I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 360: Atlantis, God of War

Ye Chu seemed to have thought of something.

It is not that the cup can be refilled indefinitely.

It's the time here. Fifteen minutes is a cycle. After that, it will return to the original point.

Here, the entire shipwreck has fallen into a time vortex.

Ye Chu suddenly realized.

But judging from the coffee he drank, Ye Chu drank the coffee, the effect of coffee has always existed.

And because of this, he was promoted to the ninth rank.

This has not changed over time.

In other words, the reincarnation here is only for everything here.

In this way, Ye Chu couldn't get anything here.

"Just don't know if you get the things and leave the sunken ship immediately, will you take the things here!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu immediately picked up the coffee cup and ran out.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

After Ye Chu went out, he did not stay in place, but continued to go upstream.

A quarter of an hour, fifteen minutes, it's here.

Ye Chu looked at his empty hands in surprise, and fell into thought.

From this point of view, everything in the sunken ship has been imprinted with time.

As soon as the time comes, he will return to the original origin.

"But how did the Wa country remove the energy shield device from the sunken ship?"

Ye Chu became curious.

There are also many individual energy lights on the sunken ship.

Ye Chu discovered that no matter which part of the sunken ship, he has an independent energy source.

Therefore, no matter where the damage is received, the sunken ship will still keep running without harm to the body.

Immediately, Ye Chu got a few energy lights, and then continued to go upstream.

But after a quarter of an hour passed, the light in his hand still existed.

The two experiments showed that the inside of the sunken ship and the outside of the sunken ship are different.

Inside the shipwreck, there was a cycle of time, but there was none outside the shipwreck.

"I don't know if all the outside of the sunken ship is stripped, and what is left inside, will the cycle of time have any effect!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu took out the Chaos Cudgel and rounded it.

The huge Chaos Rod caused bursts of undercurrents on the seabed.

Suddenly, the entire waters began to spin violently.

The Chaos Cudgel in Ye Chu's hand seemed to have become a Dinghai Shenzhen at this moment.


The huge Chaos Cudgel slammed on the sunken ship.

Ye Chu was surprised to find that the sunken ship had not received any substantial damage.


At the same time, after the sunken ship was attacked, the defensive device on the surface of his ship was triggered.


A defensive cover immediately enveloped the hull, and at the same time, the destruction cannon on the top of the cabin was also activated.

This is not a broken device, but a complete assault weapon installed on the sunken ship.


The energy of the destruction cannon gathered quickly.

Ye Chu immediately felt a breath of danger rushing to him.

"The Devil's Stone!"

Ye Chu immediately hung the Chaos Stick in his hand in front of him.

The next moment, Ye Chu directly entered the five-second invincible state.

Demon's Stone: The energy gem formed by combining the Demon's Hell


①After use, enter the invincible state for five seconds

②The body of the devil

The Devil's Stone can give Ye Chu a five-second invincible state.

The next moment, a huge energy cannon carried the turbulent sea water and shot at Ye Chu fiercely.

Ye Chu tried to dodge, but found that this energy gun had a tracking function.


The energy cannon directly hit Ye Chu.

Although Ye Chu has invincible body protection.

However, its powerful impact slammed Ye Chu out.

The mud on the bottom of the sea rolled, Ye Chu was blasted into a mountain, and it took several minutes to climb out.

"I'll go, it's so powerful!"

Ye Chu was shocked.

"If this ship can be repaired, a sea giant over a thousand meters long can kill any country in seconds!"

Seeing this, Ye Chu directly gave up taking away anything in it.

Taking the whole set is king.

But, how can we crack the time cycle inside?

After the attack, the sunken ship entered a state of defense.

This precautionary state is that all doors of the cabin have been closed.

So Ye Chu couldn't get in for a while.

In desperation, Ye Chu had to give up temporarily.

"It seems that the only way to break the cycle of time is to come here again!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu laid a big array here.

This big formation can completely hide here.

At the same time, it can resist attacks below Tier 10.

After doing this, Ye Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when Ye Chu was about to leave, he saw a line of English on the hull.

Ye Chu immediately translated and found that this line in English means:

Atlantis: God of War!

"It really deserves to be the God of War!"

Ye Chu nodded secretly.

However, regarding the prehistoric civilization, the legend of Atlantis, Ye Chu can be regarded as completely confirmed.

What happened to this prehistoric civilization?

When in Alcatraz, it must be them.

More than thirteen hundred years ago, humans were not fully developed at that time.

They could actually create a powerful weapon like the God of War.

One can imagine how great they were at the time.

Destroyed by floods?

Ye Chu felt that it was definitely not a disaster like a flood that forced them to sink to the bottom of the sea.

I am afraid that there will be a greater disaster, forcing them to hide.

After so many years, if they have not gone extinct, they should continue to stand up.

After all, they are all humans. If the current humans can get their help, then there is no need to worry about them when dealing with alien attacks.

What happened to Atlantis that year?

This question echoed in Ye Chu's mind and could not be forgotten for a long time.

After leaving here, he was immediately shocked by the bad weather on the sea.

In fact, what Ye Chu didn't know was that the disaster on the sea was completely caused by him.

The butterfly effect spread here, and the continent closest to here suffered unprecedented destruction.

What Ye Chu didn't know was that his evil value was increasing rapidly.

If you wear the Asura mask, under the effect of the magic attribute of the Asura mask +1000%, it will reach an unimaginable number.

But Ye Chu didn't know anything about it.

After returning to Yulin City, Ye Chu found that Sakura and Avril had both learned Chinese.

Although it's relatively unfamiliar to speak of, it has been able to communicate with ordinary people normally.

Finally solved the problem of the Japanese country, and got what he wanted as he wished. Ye Chu figured it out, rested for a few days, and was ready to set off to go to the next light of evolution and collect it.

But just as Ye Chu spent the past few days steadily, a person suddenly found Ye Chu.

This person is called Ye Ning.

Claiming to be from the former Ye family.

When they met, Ye Ning called Ye Chu "Young Master".

Ye Chu quickly called Johnson over, and as expected, Johnson and Ye Ning also knew each other.

Make sure that the identity of the other party is real.

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