I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 401: Superman II Pants

This is a big underpants that are red to the point of being delicate and beautiful.

The scientific name is Superman's big pants.

Ye Chu slowly picked it up.

Unlike foreign ones, this big pants has four corners.

In addition, there is a bulge in the middle, which seems to be a place for accommodation.

Ye Chu looked at it with the system, and was immediately shocked by the attributes of the pants.

Superman's second-generation red pants: gold


①Strong: It has a strength that exceeds one hundred million times of its own.

②Speed: It has a speed exceeding the speed of light.

③Defense: able to withstand the attacks of annihilating stars.

④Flying; able to travel among the stars.

⑤Laser eye: The powerful laser shot from the eye can penetrate everything.


①The method of use is to wear it outside the clothes.

②At the same time, each ability needs to consume the energy of the pants. The energy acquisition method of the pants is to let others see the appearance of your pants. One person can get a little energy of the pants if they see it for one minute.

③No modification

"Fuck! The system, have you been a bit joking about this prank!"

Ye Chu suddenly felt speechless.

However, the power of this pants can be said to be invincible.

A force exceeding one hundred million times of its own, exceeding the speed of light.

A weapon capable of resisting the J-star.

Just ask, wearing these pants, it is probably easy to go directly to annihilate a planet.

In addition, Ye Chu studied carefully, and the pants energy consumed by each skill was very large.

I am afraid that Ye Chu would have to wear his pants around the world in front of people in order to continue using them.

"Your sister, I won't show up in front of others wearing these pants!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu directly installed the pants.

This is what makes Ye Chu love and hate something that makes people heart-wrenching and can't bear to look directly at it.

Immediately, Ye Chu took out the second gift package and opened it directly.

"I hope I won't be disappointed this time!"

Ye Chu folded his hands together, then prayed slowly, and finally opened it completely in the look of expectation.

"What is this?"

Ye Chu curiously took out a cup from the gift bag.

Unlimited energy refill: special

Function: After putting in any energy, you can continue the cup indefinitely, only liquid energy.

"This thing? It's interesting!"

Ye Chu smiled.

To be honest, this palm-sized cup, even if it is an unlimited refill, but if it is not high-quality energy, even if it is an unlimited refill, it is not as much as you can earn in a few minutes.

And it is troublesome to pour again and again.

But if you do it, you can use human or robotic agents.

But, where to get high-quality energy?

Moreover, it is still liquid energy.

After thinking about it, Ye Chusi temporarily thought of the selenium element.

The selenium element is the gas energy extracted from the salt mine.

Then the liquid selenium element can be obtained through liquefaction.

Finally, solid selenium can be obtained through solidification.

Just get a little bit of selenium liquid and put it in this cup.

Thinking of this, Ye Chu rushed to the newly built Seda element factory.

Ye Chu has not had time to inspect the new factory.

See if it meets the specifications in the design drawings.

Because the refinement requirements are very strict, no accidents are allowed in this process.

At the same time, the weight of the solidified selenium element is very heavy.

Vaporization, liquefaction, and solidification have a large proportion among the three forms.

Basically, only one milliliter of liquid selenium can be extracted from Shifang gas.

Ten milliliters of liquid selenium can extract one gram of solid selenium.

It can be seen how precious the energy of the selenium element is.

Ye Chu also tried to convert with system energy.

After conversion, one kilogram of selenium can be exchanged for 10,000 energy points.

After such a long time, Ye Chu can be considered to understand the energy of his system.

You can call this energy omnipotent energy.

He can transform with any form of energy.

But the specific value depends on its energy quality.

The appearance of Ye Chu caused an uproar here.

The leader made an unannounced visit and came to inspect.

The person in charge here immediately summoned all the senior executives of the refinery to greet him.

"I'm really sorry, I don't know the leader is coming, there is no preparation, please forgive the leader!"

The person in charge of this refinery is a middle-aged man in his fifties.

Although he was just an ordinary person, he had the refining experience in this area, so he was promoted exceptionally.

"Let me take a look at the refining process, how is it? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Ye Chu walked in surrounded by these people.

"It's okay. According to the drawings you gave, all the equipment has been built and put into use, and with the cooperation of other departments, the finished product has already been produced!"

Ye Chu followed the factory manager in.

"This is the first step after refining. After the energy in the salt is extracted, it will form a gas and store it here!"

Ye Chu looked around and found rows of huge jars here.

There are sophisticated instrument operations on the jar, and all the conditions inside the jar can be seen.

After walking over, Ye Chu saw that some jars were already filled with selenium.

Following the factory manager, Ye Chu came to a large pool of water.

But these pools are protected by a sealed transparent cover. From the outside, you can see some converted and refined selenium elements flowing in from there, forming a light blue liquid.

After passing the energy reserve pool, Ye Chu came to the rear.

This is the final warehouse of the refinery. Inside, what is stored is the selenium element that is refined into a solid product.

Walking straight in, Ye Chu saw that all the staff here were wearing protective clothing, wrapping themselves tightly.

At this time, the factory director hurriedly stopped Ye Chu and said.

"Chief, this refined element has strong radiation and can cause great harm to our human body. The leader should wear protective clothing!"


Ye Chu frowned. The ten Seda flying knives in his hand did not radiate any radiation.

Ye Chu didn't listen to the obstacles and walked in curiously.

As soon as I entered, I felt a burst of super energy rushing toward my face.

Seeing this, Ye Chu suddenly realized.

It may be that the selenium element is too powerful, and they are just ordinary people. This powerful energy will cause a certain impact on their body, so they mistakenly think that it is very radiation.

However, this huge amount of energy is sufficient to drive various weapons.

Even enough to be used in various spacecraft and nuclear weapons.

Quickly took out the infinite refill cup, Ye Chu tentatively put the solid energy of the selenium element into it.

Unfortunately, to Ye Chu's disappointment, the infinite refill does not support solids.

When he came to the liquid area again, Ye Chu brought the liquid selenium into it.

Immediately, there was movement in the Infinite Refill, and then Ye Chu dumped the elements in the quilt.

The next moment, I saw another cup in the cup.

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