I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 343: Chaos Stick

This is a pure black, very heavy stick.

The upper part was full of unevenness, and the forehead was very rough, but when it was held in his hand, the feeling suddenly made Ye Chu's eyes shine.

There are twelve grooves on the top and bottom of the stick.

Ye Chu wondered if he would give the stick a discount if he hit hard.

Following that, Ye Chu was overjoyed.

Chaos Stick: Unknown

Attribute: Hardness +100000


Inlay【Can inlay twelve energy gems】

Devouring spirit [can swallow other weapons and obtain their weapon performance]

"Twelve? Doesn't this correspond exactly to twelve meteorites?"

Ye Chu was overjoyed, and hurriedly aimed the chaos stick at the light of evolution.

The next moment, I saw the light distorted and started to absorb it from the Chaos Cudgel.

The whole Amber fell into darkness in an instant, and only the light of evolution entered a ray of Chaos Rod.

After absorbing all the light of evolution, Ye Chu saw a colorful spar appeared on one of the holes of the Chaos Stick.

Before he could check his attributes, Ye Chu immediately left the lake.

Enhancing the range and power of the Blood Gathering Array, Ye Chu directly blocked this place completely, letting them fight in the dark.

From a distance, with the lake as the center, the blood energy visible to the naked eye continued to rise, and finally merged into the mysterious guardian egg.

In the end, even if they stopped fighting.

But blood still came out of his body.

The Blood Gathering Array actually absorbed the blood qi in all the alien beasts.

But at this time, Ye Chu didn't know it.

Because Ye Chu had already arrived in the Demon God's Prison, looking ecstatically at this Chaos Stick.

When the meteorite landed, Ye Chu arrived in Chang'an for the first time and took the meteorite there.

It is the Devil's Stone.

Demon's Stone: The energy gem formed by combining the Demon's Hell


①After use, enter the invincible state for five seconds

②The body of the devil:

[Transformation of God: has the body of the true God, has 500% extra attack power against the evil camp, special skills: judgment, according to the target's evil degree, it causes the same degree of real damage attack]

[Enchanting: possessing the body of demons, having 500% extra attack power against the sacred camp, special skills: killing, according to the degree of sacredness, causing the same degree of real damage attack]

③Ignore breakthrough obstacles and advance smoothly

If this Demon God's Stone can also be inlaid on the Chaos Rod, I don't know if it can maintain the function of the Demon God's Stone.

Immediately, Ye Chu slowly moved the Demon God's Stone closer to the Chaos Cudgel.

Suddenly, a suction force came from the Chaos Cudgel.

Ye Chu asked the system quickly.

"If the Demon God's Stone is embedded on the Chaos Rod, can it be guaranteed that the Demon God's Stone will not disappear?"

"After all the gems are inlaid, not only will the ability not disappear, but there will be a certain increase!"

After having an affirmative answer, Ye Chu directly released his hand.


The Devil's Stone was directly inlaid on it.


Ye Chu's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he brought the Chaos Stick close to his forehead.


Ye Chu took a deep breath.

I saw bursts of tearing on the forehead, and the five elements reincarnation eyes on the forehead were also taken out by Ye Chu.

The Devil’s Stone, the Five Elements Reincarnation Eye, and the light of evolution just obtained.

Now Ye Chu has set three gems in the Chaos Stick.

Then I saw that the attributes of the Chaos Cudgel had increased to a very powerful point.

Chaos Stick: Unknown

Property: Hardness +600000


Devouring spirit [can swallow other weapons and obtain their weapon performance]

Inlay【Can inlay twelve energy gems】

Inlaid: [Stone of Demon God] [Eyes of Five Elements Reincarnation] [Stone of Beast Spirit Evolution]

The Devil’s Stone and the Eye of Reincarnation of the Five Elements have been introduced before.

But what does this stone of animal spirit evolution mean?

Isn't every light of evolution different?

Ye Chu suddenly became puzzled.

After looking at it, Ye Chu was relieved immediately.

Beast Spirit Evolution Stone: For beast creatures, it has an extra 20% evolution ability.

Seeing this, Ye Chu was relieved immediately.

It seems that the effects of other evolutionary lights are for different creatures.

This one is for beasts, although it also has the ability to evolve for other creatures.

That's not as much as the increase in beasts.

Play with this stick so much.

Ye Chu felt that this weapon was the weapon he dreamed of.

And after the forward gem, the hardness of this stick reached 600,000.

Although Ye Chu has no idea about this value, he thinks it should be very powerful.

As for the iron-blooded mace before.

Although this thing is also powerful, it is not what Ye Chu wants in appearance.

Speaking of mace, Ye Chu thought of one of Chaos Club's skills.

That is Lingling.

It can devour other magic weapons and gain their performance.

He quickly took out the mace, and Ye Chu was about to swallow the mace directly by the Chaos Club.

Iron-Blooded Mace: Fairy Tool

Attributes: 500% attack power, 200% damage

Skills: Break defense, damage, heavy hit, wishful, non-invasive, fatal in one hit [5%]

Upgrade conditions: Tier 10 alien beast blood

Seeing the properties of the mace, Ye Chu couldn't help nodding secretly.

This performance is absolutely invincible.

Fortunately, the Chaos Stick can carry all its performance.

So Ye Chu didn't have to worry that the performance of the mace would all disappear.

Directly swallowed it by the Chaos Cudgel, and then the attributes of the Chaos Cudgel changed earth-shaking again.

Chaos Stick: Unknown

Attributes: Hardness +600000, 500% attack power, 200% damage


Devouring spirit [can swallow other weapons and obtain their weapon performance]

①Iron-blooded mace: break defense, damage, heavy blow, wishful, non-invasive, fatal in one blow [5%]

Inlay【Can inlay twelve energy gems】

Inlaid: [Stone of Demon God] [Eyes of Five Elements Reincarnation] [Stone of Beast Spirit Evolution]

In addition, the iron-blooded mace is a weapon that can be upgraded.

However, after combining with Chaos Cudgel, there is no upgrade function.

But when Ye Chu saw that the Chaos Cudgel's level was unknown, he immediately felt indifferent.

The unknown level is definitely more cattle than before the mace.

After doing all this, Ye Chu left the Demon God Prison.

But when Ye Chu came out of the Demon God Prison and saw the scene in the Blood Gathering Array, he was immediately stunned.

I saw that there were corpses all over the field in the Blood Gathering Array, and at this moment there was no other living animal.

The huge lake is full of dead bodies.

Moreover, the blood of these corpses was all sucked clean, leaving only an empty skin.

At this time, the big formation was still in motion, and the mysterious guardian egg in the middle was turning around.

Ye Chu quickly flew up and took the guardian egg in his hand, only to find that the mysterious guardian egg turned blood red.

After absorbing so much blood from alien beasts, it would be strange if it didn't turn red.

After quickly removing the Blood Gathering Array, Ye Chu saw that the mysterious guardian egg was still in a state that could absorb energy.

In other words, he is not full yet.

If you don’t have enough food, you can’t get to the highest level.

Think about it, Ye Chu still put it away.

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