I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 299: Lingwu Army, with Yulin City

"Shen Ting, the leader of the Four Elephant Army, but so!"

Ye Chu shook his head and said disappointedly.

"You know me?"

Qilin asked with a frown.

But then he looked at Ji Nianyan behind him, thinking it was Ji Nianyan who told Ye Chu.

At this time, Ye Chu was quickly looking for a way to fight the unicorn in the fantasy treasure pavilion.

Alien science and technology are mostly weapons of mass destruction, and they are extremely expensive.

Only the things in the Fantasy Treasure Pavilion are the most suitable.

The opponent has the water attribute ability, so you need to find a way to deal with it.

"Let Ji Nianyan let go, just ask for any conditions!"

Ye Chu delayed as much as possible.

"Conditions? What qualifications do you think you have to negotiate terms with me?"

Qilin snorted, but then said with his eyes rolled.

"It's okay to let her go. Tell me how you forcibly established a communication system with my spacecraft?"

Looking at the entire Blue Star, there are almost no good things that can enter the eyes of the Kylin Method.

According to Qilin, this is a planet that has not even reached the first level of civilization and should have been destroyed long ago.

"First let go!"

Ye Chu said unceremoniously.

"I'll tell you if you let it go. Besides, you are a Tier 10 evolutionary, afraid that I won't be able to run?"

"Haha, interesting!"

Qilin suddenly laughed.

With that, Qilin threw Ji Nianyan directly over.

"As you said, the sky is big, where can you escape?"

Seeing that Ji Nianyan was about to fall, Ye Chu's heart moved, and her mental power directly supported her body, and then slowly fell to Ye Chu's side.

After vigilantly checking Ji Nianyan with the system, Ye Chu said after confirming that there were no abnormalities in Ji Nianyan's body.

"It's okay, leave the rest to me!"

Give Ji Nianyan a relieved look, Ye Chu gently raised Ji Nianyan's right hand and said.

"I'll take you to a place to hide. When the matter is over, are you coming out, OK?"

"No, I want to be with you!"

Ji Nianyan shook his head stubbornly.

"Be obedient, if you want to live, you have to listen to me!"

Ye Chu seemed to coax a child.

"Even if I die, I want to be with you!"

Ji Nianyan wanted to be with Ye Chu right now, not going anywhere.

"But, don't you want to live?"

Ye Chu sighed helplessly.

"If I live alone, what's the point?"

"But if you listen to me, we all have a chance to survive!"

With Ye Chu's words, Ji Nianyan gradually raised hopes for a better future.

"But, the unicorn is the power of the tenth-order evolutionary..."

"Do you not trust my strength at all?"

No wonder Ji Nianyan had never seen Ye Chu's true strength.

After a while, Ji Nianyan nodded firmly.

"Be careful, I'm waiting for you!"


With that said, Ye Chu took Ji Nianyan into the Demon God Prison.

Seeing Ji Nianyan who disappeared suddenly, Qilin quickly felt it with spirit.

But then he found that Ji Nianyan had really disappeared, and he couldn't even find a trace.

"I didn't expect that you still have some means. It seems that you have a baby that can hide everyone."

Qilin looked at Ye Chu in surprise and said.

"Tsk tusk, it's really interesting to come to Bluestar to perform the mission this time!"

Ye Chu's expression moved, and he noticed the meaning in his words.

"Perform the task? What task?"

But Qilin did not give Ye Chu much time to think about other things.

The next moment, I saw wide wings spread out on the left and right sides of the spacecraft.

There were dense iron gates on the wing of the ship. The iron gates opened, and rows of soldiers in silver armor walked out slowly from inside.

The team is neat and uniform, with tens of thousands of people.

A neat team brings great pressure to everyone, this is military might.

In the current situation, Ye Chu suddenly thought of a scene.

That is the scene of a million gods descending to the earth and capturing the demon monkey.

Thousands of divine soldiers landed and slowly attacked the base in Yulin City.

"A group of shrimp soldiers and crabs also claim to be gods. Let me see how your so-called gods can hold me!"

With that, Ye Chu's body was surging with black currents, and the void black gold armor gradually took shape. He swung the mace into a long-handled mace about two meters long.

"Nothingness black gold?"

Qilin's eyes were full of shock.

"You are so extravagant to make armor with nihilistic black gold. No **** in my **** court dares to make armor with nihilistic black gold. You really opened my eyes!"

"There are so many things you haven't seen before, Lao Tzu's good things, can blind your titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!"

With the huge black eagle wings waving behind him, Ye Chu looked down at the tens of thousands of soldiers.

But at this moment, I just listened to sudden bursts of loud noises from Yulin City.

"The Lingwu Army of Yulin City, willing to protect Yulin, guard the leader, and disperse powerful enemies!"

For a while, heads moved on the city wall.

The Lingwu army all appeared on the city wall.

Under the Lingwu Army, the Wuzun Gate and the Lingzun Gate warriors held their respective positions.

"Kacha, Kacha!"

On the city wall tens of meters high, a small window suddenly opened on the wall.

The densely packed small windows suddenly protruded from the black hole of the machine gun, aimed at the tens of thousands of soldiers below.

"The guard force is in place, ready to attack!"

The voice of the walkie-talkie kept ringing, and Ye Chu saw this scene, and suddenly felt a sense of pride.

"Magic Eagle Force, Sniper No. 1 Hawkeye is in place!"

"Magic Eagle Force, the second sniper Chuan Yang is in place!"

"Magic Eagle Force, Sniper No. 3 is in place!"


At this time, snipers were already in place at all hidden commanding high gathering points around Yulin City.

These snipers were trained by Johnson himself.

There are not many of them, but each is a sharpshooter with a hundred shots and a thousand meters to snipe the enemy. Moreover, the weapons in their hands are all hero-level sniper rifles blessed by Ye Chu with an enchanted book.

Boom boom boom!

More than that, the city gate was ajar.

Rows of humanoid mechas slowly walked out of the city.

There are thousands of them.

The layout of Yulin City caused all onlookers to give out unbelievable exclamations.

But Qilin alone sneered and laughed.

Because in his eyes, these so-called thermal weapons could not cause him any harm at all.

Above the tower, all the high-level Lingwu Pavilion all stood behind Ye Chu.

Their eyes are solemn, they are not afraid of life and death, and they exude a sense of fearlessness.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chu's heart warmed.

Perhaps, a strong base is made strong because of talents like them.

"Kirin, you are known as a god, then I will show you today how we, with mortal bodies, knocked down your high gods!"

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