I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 264: Red scales (6)

Dealing with these people is not worthy of Ye Chu's seriousness.

After all, it was still a personal base. Ye Chu directly contacted the nearest official base and asked the official base to take over all the survivors here.

After doing all this, Ye Chu couldn't help but feel a headache.

Because the survivors of the defective products that were tested, even the official base does not take them in.

They suddenly become wanderers.

Because of the experiment, they became ugly.

Some human heads and fish bodies cannot walk upright.

But because it's still a human head, it can't adapt to life in the sea.

The only way is to put the body in the water with the head outside so that they can continue to live.

"Hey! It's worthless in the world. Be what you want to be in your next life!"

Ye Chu looked at these people who were unable to live on because of their body mutations, and buried them all.

However, even if many people died, there were still tenacious people who survived.

One of them actually stayed with Yechu for almost half a month.

The others are all dead, but he is not dead.

Ye Chu couldn't bear to abandon him, so he led him to continue to the north.

This person was similar to the person with black scales that Ye Chu encountered when he was looking for a spaceship on the sea floor.

It's just that the scales on the body are red, walking upright like humans, and have a tail that resembles a crocodile.

Without ears, with gills on both sides, he can move freely on the shore and in the water.

He can't speak, he was also an evolutionary before.

It may be because of experimental reasons that they can't speak.

"Look at your red scale armor, why don't you call it red phosphorus from now on!"

Ye Chu gave this mutant a name.

I saw that the mutant was taken aback for a moment, and then was overjoyed, jumping up beside Ye Chu excitedly.

Then he climbed the tree at a very fast speed, more agile than a monkey.

"By the way, your abilities seem to be a little special, and they are also evolutionary abilities in terms of bloodline!"

Ye Chu looked at Honglin with some doubts.

Except for Su Qianmo alone, Ye Chu was the first to see the ability of bloodline evolution.

Possibly, the reason for this is because of the combination of fish and animals with him.

Name: Honglin

Strength: Tier 4

Ability: blue spirit blood.

Background: An evolutionary who combines with sea creatures and other animals.

Seeing the red scale's background information, Ye Chu was a little suspicious that the alien beast combined with the red scale might not be just a common fish alien.

Thousands of marine life.

Many of them were unknown to Ye Chu.

And because of the abnormal energy change, it is normal for other creatures to be derived.

With the red scales all the way forward, Ye Chu finally rushed to City H.

This H city is not the H city that Ye Chu visited last time.

The full name of this city h is called hl city.

For the sake of mourning, Yanjing City Headquarters referred to this city as h city for short.

City h has been merged into city j for hundreds of thousands of survivors, leading to a significant drop in living conditions here.

Originally only able to supply materials for his own base, it has now become nervous.

Seeing this desolate look, Ye Chu quickly took out the satellite phone.

I have worked with people from this base before.

The reason for the relationship is entirely because of the misfortune.

Ye Chu sold them a lot of fertilizer last time.

However, since the establishment of Liangzi with Yanjing City, the cooperation with this base has also ceased.

Now is a good opportunity to do business.

Even if their official base is rich now, they can't produce so much food and supplies out of thin air.

Toot toot!

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected.

"Hey! Who are you!"

There was an impatient voice on the phone.

"Is it Tong Lin?"

Ye Chu was overjoyed and asked quickly.

"It's me, who are you!"

Tong Lin is still that straightforward temper.

"I am Ye Chu!"

Ye Chu said loudly.

"Ye Chu? Which Ye Chu? I don't know it!"


The other party directly hung up the phone.

Ye Chu was stunned immediately.

And just when Ye Chu was blinded, the phone was called back.

"Ye Chu, are you Ye Chu?"

The phone was three feet away, and Ye Chu could hear Tong Lin screaming into the microphone.

"Haha, it's you!"

This Tong Lin is a member of the law enforcement team of the Northeast General Base.

Ye Chu went back with him after he was captured last time.

The Northeast East Base used to be this one.

But later, with the integration plan reasons.

A general base can no longer accommodate so many people.

Therefore, from the original city h, city j is extended.

But I didn't expect that the recent alien beast riots, City J, the nearest to Changbai Mountain, was actually attacked.

"Brother Ye, where are you now? I'll pick you up, let's sit down and have a good meal!"

"Hehe, no, I'm here to do business with you this time!"

Ye Chu said with a smile.

"I know that you are attacked by alien beasts, and there must be a shortage of food. I have pulled a lot of food now, just outside the base!"


Tong Lin's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother Ye, you are really my gospel!"

"So, you now contact your director to see if you can eat this batch of goods!"

"How much we eat!"

Tong Lin promised, patting his chest.

"Now the Yanjing City support is too late, the base has starved to death, as long as there is food, we are willing to have as many crystal coins!"

"Brother! Now is the end of the world, and the situation at your base is so tense, don't blame your brother for thinking too much, we pay the money with one hand, what do you think?"

"Understood, I know, don't worry, Brother Ye, I will contact our director now!"

After speaking, Tong Lin hung up the phone.

More than ten minutes later, Tong Lin called again.

"Brother, we also understand what you said just now, but our director also has concerns. In this way, after I come to you now and confirm the goods, how about we pay for the goods and deliver them?"

"no problem!"

Ye Chu didn't expect that this time he would have such an unexpected business.

After half an hour, Ye Chu saw a convoy approaching here.

Before that, Ye Chu was already in this small town, full of food and supplies.

After Tong Lin got out of the car, he opened his arms and walked towards Ye Chu.

After they hugged each other, Ye Chu said.

"Go, I'll take you to see the food!"

There is a large grain depot in the town. This is an abandoned grain depot. Ye Chu put all the grain here.

Pushing the door and entering, when Tong Lin saw the grain piled up here, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Brother, you can inspect the goods!"

Tong Lin nodded excitedly, and then dozens of people behind him walked over, and then began to check.

After confirming that there is no problem with the food here, Ye Chu said.

"Brother, it's not easy to transport it all the way, don't blame your brother for making a fortune, it is too costly, so this time the food is 10% higher than the market price!"

"Understand, understand!"

Tong Lin expressed understanding.

After that, Tong Lin didn't chat with Ye Chu, and left here quickly.

After Tong Lin left, Ye Chu hurriedly walked into the grain depot and filled the grain inside.

It was not that Ye Chu didn't trust Tong Lin, but that the world was so cold that Ye Chu had to guard against it.

If they bring crystal coins and trade so happily, if they plan to grab it hard, then don't blame Ye Chu for being rude.

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