I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 402: Walking red pants

Ye Chu immediately commanded the others to create a super-defensive assembly line in the liquid zone, and then installed the infinite refill cup inside it, and used the robot to run it, continuously maintaining the same pouring action, so that it could continue to run.

This should be the meaning of a drop in the bucket, it's just a countless drop in the bucket.

In this way, the output of the selenium element is greatly increased.

After doing all this, Ye Chu left the refinery.



Recently, Ye Chu was wondering how he could go out in red pants in an open manner.

This kind of pants was worn by Ye Chu before, in his birth year.

In his birth year, Ye Chu once wore red pants, red vest, and red socks.

Going out to meet a girl with this, it's almost dregs.

In addition, these superman pants will only work if you wear them outside.

Wearing it inside is not acceptable.

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly lit up, and suddenly thought of a good way.

If you use invisibility and wear red pants, will others be invisible?

Thinking of this, Ye Chu got into the ground with excitement.

Then he took out the red pants and put them on the outside.

The black windbreaker with red pants on the outside is so handsome.

Immediately, Ye Chu immediately cast the invisibility technique, and then returned to the ground.

No one seemed to be on the street at this time.

Ye Chu walked forward cautiously.

At this moment, a woman came over suddenly.

Because of the dark sky, the other person's face is not visible.

Seeing this, Ye Chu walked over cautiously.

After passing, Ye Chu found that the woman was just an ordinary person.

Ye Chu breathed a sigh of relief at once, ordinary people would not even feel the existence of his invisibility.

"Ah! Abnormal!"

At this moment, the woman suddenly screamed, then turned her head and ran away.


Ye Chu quickly got into the ground and disappeared.

At the same time, his face was hot and ashamed.

At the same time, Ye Chu saw that the red pants were charged, and there was a little more energy in the pants.

"Can you be seen wearing pants? Shouldn't it!"

Ye Chu is extremely credible for his own stealth skills.

And the other party is just an ordinary person, so Ye Chu is more confident.

But why did he shout just now?

Thinking of this, Ye Chu planned to continue wearing red pants and go out to experiment.

However, this time it was not at the Yulin City base, but at other bases.

As the saying goes, see you when you look up.

This is the case in familiar places, and acquaintances can be seen every turn.

If it really doesn't work, it is known that this leader is wandering around the street wearing red pants, then where will this old face be left?

Therefore, the only safe way is to go to other bases by yourself, and then change to the appearance of other people, using the invisibility ability and wandering out in pants.

In this way, no one knew that he did it himself.

"Haha, I'm really super smart!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu immediately came to other bases with branch authority.

As soon as he said nothing, Ye Chu directly converted into a strange man, and then used his stealth ability to start wandering around the street.

"My Cao! What did I see!"

"What do you think it is?"

"Red pants!"

"Are these **** refined? How come they can fly by themselves!"

"No, I feel the energy, I am an invisible evolutionary!"

"How about playing? Why didn't the Stealth Evolver steal his pants?"


All passers-by began to give pointers to this.

From their comments, Ye Chu knew the reason.

It turned out that the effect of invisibility was not applied to the panties.

Even if it is invisible, the clothes and people in other places will be invisible, so the pants will not be invisible.

Seeing this, in order to avoid being watched, Ye Chu immediately ran forward.

Suddenly, a running red pants became the most beautiful scenery on the street.

The energy of the pants was accumulating, and Ye Chu slowly adapted to this process.

It won’t be seen anyway, it’s just a pair of pants, so what?

In addition, Ye Chu found a sign.

People who have never watched red pants will give Ye Chu double the energy.

People who have met once or more than twice, the amount of energy gained will decrease.

The flying red pants, after this incident was reported, it spread to the Yulin City headquarters.

However, it was observed that the red pants did not do anything illegal.

So this incident was just treated as a chat topic after dinner.

Even when Ye Chu walked down the street again, people seemed to be surprised at the red pants.

But there are still some curious people, full of curiosity about the owner of the red pants.

Some people followed all the way, just to see Ye Chu's face.

But these people were all thrown away by Ye Chu all the way.

Jingle Bell!

One day, Ye Chu was wandering around the street, but suddenly received news from the Yulin City headquarters.

"Chief, a sky garden suddenly appeared over the South my country Sea!"


Ye Chu immediately put away the red pants, and then came to the South China Sea.

Standing on the coast, Ye Chu looked towards the sea.

At a distance of more than 20 miles from the coast, a sky garden similar to a mirage appeared in the sky above the sea.

What's amazing is that there is a light that resembles the light of evolution, projected from that mirage.

"How is the situation? Is the investigation clear?"

Ye Chu immediately asked the person in charge here.

"We send any aircraft or fighter plane to check it out, but no matter what flies over from above, it will disappear. In addition, the light of evolution projected from the sky garden has the same effect as the light of evolution we encountered before! "

The person in charge explained.

"It's kind of interesting, there is even the light of evolution delivered to the door!"

Ye Chu suddenly laughed.

However, there must be a demon if the teacher is abnormal, and Ye Chu immediately gave the same level of light to the world.

Sure enough, after such an investigation, the Yulin City Headquarters sent a message. It was unexpected that the light of evolution that appeared in the original Babylon location was gone.

"The Hanging Gardens of Babylon!"

At this time, I don't know who shouted.

Ye Chu immediately thought of the eight wonders of the world before.

The eight wonders of the world include the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis, the Statue of Olympian Zeus, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Colossus of the Sun God of Rhode Island and the Lighthouse of Alexandria, and the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the First Emperor of China.

Ye Chu had already seen Shi Huang's terracotta warriors and horses.

It was this remote Babylon that made Ye Chu suddenly curious.

Immediately, Ye Chu entered the void directly, and when he reappeared, he appeared under the sky garden.

"This shouldn't be sent from Babylon!"

Investigations revealed that the light of evolution in Babylon had also disappeared.

There are a total of twelve lights of evolution, this is definitely the way.

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