
  Chapter 1139 Ego’s Surprise

Yes, at this time Ego felt the Avengers side After all, the alien space was created by Yigo. At first Wanda used Chaos Magic to invade the different space. Yigo was attracted by the Star Lord and didn't notice.

But as Yondu was rescued from the alien space, the entire alien space dissipated directly, and Yigo was slow to react and noticed the mutation on the other side.

Especially after Yondu came out of the alien space, Tony Stark put on Space Stone Combat Armor, a Space Gate opened in Yondu star, and Yondu and other people without space survivability The movement sent to the Universe Warship is even more difficult to hide from Yigo.

"It seems that you have come prepared!" Eagle squinted slightly, watching as he waved his hand to block the divine force released by the Star Lord, and said with an extremely unhappy expression, "You are looking for It cost a lot of money to come to so many powerhouses to help, right?"

"Hehe, you can only blame you for doing too many bad things, now you are being asked!" Star Lord sees Igo sneered and said with a mocking face, "If you haven't done so many bad things, I really can only come to you singlehanded..."

" Too much? Could it be that they are all my children? Impossible, they don't have my power..." Ego heard the words of the Star Lord, subconsciously frowned, whispered whispered.

"Also, my child should be dead. You are the last of this batch of plans, and the first of the next batch is the child of Sovereign High Priest. You should I don’t include them!"

At this time, Igo’s voice was full of uncertainty. To be honest, Dumas’ plan has been implemented until now, and there have been one or two a fish that escaped the net, the heir not remembered by Ego, is also a normal thing.

In Ego's view, only the Star Lord knows the identity of the owner in advance to be able to gather such a group of powerhouses with extraordinary abilities to deal with oneself.

"Hehe, do you deserve it too?" Just at Eagle’s tone barely fell, a disdainful voice rang over Eagle’s body. The owner of this voice is not someone else, but the body. Tony Stark wearing Space Stone Combat Armor.

When the Avengers sent away all those who were unable to survive in the universe, they naturally rushed to the frontal battlefield immediately. As a result, they just came over and heard Igo’s arrogantly arrogantly throwing them away. Become an own heir.

This undoubtedly caused the Avengers' discomfort. Their Avengers are all proud guys. Even if Ego's origin is mysterious, no matter how strong he is, in the face of such an act of forcibly recognizing father, Avengers are all Resistance from the heart!

"Can they really win?" In the cosmic Warship, Yondu hasn't understood what happened at this time, just knowing that oneself has been rescued, and a group of people are dealing with Igo, which is more important The thing is, this group of people was still found by the Star Lord.

This makes Yondu's heart full of worries. Although he threatened Igo with Planet Xandar before, Yondu did not know that the defeat of Planet Xandar Ronan the Accuser was caused by Avengers, so Yondu had no confidence in his heart.

"We can only choose to believe them, can't we?" Nick Fury shrugged on the side said softly, "After all, we don't have the ability to participate in the battle. Compared with them, we are just ordinary person that's all."

"But, Peter is just an ordinary person, is he really okay to participate in it?" Yondu's eyes focused on the Star Lord, who was flashing bright white radiance. Said hesitantly.

"Where do you see that this kid is an ordinary person. This guy seems to have gained a lot of power. He has already surpassed us by far..." Rocket Raccoon spread his hands, a little envious. Said, "If I had such power, I would have killed it!"

"So, who are you? Your goal, from the very beginning, is me?" , Eagle looked at Tony Stark and the others who appeared in front of him, his eyes flickered slightly, a divine force converged in Eagle’s eyes, trying to see through the details of Tony Stark and the others.

"This is? Infinity Gem?! You can find Infinity Gem? It seems that I can get a double surprise today!" As Celestial, Yi Ge naturally I know the Infinity Gem. Igo once had the idea of ​​Infinity Gem, but unfortunately, because Igo is not a protagonist, he has lived for so long, and he hasn't even seen the trace of Infinity Gem.

And today, not only the own Alexandre Dumas plan finally ushered in a turning point, and found the first offspring who awakened oneself divine force, and at the same time an Infinity Gem appeared in front of own.

Even if I haven't been in contact with Infinity Gem, Igo can find information about Infinity Gem from long-term memory, which is not much worse than Supreme Intelligence.

At this time, Ego is even dreaming about what it will be like to successfully rule the entire universe after oneself has obtained Infinity Gem and Star Lord, the power bank.

"Double surprise, you are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!" Tony Stark was originally very upset by Ego's words before, and now he is even more smiled by Ego's self-confidence. The powerful space energy was condensed in Tony Stark's palm cannon, and then disappeared invisible.

With a sound of "puff!", next moment, appear out of thin air, a powerful shock wave of energy blasted directly at Yigo’s body behind Yigo, this is Tony Stark for Space Stone again The new use of Combat Armor.

Using the characteristics of Space Law, the own attack is integrated into the space, and then appears in any space at will, so as to achieve the effect that the enemy cannot react.

"pu!" This energy attack is indeed you can't guard against it, at least Igo didn't have any reaction, and then he was directly penetrated by the energy attack.

Even, the powerful spatial force directly shattered Yi Ge's body completely, turning it into a little rays of light and dissipating away.

"He is not dead yet. This is just an incarnation of him. Such an attack will not cause much injury to him..." The Star Lord on the side took a deep breath and reminded Tony Stark. .

"Naturally, I know. We saw the pictures of you getting along before. Although you are a little unreliable, I hope you can be useful after awakening the divine force. After all, you should also hope that, Oneself can avenge your mother personally, right?" Tony Stark glanced at Star Lord, lightly saying.

Tony Stark naturally has sufficient experience in revenge, and he can clearly understand the difference between oneself revenge and others helping revenge. Star Lord definitely hopes to be able to achieve revenge by own power. ……

(End of this chapter)

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