
  Chapter 168 Charles of hard to avoid calamity

"You? Are you a piano?!" in this At a brief moment, Charles suddenly understood something. He understood why Qin Ge Lei became like this and why he merged with Phoenix Force so quickly. It turned out that this was originally the real Qin Ge Lei consciousness, or in other words, Qin Ge Lei. The consciousness of the fusion of the two personalities of Grey and Dark Phoenix!

It turns out that for so many years, it is not only Dark Phoenix who has been confined in a mental cage that has been constrained. He has been following Charles, and Qin Ge Lei, who must obey Charles in everything, does not Is it also subject to an alternative bondage?    Therefore, after Dark Phoenix's consciousness awakens, Qin Ge Lei will resonate with Dark Phoenix's consciousness. It is precisely because of this that Magneto can easily fool Qin Ge Lei, who is confused in his heart, because at that time Qin Ge Lei is in the fusion of memories and confusion in her heart.

At this time, Charles wanted to re-enter the personality of Dark Phoenix into the mental cage. It was simply dreaming. At this time, Qin Ge Lei is Dark Phoenix, and Dark Phoenix is ​​Qin Ge Lei.

However, the new personality consciousness formed by Qin Ge Lei will be affected by both sides to a certain extent. Therefore, Qin Ge Lei has not completely adapted to it since this time. Before Luo Gen gave Qin Ge Lei planted the seeds of change, and Charles' appearance and behavior helped Qin Ge Lei complete this last step.

Thorough integration, thorough self-recognition, recognition of oneself as Qin Ge Lei, and recognition of oneself as the host of Phoenix Force. This is exactly what Phoenix Force wanted to see when it sought the host.

"I have always been Qin Ge Lei. If not, why should I help Mutants?" Qin Ge Lei's cold voice sounded, "However, Charles, if it wasn't because of your wrong decision, I will not wake up, and now, you have made a wrong decision again, which made me want to understand all of this thoroughly, and know who I am, in return, get out of my head!"

As Qin Gerei's angry voice sounded, Charles' consciousness was instantly expelled, and even more than half was lost, returning to his own body.

However, Qin Ge Lei did not intend to let him go like this. As Qin Ge Lei looked over, Charles's body got out of the wheelchair and flew directly. His body, in this brief moment , Not under oneself's control.

"Dark Phoenix..." Mystique face changed on the side, subconsciously wanting to plead with Qin Ge Lei.

"Call me Qin Ge Lei." Qin Ge Lei's faint voice echoed all around, "This person, called Charles, you should be very clear about his identity, the Principal of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, cultivate Many Mutants..."

"However, this person, his position is always vacillating between humans and our Mutants, and this time, he chose to stand on the side of humans, in our When Mutants is about to successfully establish an autonomous prefecture, he will come and kill me to prevent this from happening. What do you think he should do?"

"Kill!" As the General who was originally sitting down by Magneto, The Toad who had been controlled by Charles the most times, the toad who hated Charles the most screamed.

"Kill!" Then, some Mutants, who were not understanding the complete truth, wanted to establish the Mutants Autonomous Prefecture, and the Mutants who had obtained the right of oneself also called out.

"no! Qin! You can't do this!" Laser Eye and Aurolo hurriedly yelled at Qin Ge Lei, although the voice was drowned in the crowd, they were still heard by Qin Ge Lei.

"Then why don't you stop him from coming to trouble me?" Qin Ge Lei glanced lightly at Laser Eye and Orolo, for these two people who would not object to Charles at all. , She has no eyes to see, "When he dealt with me, you can only watch, not stop, then when I deal with him, you can only watch, can’t stop..."

"Jin!" Logan's wound from the laser eye slowly healed. He opened his mouth subconsciously, and a trace of unbearable flashed in his eyes. He and Charles are also old friends for many years, although he can't see it. Some behaviors and even styles of Charles were very different from Charles, but when he saw that Charles was about to die in front of oneself, Logan still subconsciously wanted to dissuade him.

"Rogan, you know what, if I lost just now, then I am now a cold corpse, without any consciousness." Qin Ge Lei explained the voice in Rogan's ears. The sound of the sound made Logan shut his mouth subconsciously.

"Then, kill!" Qin Gerei saw that Logan stopped talking, and Phoenix Force burst out instantly. In the sad eyes of everyone at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Charles' body turned into After the powder, it dissipated completely.

"en? What do I say, no wonder you have no fear, even in the face of Death, you are not afraid at all. It turns out that you are also a successor!" Qin Gerei suddenly sensed something and sneered. looked towards the nightcrawler not far away, "follow my instructions!"

"Yes!" The nightcrawler's body trembled, subconsciously nodded, and disappeared with Qin Gerei's body In the same place, and then kept teleporting.


"Phoenix Lord?"

Regarding the disappearance of Qin Gerei, everyone around did not think of it, and even theirs did not understand Come here, what does Qin Ge Lei's last words mean, and those ordinary Mutants' names for Qin Ge Lei have changed from Dark Phoenix to Phoenix Master, to show that oneself respects Qin Ge Lei from the bottom of my heart.

In a private hospital in the United States, a bald head who looked exactly like Charles opened his eyes. He just showed a kind smile to the nurse beside him to show oneself profound mystery, suddenly Charles The face changed.

"Jin?! Do you really want to kill to the last one?" Charles made an incredible voice. He didn't say anything about this second player, including Magneto, in order to one day Oneself could do it again with this back hand, but he did not expect that this back hand would have been discovered when he first used it.

As Charles's voice just fell, his body instantly floated, Qin Ge Lei and Nightcrawler's figure appeared here, in the nurse's horrified eyes, Charles once again transformed into了齑粉.

And this time, Charles has no chance to be reborn again. Therefore, Qin Ge Lei has completely erased Charles’s consciousness after having experience, and let him disappear in the two worlds of the material world and the god world. .

"Vegetable younger brother? I think it’s almost the same as an unconscious clone? Hypocritical!" Qin Ge Lei coldly glanced at the nurse next to him, and gave Nightcrawler a wink. The figure disappeared in place and returned to the gathering place of Pennsylvania Mutants. At this time, the human side already knew that Charles and X-Men had failed.

(End of this chapter)

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