
  Chapter 1138 Awakening the divine force    So when the Star Lord heard Igo began to talk about oneself and Star Lord mother was so happy when it was windy and happy, Star Lord finally couldn't help it. His eyes flickered slightly, staring directly at the image of mother in the picture shown by Ego, with his fists clenched tightly. .

"Since you love your mother so much, why did you leave her in the first place? Why not stay on Earth?" Star Lord turned his head hard and asked, looking at Eagle's eyes.

"Your mother is so perfect. I really had this idea. However, your mother is just a mortal, and I am Celestial. I have a grand plan. I How can I get lost in Warm Countryside?" Ego lightly sighed, turning his head to look at the Star Lord and said with emotion.

"You have to remember that you are my son and you will inherit everything from me. You will be a brand new Celestial. Don't get lost in other places. We are also more ambitious. The goal is waiting to be achieved!"

"So you killed her?" The Star Lord suddenly raised his own energy pistol. He didn't hold it back in the end, or, in essence, he Star Lord is an impulsive person. He doesn't want to wait any longer. He wants to know the truth!    "I was right in another universe, this guy is really not suitable for heavy responsibility..." Tony Stark saw this scene in the video, shrugged a little helplessly, and said softly, "It looks like we need Ready to fight!"

"So you waited for a long time, what are you waiting for? Waiting for Ego to tell the story?" Rocket Raccoon held back for a long time, and finally couldn't help tsukkomi get up.

"Always give the bad person some time to tell the story of his mind!" Tony Stark shrugged said with some regret, "To be honest, I still want to know that this guy's plan for Dumas is ultimately For what, but now it seems that it’s no longer necessary..."

"Nick Fury, you go back to the universe Warship with them, you are no longer suitable to participate in the next battle. , Maybe this planet will repel you out at any time. In space, there is no way for you to survive!"

"Wanda, save that Yondu, and I will send it to the universe Warship together. During the fight, I won’t forget him..."

"What about the Star Lord? His firing power is no different from the ordinary person. Wait for a fight. Isn't he dangerous?" Pietro raised his hand and looked at Tony Stark reminded.

"Let's talk about it when we fight!" Tony Stark waved his hand, looked towards Wanda, Wanda nodded, a scarlet Chaos Magic was released, and wrapped into the different space where Yondu was. .

"Child, what are you doing?" On the other side, Igo looked at the Star Lord who raised the energy pistol in his hand, the subconsciously frowned, and asked a little displeasedly, "I am your father. How can you point your gun at me?"

"I'll ask again, how did my mother die? Did you put a brain tumor in my mother's brain?!" Star The energy gun in Lord's hand was ready to go, glaring at Igor solemnly asked.

"en? !" Eagle's eyes slightly shrink. He looked at Star Lord with a hint of surprise, undoubtedly giving his own answer.

"You old bastard, go die for me!" The angry Star Lord roared loudly.




An energy bullet from the energy of the Star Lord The gun spouted out, directly smashing Yi Ge's body completely unrecognizable.

But the problem is that the Igo in front of me is simply not the real Igo, but an energy body that's all condensed by divine force.

"Where did you know about this? With the level of Earth's technology, it is impossible to find this thing!" Soon, a brand new Igo appeared in front of the Star Lord, his His complexion was slightly heavy, and he looked at Star Lord solemnly asked.

"Why would I know? If you want people to know, unless you do nothing, today, I will avenge my mother!" The Star Lord adjusted the firepower in the energy gun in his hand and looked at Yi Ge said solemnly, "Your body is this planet, I will explode this planet!"

Just as the voice of Star Lord fell, an afterimage appeared on In front of Star Lord, immediately after Star Lord's body was lifted up, the whole person was struggling weakly in the air.

It turned out that Igo had already pinched Star Lord's neck and picked him up, as relaxed as pinching a chicken.

"My dear son, do you think that the guy in your hand has the right to threaten me? You don't know what you have lost. I have lost the opportunity to become Celestial and be equal to me. !" Ego looked at Star Lord with a sneer, the previous image of a fatherless person disappeared at this time, and his words were full of arrogance and disdain.

"Let me see if you can show your final value. If you can awaken the divine force, you can become a part of my energy, so that I have enough energy to assimilate those planets, and succeed Conquer the entire universe. If you can’t do it, then you can only become my nourishment and be buried deep underground!"

"It turns out that this is your purpose..." Star Lord clenched his teeth. He felt his own consciousness gradually dissipate. He faintly guessed that oneself should not be far away from death.

And at this time, a vigorous power poured into Star Lord’s body from Ygo’s body, and that power awakened a seed hidden in Star Lord’s body, and then Star A powerful force was awakened in Lord's body, causing Star Lord's body to release bright white rays of light, which actually shook Igo away on the spot.

"Success! My induction is not wrong! You really are the most special one! You have awakened my divine force, very good, my good son, you are valuable again!" Looking at the familiar power surging in Star Lord's body, Igo instantly became excited and shouted loudly.

"Then have you ever thought that I have awakened the divine force, so I don't need to be afraid of you?" The Star Lord at this moment slowly lifts the head, with bright white eyes flashing in his eyes The rays of light are just like Thor when he awakens the Law of Thunder, but at this time, the use of divine force by the Star Lord is really too rough.

The powerful divine force was incorporated into the energy gun in the hand by the Star Lord, and then moved towards Yigo's body and shot it madly.

"Your strength comes from me, do you still want to use it to defeat me? It's a foolish dream, my dear son, I will let you know today, whether you are father or your father... eh?!" Igo Watching Star Lord's attack, he was about to teach Star Lord a lesson, but suddenly he sensed something, his complexion changed suddenly, and he looked towards Avengers' direction.

(End of this chapter)

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