are here, I think their posture seems to be going to attack!"

"Oh? Are they outside your energy shield now?"

Ye Chu immediately reduced his breath and asked cautiously.

"Yes, I don't think those people are easy!"

Xiao Huo said meaningfully.

"It doesn't matter, you are now approaching in the same direction as mine, and then we will leave directly!"

Ye Chu said indifferently.

"My current position is under the artificial lake in the central square. I call one, two and three. You remove the energy shield and all jump into the lake for me!"

"You are not kidding me!"

Xiao Huo asked suspiciously.

"If you don't believe me, just wait for those people to break through the energy shield, and then go bayonet with those people!"

Ye Chu said with some dissatisfaction.

If it wasn't for the baby, Ye Chu wouldn't bother to come over.

After a long time, Xiao Huo took a deep breath.

"Boss Ye, I believe you once!"

"You have no choice!"

Ye Chu said angrily.

As these people kept moving, Ye Chu's spirit also felt their presence.

There are about a hundred people in this group, all of whom were former senior leaders of the Changan General Base.

"Boss Ye, I have reached the edge of the energy hood, only five or six meters away from the artificial lake. After the cancellation, we will immediately jump in. You are ready to meet us!"

"Just jump!"

Ye Chu took a deep breath, and then took out the Buddha's eye space.

The portal opened, and Ye Chu scaled his mind to the size of an artificial lake.

As long as they jumped down, Ye Chu would directly pull them all over with his mental thoughts.

"Boss Ye, I jumped!"

Xiao Huo's nervous voice came again on the phone.

"If you want to jump, pick it quickly!"

Ye Chu helplessly urged.

After speaking, Ye Chu obviously felt the energy shield disappear.

Afterwards, I saw that more than a hundred people like dumplings, all jumped into the artificial lake.

Suddenly, Ye Chu's firepower was fully on, and all his mental thoughts began to operate. More than a hundred people were directly pulled over, and then they were teleported to the Buddha's eye space in turn.

The whole process was smooth and flowing, without any muddling.

After putting everyone in, Ye Chu directly used the branch authority and returned to Yulin City.

All of this seems to be a dream.

Ye Chu didn't expect the whole process to be so simple.

But at this time, at the moment when the energy shield disappeared.

The super-evolved organizations outside all swarmed in.

But when they came in, they found no one in the energy shield.

"where is the guy!"

"Just now I felt that they were all here, how could they suddenly disappear?"

"I won't be rescued by someone!"

"No, our defense is so strict, no!"


The super-evolved people quarreled.

But at this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a blue plaid trench coat with a red silk tied on his forehead came over.

After this person came, the scene immediately fell into silence.

One person walked over and said respectfully.

"Master Sa, look at this..."

"What is it? I cursed the Qin Ling Key, even if I go to the ends of the world, I can find it!"

This Master Sa said indifferently.

Later, I saw that Master Sa took out a compass.

I saw Master Sa point his eyebrows, and then suddenly pointed to the compass.

I saw a drop of red blood on the compass.

As the indicator on the compass began to rotate, it eventually pointed to the north.


The others frowned, then immediately shouted.

"Immediately send someone to pursue the north!"

"no need!"

Master Sa stopped everyone.

The compass shows that the key is now more than 500 kilometers away from us.


Everyone exclaimed incrediblely.

"Are you not here just now? Why did you suddenly appear so far away?"

"It's possible that the evolution of the space system has taken action!"

Master Sa guessed.

"But what's in the north? Why did they flee to the north? Is it going to the Yanjing base?"


The crowd groaned.

"The north... is it Yulin City!"

Hearing Yulin City, Master Sa suddenly frowned.

"Is it the Yulin City that killed my apprentice Cao Tianniu?"

"Yes! The leader of Yulin City is called Ye Chu, who killed your apprentice Cao Tianniu some time ago!"

The others replied.

"Prepare, let's meet Ye Chu, I want to see if the person who can kill my apprentice has a few heads and arms!"

With that said, Master Sa flicked his sleeves and left here.

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