I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 263: The brutal experiment (5)


Ye Chu sneered.

"In terms of safety, or we will stay in Yulin City all the time, wait for the outside to be completely unified, and then be taken in. This should be the safest strategy!"

Hearing Ye Chu's mockery, Zheng Yuan lowered his head in silence.

Zheng Yuan knew that Ye Chu had to go this trip to the north.

Because there, there is still a huge amount of energy waiting for Ye Chu to get it.

That's right, the energy left by the Erbai Wuxing people, the white spirit stone, is in Changbai Mountain.

Is it possible not to go to 10 million energy value?

"Zuge Yi, after I leave, I will leave it to you here. If you do encounter something that cannot be solved, tell me by satellite phone, I will be back immediately!"

Ye Chu ordered.


After taking a look at Zheng Yuan, Ye Chu announced the end of the meeting.

After Ye Chu left.

Yulin City ushered in the first snow in the 8th year of the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

However, just after Ye Chu left.

A person also disappeared from the base.

This person is Zheng Yuan.

No one noticed Zheng Yuan's departure.

I don't know why, among all the high-level people in Lingwu Pavilion on the base.

They don't seem to remember that there is a person like Zheng Yuan.

If Ye Chu came back now, he would definitely find out.

The memories of these people have been forcibly deleted a little bit.

Outsiders can't see this little bit.

And this little bit is all about Zheng Yuan's memory.

At this time, Zheng Yuan looked at the outline of Yulin City in the distance and sighed.

And in Zheng Yuan's mind.

The soul cockroach originally set by Ye Chu went to sleep.

And the huge soul cockroach behind Zheng Yuan's memory bridge slowly emerged.

"Zheng Yuan, now everyone's memories are all erased by me, you immediately go to the super-evolved organization and kill Ji Nianyan!"


I saw Zheng Yuan walking forward with firm eyes.

"Remember, you only have one chance. If you fail, go to Ye Chu immediately and start the system self-violence program!"


After speaking, Zheng Yuan gradually disappeared within the scope of Yulin City.


Ye Chu's first destination was to Penglai.

There, Ye Chu set up a habitat for Chen Nuo.

Last time it was just a rough estimate on the map.

Ye Chu must come here to investigate.

Look at how many survivors and bases there are.

Is there any way to get all these bases away?

The sky in the northeast will change if it changes.

When Ye Chu came here, there was already heavy snow.

Some zombies that could not find food went into a dormant state.

Snow fell on them, freezing them into ice cubes.

Ye Chu came here in the largest base near Penglai.

This is one of the few personal bases here.

The integration plan of Yanjing City has no effect here.

First of all, this base is more than a thousand kilometers away from the nearest official base.

When the plan was integrated.

Here the entire personal base dived directly into the sea.

They all grew up by the sea, and they actually built a secret base on the seabed.

"Hey! Have you heard that? The official base of City J is attacked by the alien beast rushed out of Changbai Mountain!"

"Have you heard? I heard that the loss was heavy!"

"It's not just a disaster. The official bases in city j have all arrived in city h. Now the two official bases have merged!"

"What? Is it so serious?"

"Then there is no one in J City now?"

"Some people, I heard that there are still 100,000 people who can't run, it seems that they are surrounded by alien beasts!"


All the way, everyone was talking.

But this is not something Ye Chu should pay attention to now.

What Ye Chu has to do now is how to get the current base to leave here and give Chen Nuo a place to the zombies.

Forced eviction is definitely not believed.

The official bases were not integrated, and Ye Chu would definitely not be able to come out alone.

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly lit up.

"Don't they have a secret base under the sea?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu hurried out of the city and walked to the beach.

Immediately contacting the piranha in the sea, Ye Chu went straight to the beach.

Let the piranhas wander around, Ye Chu quickly found this so-called secret base.

What Ye Chu could not think of was that this so-called secret base was not in the sea.

But on a small island not far from the land.

They hollowed out the bottom of the island, presenting a pyramid-like building.

The entrance to the base is on the island.

Ye Chu sank into the sea, and then approached the island.

Expanding his mental power, Ye Chu immediately found the situation inside the island.

"what's going on?"

When Ye Chu saw the scene inside, he was shocked by the scene inside and couldn't speak.

"Is this Nima still a human?"

The scene inside made Ye Chu furious.

Here, it turned out to be their brutal biological laboratory.

Thousands of survivors and evolutionaries were caught here.

They experimented with survivors first.

Combine the survivors with the fishes and animals in the sea to breed ugly, twisted mermaid monsters.

After the experiment was successful, they were using the evolutionary to combine with more powerful fish monsters.

Ye Chu always thought that this kind of experiment was something the super-evolutionary organization was doing.

Unexpectedly, these personal bases are also conducting such brutal experiments.

"Made, I definitely dealt with you a bit of a psychological burden directly just now, but now, I can't wait to kill you all!"

Thinking of this, I swam directly, without hiding his traces at all.

Soon, the security equipment on the island called the police and found the intruder Ye Chu.

After landing on the island, Ye Chu walked directly to the entrance.

What we need to do now is to rescue those survivors first.

Soon, many evolutionaries rushed out of the entrance.

But these evolvers are all third- and fourth-order evolvers.

Ye Chu didn't need to take action at all, and if a mental shock passed, all these people would fall.

All the way into the experimental base unimpeded.

Ye Chu discovered that the highest strength here was just a Tier 6 evolutionary.

This strength is not worth mentioning.

All the survivors and those undergoing experiments were rescued, and Ye Chu took them to the land.

At this time, the base leader who received the news also immediately received the news.

When the leader of this base saw that Ye Chu had rescued everyone, he immediately shouted.

"Kill them, you nasty beasts!"

Sadly, the evolution of the base, worried about the exposure, directly regarded Ye Chu and others, as well as the defective products of those experiments, as the enemy invading the base.


Ye Chu shook his head and directly took out the mace.

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