I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 274: I'm sabi star

Ye Chu vaguely realized a problem.

And the seriousness of this problem seems to have exceeded my imagination.

This is about a secret that is very secret and not known to the second person.

That is the system.



Energy conservation conversion.

Isn't that the system?

Can the system not use energy to convert it into anything?

Ye Chu's face changed slightly, and then returned to normal, continuing to listen to Ji Nianyan's account.

"Can I meet this Professor X?"

After a long time, Ye Chu took a long breath and asked.

"I guess not!"

Ji Nianyan glanced at Ye Chu somewhat complicatedly.

"Because, Professor X has now classified you as a kind of Sabi star. Just now, the person you killed, the system mentioned in his mouth, is the energy conservation conversion of the Sabi star?"

Ye Chu was silent.

But doesn't it mean that I will admit it?

How could this absurd thing be true.

"I'm Sabi? Haha, I'm a Sabi star?"

Ye Chu pointed to himself and laughed.

"Before I get everything clear, don't make any conclusions about this matter without authorization!"

Ye Chu said to Ji Nianyan solemnly.

"Brother Chu, Professor X said that the Sabi planets plant data directly on the soul, but this process has a lot of damage to the soul, but I think you seem to have nothing, but you can rest assured. I will go back and ask Professor X about you now!"

"Is it planted on the soul?"

Ye Chu suddenly thought of a question.

That is, the system in one's body is not bound to oneself at all.

It was bound to the soul of "Ye Chu" who had not completely died.


Ye Chu exhaled a long breath.

"I will investigate things clearly, but how can I contact you in the future?"

Ji Nianyan raised his hand, and then shook the Sun Wheel on his wrist.

"The wheel of the day and the wheel of the night were originally two magical artifacts used to connect. When opened at the same time, our spirit will enter them, no matter how far apart!"

"And this effect!"

Ye Chu looked at the Wheel of Night on his wrist.

No, it should be called the Moon Wheel now.

Immediately, Ye Chu and Ji Nianyan opened the Sun-Moon Wheel together.

The next moment, their spirits were immediately sucked in.

Looking around, Ye Chu found that there was an endless world of darkness.

But at this moment, there was a sudden white light not far away.

Walking forward, Ye Chu saw that the world on the right was completely white.

The whole space intersects, showing two kinds of night colors, black and white.

And Ji Nianyan stood in the white space.

Walking slowly, the two met in a space where black and white intersect.

However, there seemed to be an invisible barrier between them, and they couldn't make it through.

"Brother Chu, don't try. This is to protect our two spirits from being entangled with each other and getting hurt!"

Ji Nianyan explained.

"This is a pure space. What your mental state looks like can be reflected here!"

Said this, Ji Nianyan suddenly exclaimed.

"Brother Chu, in your mind, why don't you have the data planted by the Sabi Stars?"

I saw that Ye Chu's spirit was pure, and there was nothing else at all.

Hearing this, Ye Chu felt more and more that the system was bound to the original Ye Chu's spirit.


At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly patted his forehead.

"Now that my spirit has entered here, isn't the outside body occupied by the original Ye Chu?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu quickly left the Sun-Moon Wheel, and then returned to his body.

Opening his eyes and looking around, Ye Chu found that he was originally standing about five meters away from Ji Nianyan, but at this time, he actually appeared in front of Ji Nianyan.

More importantly, the iron-blooded mace appeared in his hand.

"Fuck! It's all true!"

Ye Chu was shocked and couldn't believe it.

In this way, Ye Chu didn't dare to let his spirit leave his body at will.

If once left, the original Ye Chu will control the body.

Ye Chu now understands why he will be magically changed in the future.

It wasn't a magical change at all, but that he was killed.

It was his true soul that was killed, and Ye Chu's original soul took control of his body again.

Ye Chu, who has completely two personalities, will definitely make many old brothers in Yulin City feel suspicious.

In terms of the working style of "Ye Chu" who came from just now.

Ye Chu now seriously suspected that his current group of old brothers was killed by this "Ye Chu" who was more dangerous than a bomb in his body.

What kind of magical changes, this is basically a good thing that Ye Chu, who was comparable to a tyrant, did before.

"No wonder you have cancer, why can't you die?"

Ye Chu scolded "himself" viciously.

"In that case, let's stop here for the time being. If we have anything in the future, we will use the wheel of the sun and moon to contact me. I must investigate this matter clearly. You said that my parents were released by you, then I must go as soon as possible. Find them!"


Ji Nianyan nodded slowly, then said with a worried look.

"Brother Chu, be careful of everything!"


After speaking, Ye Chu tore the space directly and left here.

After Ye Chu left, Ji Nianyan sighed, and then left here.

As for Chen Nuo who was caught fighting with misfortune.

They were released after Ji Nianyan returned.

When he came to Penglai area, Ye Chu found Honglin and Old Litou.

After the three people met, Ye Chu went straight back to the base.


At this time, the main base of Yanjing City.

In the meeting room of the underground base.

A group of people sat at the table, silently watching the picture in the projector.

The picture inside the projector was passed back from Changbai Mountain.

In the picture, the alien beasts are rioting and fighting together, which is horrible.

"You said, our Chuer, really went to Changbai Mountain?"

A middle-aged woman in a women's suit asked slowly.

"Yes, judging from the situation at the scene, he should have killed the sea dragon beast and took away the white spirit stone!"

Another middle-aged man thought.

And this person is the father Ye Chu is looking for, Ye Tianxing, and his mother Lu Chenshuang.

"Very well, everything is planned. The system planted in Chu'er's body is now being upgraded very well. I have to say that this method is really great!"

Ye Tianxing smiled with satisfaction.

"The system is very traumatic. We planted the system on Chu'er's spirit, and then let the other mind control Chu'er's body, so we directly eliminated this kind of damage!"

"At that time, after the system upgrade is completed, we will kill Chu'er now, and let the original Chu'er take control of the body, so that we can use this complete system to fully accept our Sabines through the black hole. Up!"


There were bursts of triumphant smiles in some dark conference rooms.

At this time, Long Shiyun was sitting at the end of the table, watching all this quietly.


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