That's right!

Zheng Yuan in front of him is just a shell.

And it was the soul cockroach inside Zheng Yuan who really commanded him.

And on the soul cockroach, it is the future Ye Chu.

But this Ye Chu is not the current Ye Chu.

It was Ye Chu who was originally this body.

Ye Chu from the previous life was originally a dick.

After arriving here by accident, he occupied this body.

Judging from the current situation, the original owner of this body "Ye Chu", his soul has not completely died.

Someday in the future, "Ye Chu" will wake up.

It was the "Ye Chu" who killed everyone around him.

Ye Chu looked down at his body, a sullen luster flashed in his eyes.

Man is not for himself.

Just a body, who will control it?

In addition, **** "Ye Chu"?

But now is not the time to think about this issue.

Ji Nianyan is still here, Ye Chu can't let Ji Nianyan see any clues.

All the questions in his heart swarmed, Ye Chu rubbed his temples in pain.

Why would the future "Ye Chu" kill Ji Nianyan?

Is it true that Ji Nianyan killed the parents of "Ye Chu"?

Ye Chu knew that the parents in this world were not strictly his own parents.

And that "Ye Chu" is their biological son.

If Ji Nianyan really killed them, then the original "Ye Chu" should be the saddest.

"Who is he?"

Ji Nianyan asked.

The red lips lightly opened, and the voice was ethereal and beautiful.

"A person who lurks by my side and wants to kill me all the time!"

Ye Chu glanced at Zheng Yuan lightly.

"Then why did he come to kill me?"

"Maybe...because you are a fat girl!"

The corner of Ye Chu's mouth rose slightly, revealing a wicked smile.

Hearing the fat girl, Ji Nianyan suddenly laughed.

"People are not so fat now!"

Seeing Ji Nianyan's coquettish and cute look, Ye Chu suddenly looked dumbfounded.

I have to say that Ji Nianyan is truly a peerless beauty, coupled with that slender and **** body, is the most beautiful one Ye Chu has ever seen of all women.

At this moment, the subordinates of Ji Nianyan beside him looked at each other unnaturally.

Because in their impression, Ji Nianyan has always been a frosty, high above, empress-like person, so that each of them dare not get close.

"By the way, did you really kill Chen Nuo and Midoudou?"

Ye Chu's tone suddenly became serious.

"Chen Nuo? Misfortune? Who are they?"

Ji Nianyan asked with a confused look.

"It's a zombie and a black dog!"

"Oh! You are talking about them!"

Ji Nianyan suddenly realized.

"They were indeed caught by me, but I didn't kill them. Professor X is going to experiment with them!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Zheng Yuan's remarks just now just wanted to intensify the contradiction between himself and Ji Nianyan. "By the way, my parents, are you taking them away?"

"Uncle and Auntie? No!"

Ji Nianyan said suspiciously.

"Last time I met them in the space of the Evolver Academy, but at the time I released them all!"

"What the hell?"

Ye Chu looked at Ji Nianyan suspiciously.

"Let it go?"

"Yes! That's right!"

Ji Nianyan explained.

"At that time, they went to the Evolver Academy to find Sister Qianmo. Because I hadn't been there before, they arrested Sister Qianmo. After I found them, I secretly released them. After Professor X knew about it. And locked me up!"

Things that were about to be sorted out originally, because Ji Nianyan's words became complicated again.

Ji Nianyan's strength was even stronger than Ye Chu's now, so it also found that there was no way to use the soul cockroach to detect.

As for whether what Ji Nianyan said was true or false, Ye Chu couldn't guarantee.

If the super-evolutionary organization did not capture them, where did they go?

The Ye family is the guardian family of the Erby Wuxing people, and Professor X will not let them go.

"Then what are your plans for the future? Have you been staying in the super-evolved organization?"

Ye Chu asked seriously.

"I do not know!"

Ji Nianyan shook her head slowly, a confused look appeared on her face.

"My family was supported by Professor X. This is the mission of our family. I can't help it!"

"Do you know that Professor X, he is an alien!"

"I know!"

Seeing Ji Nianyan's indifferent expression, Ye Chu suddenly felt surprised.

Could it be that Professor X told them.

"I know, I've known this since I was sensible. Professor X was forced to stay with us many years ago when the Erby Uxing people, but Professor X is really not what you think!"

Ji Nianyan explained to Ye Chu vigorously.

"Some things you see are not true. Take the animal warriors we studied. In fact, Yanjing City had a human and **** experiment in peacetime, and our animal warriors are after the end. I just started studying!"

"Etc., etc!"

Ye Chu waved his hand quickly and motioned Ji Nianyan to stop.

"You just said that Professor X is an Erbeau?"

"Yes indeed!"

Ji Nianyan nodded and said.

"Isn't he a Sabine?"

"The Sabines are an alien race you guard. Didn't uncle and aunt tell you?"

Ji Nianyan was stunned and asked.

"I'm going to Nima!"

"What are you scolding me for?"

Ji Nianyan's face changed, and she said slightly angrily.

"I'm not scolding you!"

Ye Chu gave a wry smile.

"You said Professor X is an Erby Ustar, and what we are guarding is a Sabine?"

"That's right!"

Ji Nianyan nodded.

"But, I have obtained the video from my father. He told me the relationship between our family and the Erby Uxing people, saying that we are the guardian family of the Erby Uxing people!"


Ji Nianyan rejected Ye Chu's statement.

"Professor X was chased here at the beginning, and the spacecraft he was on was also snatched by the Sabines. However, before being snatched away, Professor X hid the energy stone, also called white spirit stone, carried by the spacecraft. There are two places, one is Changbai Mountain and the other is Kanas in Xijiang area.

Currently, Professor X has obtained the white spirit stone of Kanas, but because of the presence of strange animals in Changbai Mountain, he has not acted yet. "

"No no no!"

Ye Chu shook his head vigorously and said.

"No, it's not possible at all. If you follow what you said, is it true that all the information I have seen and heard is false?"

"Brother Chu, if you really don't believe me, I can give you a solution!"

With that said, Ji Nianyan looked around, and the people around immediately left here.

"The characteristic of the Sabi is that everything can be digitized. In fact, the Sabi has no entity at all. They are composed of a string of data. The way to identify them is to see if they can convert energy into real objects. The method, and this method is called energy conservation conversion..."

"What do you mean?"

"Simply put, everything is full of energy. Sabi people can use energy conservation to convert energy into anything you want, and they look at things entirely by relying on data..."

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