I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 361: Once Ye Family

Ye Chu has always been strange to his family.

Come here from rebirth, and then until Johnson finds himself.

In the end, I went to Kyoto again and found that big villa. Even Ye Chu had never seen his parents.

They were arrested only when they finally posted their secrets.

But at that time there was no family affection.

Ye Chu knew about his family, only knew that Ye family was once a big family in Yanjing City.

I don't know anything else.

What did the Ye family do before?

How big is their industry?

According to the original owner of this body, it was the memory left over by the previous Ye Chu.

Even he doesn't know how much property his family has.

Because at that time he had cancer.

It didn't take long to live.

Know nothing about the family business.



"I think my fame is quite famous in the apocalypse, why did you come to me now?"

Ye Chu asked curiously.

"Master, you don't know. We can't see all of the Ye family's business. Then the chairman of the board suddenly disappeared. I have been taking care of the family. Until now, it has stabilized, so I dare to come and look for you! "

Ye Ning explained.

"Then tell me, what exactly does our family do?"

Ye Chu sat down and asked with interest.


"What the hell? Arms!"

Ye Chu was startled, but then asked suspiciously.

"It's all in this business, how can the family still be unable to withstand the doomsday attack?"

"We have our own military factory. In addition, the place where the weapons are placed is a huge underground warehouse. The weapons in this warehouse are 80% of the family's inventory in peacetime!"

Ye Ning said, then took out a computer.

"Here is all the information of our family business, please take a look!"

Ye Chu took it and asked the system to copy the information immediately.

But in a moment, Ye Chu knew everything.

"what a pity!"

After reading it, Ye Chu sighed regretfully.

"Almost all the alien beasts facing now are high-level alien beasts. These ordinary weapons have lost their effect!"

"Master, you may not know that the so-called "weapons" are not only firearms, but also other things!"

Ye Ning smiled.

Ye Chu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes indeed!

Even before the end, there are many evolutionaries in the high-level society.

It's just that it was called a supernatural person.

Some people with abnormal systems will automatically awaken some abilities after birth.

They serve the country and major forces and are extremely powerful.

In addition, the ancient warrior is also an inherited profession.

If these are counted, then the value of the things in this arsenal is great.

In addition, his parents were possessed by the Sabines, and the alien technology weapons they mastered should also be in stock.

"I saw the message saying that two keys are needed to open the warehouse. Where are these two keys now?"

Ye Chu asked quickly.

Ye Ning did not speak, but directly took out a key three inches long from the space ring.

"These two keys are called Qiankun. This one is for dryness, and the other one is for the housekeeper!"

Ye Ning explained.

"After the chairman disappeared, I immediately activated the emergency filing, but the butler was faster, receiving more than 40% of the industry and manpower, and at the same time I got another key!"

"You said Ye De?"

Ye Chu frowned.

Ye Chu also had a little impression of this person.

This person was not actually named Ye, but Ye De was bestowed by Ye Tian's grandfather a long time ago.

He served the three generations of the Ye family and is now more than seventy years old, but after the end, he awakened his ability and became an evolutionary.

No one knows the specific ability.

"Where is this Ye De now?"

Ye Chu asked.

As long as it is in China, then he must hand over the key.

"He's not in China, in MG Chinatown!"

Ye Ning said.

"Before the doomsday broke out, he handled affairs for the family, and then went to MG, but recently, I heard that he returned to China, and he also brought a large number of secret forces he cultivated in MG, and armed our family’s super weapons. , Very powerful!"

"No matter how good it is, you can get there!"

Ye Chu sneered at this.

"Currently, Ye De is in the Demon Capital Base, and all the people who previously worked for him have gone to the Demon Capital Base. The current manpower of our Ye Family only has more than one hundred people left. They are not his opponents at all. A lot of people from Ye De came to me, and I couldn’t find the young master. I hope that the young master can take charge of our Ye family again!

Ye Chu nodded slightly, then patted his shoulder.

A soul cockroach quietly entered his body.

After some investigation, Ye Chu found that Ye Ning had no doubt that he had not deceived himself at all.

"It seems! The matter of subduing the light of evolution will be temporarily slowed down!"

Ye Chu thought secretly.

"Get ready, let's go to the magic city for a while this Ye De!"

Ye Ning frowned when he heard that Ye Chu was going personally.

"Master, I know you are quite good in Yulin City, but if you don't make preparations like this, you might be dangerous!"

"Then what do you say?"

Ye Chu smiled.

"Of course bring some more people!"

Ye Ning said without thinking.

"Yes, then take two more people!"

Ye Chu looked up and found that Xiao Ying, Avril Lavigne and Su Qianmo were coming.

"Sister Qian Mo, prepare for the three of you, and go to the magic city with me!"

"Really? Great!"

The three girls jumped up for joy.

These few days are really suffocating them.

But at this moment, Ye Ning smiled slightly and walked over.

When he came to Su Qianmo, Ye Ning greeted him very politely.

"Sister Qian Mo, long time no see!"

"you are……"

Su Qianmo was taken aback for a moment and looked at Ye Ning suspiciously.

After a while, Su Qianmo suddenly realized, and then exclaimed.

"You are, Xiao Ningzi?"

"Haha, yes, I am Ye Ning!"

Ye Ning scratched his head awkwardly.

When I was young, Ye Chu, Ye Ning, and Su Qianmo often played together.

"Growing so big!"

Goodbye, Su Qianmo was deeply moved.

"Okay, chat with your brother Chu, let's go get ready!"

Immediately, the three girls turned and left.

However, ten minutes, twenty minutes, and half an hour passed, and the three girls have not yet come out.

Sakura came out earlier.

"Where are Sister Qian Mo and Sister Avril?"

Ye Chu asked helplessly.

"The two sisters heard that they are going to the magic city to travel, and they are putting on makeup!"

Sakura explained.

Ye Chu rolled his eyes and almost fainted.

This woman's characteristics, how can it not be changed after the end!

Finally, an hour later, the two girls changed into beautiful clothes and walked out hand in hand.

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