I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 344: Destroying Energy Cannon

What Ye Chu didn't know was that all the good and bad animals in the Blood Gathering Array were killed.

The alien beasts here occupies two-thirds of the entire island, and they are all strong enough to compete for the light of evolution.

The rest, the ones who didn't die, didn't have the strength to compete for the light of evolution.

Back in the cave, Ye Chu said to the leader of the Frei clan.

"Most of the alien beasts on the island have been killed by me, and the rest are relatively weak. You must learn to protect yourself!"

Hearing that Ye Chu killed the evil demon, all the Frei tribe members cheered.

"Now the outside world has completely changed, and there are horrible creatures similar to evil monsters everywhere, and even humans have evolved to the point where they are overwhelming. You must also make progress, otherwise you will soon be eliminated!"

As the saying goes, to help people to the end, these people have guarded their predictions for thousands of years.

It is necessary for Ye Chu to help them out of their predicament.

Eta rays can awaken a person's abilities.

These Frei people are naturally agile and qualified hunters.

In the following days, Ye Chu awakened all these people from their abilities and told them how to practice.

Ye Chu didn't dare to stay here more.

Now that the goal has been achieved, we must leave as soon as possible.

As for the prophecies on the stone wall, Ye Chu didn't take it seriously.

If there is no system, you will have nothing.

It is impossible to destroy the system by yourself.

Ye Chu believed in himself, not in the system.

Believe that you can control the system, not be controlled by the system.

After more than a month, Ye Chu completely relieved his heart.

But before leaving, Ye Chu still hadn't figured it out.

That is the content on the mural.

The content depicts the ancestors of the Frey tribe, fighting against huge alien beasts.

In other words, huge unknown creatures existed before this island.

But for so long, Ye Chu hasn't discovered other native unknown creatures.

Could it be that they were killed by the Blood Gathering Array last time?

Ye Chu had some doubts about this.

Although puzzled, Ye Chu quickly left behind.

Because, after gaining the light of evolution, the life and death of the entire island has nothing to do with him.

It is already within Ye Chuli's ability to let them evolve their abilities one by one.

As for taking them out of the island?

forget it.

Even if Ye Chu had this heart, I'm afraid these Frei people would not leave here.

Of course, before leaving, Ye Chu also took away the blonde beauty.

Through learning, Ye Chu knew that this beauty was called Avril.

I came to this island more than ten years ago and is now 18 years old.

Avril Lavigne said that she came here with her parents when she was six years old.

After the family was taken in by the Frei people.

My parents were killed by wild animals during a hunting event.

Ye Chu was surprised to find that Avril, who had lived on this primitive island since she was a child, turned out to be a born evolutionary.

It's just that she hasn't found her ability until now.

Ye Chu saw that Avril's ability was light energy.

Moreover, the power level has reached S grade. Compared with other evolvers, Avril is enough to kill most evolvers in seconds.

Light energy evolvers, seemingly plain and unremarkable, are actually terrifying.

But for the development of Avril Lavigne...

Keke, not right.

It was the development of Avril Lavigne's ability, Ye Chu planned to wait until he returned to Yulin City to study it.

Before leaving, Ye Chu asked Avril Lavigne.

"Are you willing to stay here? Or go back with me and return to human society? If you go back, do you plan to go back to your hometown or follow me to China?"

Avril Lavigne said with a certain face.

"I am not a member of the Frei tribe. Of course I chose to return to society. In addition, more than ten years have passed. According to your description of the outside, my hometown may have been occupied by zombies, so I chose to go with you and ask You can take me in!"

Ye Chu is happy to take in a beautiful and indispensable blonde beauty.

Walking in the air, Ye Chu condescendingly looked at the Angel Devil Island below.

After taking it here for so long, to be honest, the beauty here is really nostalgic.

Opening the door of the void, Ye Chu stepped into it.

Avril Lavigne followed in.

Immediately, when the Void Gate slowly healed.

Avril Lavigne said with a sigh.

"It was the first time I overlooked the island from a high altitude. I didn't find it. The island looks like a huge sea turtle!"

Ye Chu smiled, then looked around.

Sure enough, as Avril Lavigne said, this huge island is really like a huge sea turtle.

This reminded Ye Chu of the giant beasts in Shanhaijing.

"Couldn't, this island itself is a giant sea turtle!"

Ye Chu suddenly thought of a mural in the cave.

The above content is really the ancestors of the Frey clan, standing on a huge tortoise, fighting with the beast.

"Is there really any connection between these?"

Ye Chu observed again and again and confirmed that there was nothing unusual about the island, then he closed the door of the void and headed towards Yulin City with Avril.

But just after Ye Chu left, on the cliff east of the island, a huge stone pillar slowly stretched out.

There are dark holes on both sides of the stone pillars.

From a high altitude, this is the head of a tortoise on a tortoise-shaped island.

The island is still slow, facing the sea breeze, slowly moving forward at the speed of a turtle.



After returning to Yulin City, Ye Chu found that the entire China had entered a first-level combat readiness state.

"what happened?"

Ye Chu immediately called a plum blossom meeting.

"Bad boss!"

Feihu hurriedly said to Ye Chu as soon as he opened the video.

"Three days ago, we intercepted a piece of MG's satellite news. Their Superman organization acquired some prehistoric civilization technology. The most heinous of them was a weapon called an energy cannon..."

With that said, Feihu directly uploaded a video about the destruction of energy cannons on the platform of the Meihua Conference.

In the picture, Ye Chu saw a car-sized cannonball emitting a dazzling lustre spherical energy. After landing, it directly destroyed a city silently.

"Good power!"

Ye Chu exclaimed.

After the energy cannon landed, there was no loud explosion, but it swallowed everything silently.

After the energy cannon, the entire city was turned into powder.

There is no weapon that can destroy the target so thoroughly.

It has become a kind of powder.

If this falls on the land of Huaxia, no matter it is in that city, Ye Chu can't guarantee that he can resist it.

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