I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 298: Love is a light, green you panic

New year and a new look.

In Yulin City at this time, thousands of lights and fireworks are flying.

In Ye Chu's home, everyone toasted to celebrate.

This night, doomed to sleepless.

Early the next morning, Ye Chu took a thick stack of red packets and went out.

The red envelopes contained all the hard currency of Yulin City, Lingwu Coins.

Everyone sends it out, and Ye Chuxi smiles at the New Year's greetings.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, Ye Chu's phone rang suddenly.

"Happy New Year, Xiao Huo!"

It was Xiao Huo from Chang'an Base who called.

"Brother Ye, the head of Long suddenly asked someone to bring me a letter. It said that a person named Ji Nianyan came to you, and asked you to take good care of him, and mentioned the people in the temple. , He said that the people of the temple are going to trouble you..."


Ye Chu immediately thought of the Shenting spacecraft connected to the system yesterday.

It seems that the person on the spaceship is indeed a person from the temple.

"Ji Nianyan? But she didn't come to me!"

Ye Chu said in confusion.

"Moreover, why does Long Shiyun send you a letter without calling?"

But at this moment, there was a groaning voice on the phone.

Then, the voice on the phone suddenly changed.

"Are you Ye Chu? Do you remember me? I'm coming to you now and see if you can discount my legs!"

"It's him!"

The familiar voice immediately made Ye Chu's mind a person who had previously imagined through voice.

It's just that the tone on the phone now is completely different from the tone before.

The tone now has a touch of joking.

"Did you catch Ji Nianyan?"

Thinking of what Xiao Huo said just now, Ye Chu immediately guessed what happened.

"Ji Nianyan? Is this what Suzaku calls Blue Star?"


Sure enough, Ji Nianyan is really Suzaku.

"Release Ji Nianyan, otherwise, I won't let you go back to your god's court alive!"

Ye Chu threatened gloomily.

"Shen Ting, I didn't expect you to know Shen Ting, not bad!"

The other party said with a sneer.

"Suzaku is my woman. I didn't expect to have feelings with you at Blue Star. I always hate this kind of disobedient feelings..."

"Have you been green? That's why the reaction is so intense?"

Ye Chu asked suddenly.

"I heard that love is a ray of light, you panic when you are green, I think you seem to feel this way now!"

"I do not understand what you're saying!"

The other party said gloomily.

"Suzaku, don't you want to say something to your lover?"

"Ye Chu, hurry up, leave me alone, he is a tenth-order evolutionary, in Blue Star, no one is his opponent, you go!"

Ji Nianyan's shout came from the phone.

Hearing that Ji Nianyan was really in his hands, Ye Chu's expression immediately darkened.

"Boy, I advise you not to move him, otherwise, I don’t care if you are Tier 10 or Tier 11. If you come to Blue Star, come to China, it’s the dragon that you hold me around, the tiger you lie down. , Otherwise, I will screw your head off!"

"Haha! No one dared to talk to me like this even in the sacred court. I didn't expect someone to provoke my supernatural power in this little blue star. I think you really don't want to live~!"

Qilin suddenly laughed.

"Shenwei? I don't know if you can hold the missile!"

Ye Chu sneered.

"You can come to Yulin City if you have a seed, and see if I won't beat your **** out!"

With that, Ye Chu turned off the phone directly.

Just then, the phone rang again.

"I said, some kind of come to Yulin City!"

Ye Chu shouted into the phone.

"It's me, Xiao Huo!"

Xiao Huo's voice came from the phone.

"I don't know why, the phone suddenly went silent just now!"

It seems that this guy should be able to control all communication channels, no wonder Long Shiyun would choose to use the envelope to convey the message to himself.

However, if the opponent is really a Tier 10 evolutionary, then with Yulin City's current strength, it cannot be resisted at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Chu immediately took out the phone and dialed Zhuge Yi.

"Entering the first level of defense, everyone enters the underground refuge!"


Zhuge Yi knew that the situation was serious, and he responded without asking why.

"Wait a minute, everyone, including all the defensive fighters, and your Lingwu Pavilion!"


At this time, Zhuge Yi was shocked.

"What happened? We want to protect Yulin City!"

"It's useless, the other party is a tenth-order evolutionary, so many people will die if they come out, I will try to lead him to other places!"

Ye Chu said worriedly.

"The leader, there are half a million people in Yulin City, willing to coexist and die with the leader!"

As Zhuge Yi said, people had already arrived in front of Ye Chu.

He was already not far from Ye Chu.

"It's not the time to be able to do it, so act immediately, have you heard it? Besides, if the other party wants to kill me, it depends on whether he has this ability!"

Ye Chu said confidently.

With the Hell of the Devil God in his hands, even if the Buddhas all over the sky come, he will be locked in it.

Not long after, Ye Chu noticed that Yiliang's huge spacecraft had landed outside Yulin City.

The cabin door opened slowly, and Ye Chu saw a young man in a black robe coming out.

This person was similar to what Ye Chu had imagined before, behind him, he was still following Ji Nianyan.

Just yesterday, Ji Nianyan was arrested by Qilin before she ran out of the base.

The spacecraft was suspended in midair, as high as the walls of Ye Chu's outer city.

The cabin door opened, and a few hundred meters away from Kylin, he glanced at Yulin City.

"Not bad, there is an ancient formation, it seems you have some good things in your hands!"

Outside Yulin City, there is a large array of sun, moon and stars that can withstand the attacks of Tier 9 evolutionists.

I didn't want to hit a unicorn and I saw it at a glance.

"However, this thing is no more than a punch!"

As he said, Kirin pushed out with a palm, and saw a water dragon roaring.

The large array of sun, moon and stars ended completely under the impact of the water dragon.

Yulin City was completely exposed.

"Isn't it about discounting the legs? I'm here now, let me see if you have this strength!"

Qilin looked at Ye Chu with contempt and smiled.

But at this time, Ye Chu looked solemn and kept staring at the unicorn.

Because when Ye Chu looked at Qilin's message, he found an extra message on his body.

Name: Kirin

Strength: Tenth-tier pinnacle

Ability: Water Kylin

Background: Shenting Star in the Milky Way, the leader of the Four Elephants in the Temple.

Faction: evil, evil value is 200000

Qilin's information is almost the same as the others, but in the end, there is an extra camp attribute.

Ye Chu thought of the Demon God's Stone he had obtained before.

The Devil's Stone has a skill, that is, it can transform gods and become enchanted.

Regardless of the status, it will cause an additional 500% damage to the opponent, and there are special skills that make attack damage based on the opponent's camp value.

And now, Ye Chu saw that the evil value of this unicorn was as high as 200,000.

"Good guy, how many damaging things you have done, you have such a high evil value!"

Ye Chu said in shock.

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