I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 320: Five Elements

Ye Chu was originally an evolutionary of the earth element, and was very sensitive to the fluctuation of the earth element.

Immediately sneaking into the ground, Ye Chu leaned towards the place where the energy radiated.

"I'm going, what is this!"

Looking at a place about five hundred meters underground, there was an earth-yellow water dragon wriggling.

This earthy-yellow water dragon is full of iron ropes, and as the formation moves, the energy in his body is continuously sucked out.

Above the earth-yellow dragon, there was a fist-sized stone, which was spinning steadily.

The energy in the dragon's body was all sucked into this stone.


At this moment, I saw an earth-yellow ray of light rising into the sky, actually submerged into the void, and then shot towards the east.

"The formation is activated!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Chu immediately realized something was wrong.

Immediately, Ye Chu rushed directly, and then reached out and grabbed the round stone.


At the moment of touching the stone, a powerful energy rushed out of the stone.

Ye Chu was directly rushed out by this energy.

Ye Chu's appearance immediately attracted the attention of the ninjas on the ground.

But because Ye Chu was underground, they couldn't explore the underground situation at all.

The stone has energy protection, Ye Chu cannot succeed.

Immediately, Ye Chu set his gaze on the dragon.

There is still a steady stream of energy in the Jiaolong being drawn out.

If this dragon is released, it should be able to stop the energy attraction.

Thinking of this, Ye Chu immediately rushed towards Jiaolong.

The Jiaolong is huge, more than tens of meters in length, and the iron chain on his body is huge.

However, this shouldn't trouble Ye Chu.

Immediately, Ye Chu directly took out the mace and hit the iron chain fiercely.


The thick chain broke directly.

At the moment when the chain broke, Ye Chu saw the khaki-yellow dragon's eyes slowly fling away.

"Listen, I will let you free now, and at the same time help you replenish your lost energy, you immediately interrupt the transmission with that stone!"

The dragon seems to be very psychic. Following the direction Ye Chu knew, she looked at it, and suddenly an angry look appeared in the eyes of the dragon.

Seeing that the Jiaolong hated the stone so much, Ye Chu was overjoyed and quickly began to send energy to the Jiaolong.

With Ye Chu's supplement, the energy in the dragon's body was immediately replenished.

However, if Ye Chu entered here, Jiaolong and Shishi were still in the transmission state without disconnecting.

This makes the energy of that stone even greater.

The earth-yellow beam of light suddenly became rich, and the ninjas on the ground were immediately happy.

At this moment, a dragon chant suddenly spread out from the ground.

Jiaolong, moved!

The next moment, I saw the Jiaolong rushing directly towards that fast-sleeping back, and then he grew his mouth and swallowed it.

After swallowing the stone, the energy in the dragon's body became stronger.


The underground burst directly, and the earth-yellow dragon came out directly.

At this time, those beams of light rising from all directions began to gather above the Jiangnan base.

The place where I stayed is where the light of evolution is.

When the light of the five colors converged, it fell directly to the light of evolution.

The light of the five elements merges with the light of evolution.

Within a hundred miles of the light of evolution, a piece of nothingness was directly impacted by powerful energy.

The next moment, the light after the fusion rose from the ground.

He started to follow the original position of the light of the five elements and returned.

The light flies into the sky, and one is divided into five.

Looking at the light of evolution on the ground, it has disappeared!

They really stole the light of evolution.

When the light of the earth element in the sky returned with the light of evolution, the original stone was swallowed by the dragon.

So the light of evolution submerged directly into the dragon's body.


Just as the dragon broke out of the ground, it was shot down to the ground by this extremely powerful light.

At this moment, the ninjas swarmed.

Seeing this, Ye Chu also rushed over and protected himself in front of the dragon.

Taking out the conversion ball, Ye Chu first put the Flood Dragon into the Prison of the Devil God.

Looking at the ninjas around, Ye Chu showed a weird smile.

Afterwards, these ninjas are no more than seven or eight evolutionary.

It's just that the one headed is trickier, and he has reached the ninth rank.

"Is this the shadow ninja written in the information?"

Seeing this, Ye Chu slowly took out his mace.

After seeing the mace in Ye Chu's hand, the leader of the shadow forbearance suddenly exclaimed: "Kiligulu!"

Ye Chu didn't understand, but he also knew that he was saying his name.

Obviously, he recognized himself based on his weapon.

The next moment, several ninjas looked at each other, not knowing whether to go up or retreat.

Ye Chu didn't expect that his reputation would be so big that he would be well-known in the Japanese nation.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, I saw these ninjas throw a black bomb directly on the spot.

The next moment, the white mist rose, and these people were directly enveloped in it.


Seeing these people running away, Ye Chu looked around in surprise, and then prepared to leave.

After looking around and confirming that there were no other abnormalities around, Ye Chu directly used the branch authority to return to the Magic City branch.

At this moment, Ye Chu received an emergency notification from Jiangnan Base.

The light of evolution is gone!

"It's not good Ye Chu, the light of evolution has disappeared!"

Long Shiyun called and said quickly.

"I see! You immediately search from the inner gate, Jiangsu and Zhejiang... four places, you must find the traces of those ninjas, the light of evolution was stolen by them!"


After hanging up, Ye Chu resurrected a ninja again.

Directly using the soul cockroach to control the ninja, Ye Chu got their gathering points all over the country from their minds.

If nothing happens, these people should be in these places.

However, when Ye Chu felt the nearest assembly point, he found that they had already evacuated. ,

"Wait, their evacuation point, and Yantai!"

That was their final evacuation point.

When they landed, they landed from that place.

If they want to leave, they will definitely leave from that place.

Immediately entering the void, Ye Chu rushed towards Yantai.

This is one of the places that suffered the most severely from sea creatures some time ago.

There are no survivors here.

According to the ninja's information, Ye Chu came to a small island.

This is a small island not far from the shore.

There used to be some fishermen living on it, but later it developed into a tourist attraction.

But now there is no one.

Upon arriving on the island, Ye Chu found that there was still no one here.

Just after Ye Chu, there was a roar of engine suddenly not far away.

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