I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 321: Steal the light of evolution

Immediately ran out to look over the sea, Ye Chu found dozens of speedboats coming here.

And the people on the speedboat are those ninjas in black.

Seeing this, Ye Chu immediately hid.

Not long after the ninjas landed ashore, they came to a room on an island.

Ye Chu couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Afterwards, Ye Chu saw four of them and took out four shining objects with different colors.

One of them seems to be Ganoderma lucidum, another seems to be an iron block, and the other is a stone, but it is indeed red, and there is a burst of hot energy.

There is also a light blue pearl.

These should be the medium of the Five Elements Great Array.

If nothing else, the energy of the Light of Evolution, the same as the one that entered the Flood Dragon before, has all been received inside.

Seeing this, Ye Chu took the opportunity to rush out immediately.

At the moment of going out, Ye Chu's mental power turned into a huge tornado and rushed towards these people.

Everyone was dizzy by the sudden mental storm.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Chu flashed over, then took two things with both hands, and at the same time converted one with a conversion ball, and the last one fell on the ground.

With the three treasures, when Ye Chu was about to get the last light blue pearl, the Ying Ren who had a close relationship with Ye Chu threw a iron rope and pulled the pearl directly into his hand.

"It's really shameless to come to our China to steal something, and immediately take out what you have in your hand!"

Ye Chu stared at the shadow ninja and said.

"Ye Chu..."

I saw that Ying Ren actually spoke Ye Chu's name with a mouthful of jerky Mandarin.

"Give us something!"

"Oh, let me go! You stole our things, and you asked me to return it to you. How can there be such a thing under the sun!"

Ye Chu sneered.

"Today, if you don't hand it over, you don't want to get out of this island. No, even if you hand it over, you don't want to leave!"


Seeing that Ying Ren suddenly laughed.

"It's a big tone, then let me see if you have that strength!"

After speaking, I saw that Ying Ren raised his hand and several hidden weapons flew out of his sleeves.

But seeing that Ye Chu didn't evade, the hidden weapon stopped a few centimeters away from Ye Chu.

Ding Ding Ding!

The hidden weapon fell on the ground, and Ye Chu smiled disapprovingly.

"Just this ability?"

But the next moment, Ye Chu actually saw that ninja smile strangely.

Ye Chu looked down and immediately realized something was wrong.


I saw the hidden weapon just exploded unexpectedly.

And at this critical moment, a spatial crack suddenly appeared in front of Ye Chu.

The energy generated by the explosion directly enters the void.

The next moment, the void cracks healed, and nothing happened on the scene.

"Did you die together? Or did you die one by one?"

Ye Chu waved his hand, and the mace immediately appeared in his hand.

The mace swept out, and the ninjas immediately retreated back.

But who knows, Ye Chu's mace suddenly grew tall, and several ninjas were hit directly, and then they shot out of the room.

The huge mace gives a sense of sight of a golden hoop.

Ye Chu started to beat these ninjas like a gopher.

Seeing these jumping ninjas, Ye Chu burst into laughter.


At this moment, a ninja suddenly took out something similar to a conch and blew it.

The conch's voice is very ethereal, not high, but it spreads far away.

Ye Chu disapproved, and continued to attack these ninjas.

But not long after, seeing the waves rolling in the distance, Ye Chu actually saw a large number of strange sea animals rushing here.

The islands were directly surrounded by densely packed.


Ye Chu exclaimed. He didn't expect these people and ninjas to have the ability to control sea monsters.

But at the next moment, Ye Chu realized that the recent attack on the coastal areas would have something to do with these Japanese people?

Thinking of the huge alien beast that appeared near the country of Japan, the existence of this alien beast prevented the alien beasts in the ocean from attacking the country of Japan.

Moreover, they have the ability to control alien beasts.

Therefore, Ye Chu's conjecture is not impossible.

"Stop playing with you!"

After Ye Chu finished speaking, he put away his mace and rushed to the ninja holding the light blue pearl.

Seeing Ye Chu rushing over, a ninja next to him immediately stood in front of him.

"Knee down!"

Ye Chu jumped up high, slamming his knee directly at the ninja.


The powerful force directly smashed this ninja to the ground, and he could not die again.

"Convert the ball!"

Taking this opportunity, Ye Chu directly threw the conversion ball and hit the ninja.

Immediately, the ninja disappeared in place.

If you can't get what's in your hand, then just take you in.

Looking at the ninjas and alien beasts around, Ye Chu didn't want to pester them, and then went straight into the void and disappeared.

Of course, before leaving, Ye Chu did not forget to give them a gift.

Boom boom boom!

The bomb was dropped without money.

It was like a bomb rain.

Suddenly, the entire island was directly bombed by Ye Chu into ruins, and was rushed into the sea by huge waves, disappearing.

After returning to the base, Ye Chu directly entered the Demon God Prison.

After entering, Ye Chu saw the ninja carefully looking around.

Because he was here, and he also saw the underground flood dragon before.

At this time, the Jiaolong was still in a coma.

Seeing Ye Chu's sudden appearance, the ninja immediately stepped back vigilantly.

"Come here!"

Ye Chu sneered, and the next moment the ninja was pulled directly in front of him.

The soul cockroach separated its clones and sank into the opponent's body. Ye Chu directly took out the light blue pearl.

Ye Chu breathed a sigh of relief at the collection of the five elements media.

Afterwards, the soul cockroach directly stole the memory of the other party, and Ye Chu immediately got all the news about them.

"That's it!"

After stealing the news, Ye Chu understood why the Wa country was able to control the alien beast.

It turned out that the conch in their hands was given by the strange beast in the waters of the country.

And the name of that strange beast is called Yaqi Orochi!

"The world of the ocean is wonderful and colorful. It seems that there will be a chance in the future and we must meet this big snake!"

After directly absorbing the ninja's body, Ye Chu took out the four media.

But there is another five element medium in Jiaolong's body.

But Jiaolong fell into a coma at the moment.

If it is forced, Ye Chu is worried about what will happen.

Later, Ye Chu planned to make a decision after the dragon waking up.

Ye Chu did not tell Long Shiyun that he had harvested the Five Elements Media.

If I count, I already have two meteorites in my hand

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