
  Chapter 169 Mutants Handling Countermeasures and Surprises    A secret Conference Hall in the United States gathers here In view of the so-called elites and high-level officials in the U.S., it can be said that they are the important forces that secretly influence the direction of the U.S. Here, no matter in the military, business or political circles, there are important and even leading families.

"Everyone, how should we deal with Mutants this time?" The president didn't sit in the middle position, but in the middle position and asked.

"If you want me to say it, just wash the ground with a nuclear bomb and blow up all the Mutants!" The army chief's unhappy voice echoed, causing some people to frown.

"It's Pennsylvania, and it's close to the southeast side. It is very close to Washington and New York. If it is a nuclear bomb washing the ground, Washington and New York will inevitably be affected by nuclear radiation..." Someone immediately stood up against the opinion of the Chief of Staff of the Army. The distribution of this force is near Washington.

"Yes, besides, have you figured out the strength of Qin Gerei? What if she can disassemble nuclear bombs? Your army mechanized infantry division was scared by someone else's move. Dare to attack easily, now you dare to propose a nuclear bomb to wash the ground?" Someone sneered again, seemingly at odds with the Chief of Staff of the Army.

"Don't you know how expensive a person is?" The Chief of Staff Yuan of the Army opened his eyes and glared at the two people who were talking in front. To distribute?"

"gentlemen, we are not here to discuss whether we should fight before, but to discuss how to deal with Mutants now. Could it be that they really set up autonomous prefectures for them?" The president said These guys who quarreled without saying a word were very upset, but he couldn't directly attack him, only to change the subject again.

"Mr. Sherman, I remember that the Sherman family should know a great person. I don't know, can he take action to solve this matter?" What suddenly came to the mind of the Chief of Staff , Looked towards Mark Sherman asked.

"If you want me to say it, it would be better to let Mutants form an autonomous prefecture." Mark Sherman said nothing about Huang Wen, although he knew that the old fox around him had detected a lot of Huang. Wen matters related to the Sherman family.

"After all, we cannot easily prevent the birth of Mutants, and instead of letting Mutants be distributed in various places in the United States, we will put them together, which is convenient for management and can reduce the crime of Mutants. ......"

"Even, we can promise to give the Mutants Autonomous Prefecture certain law enforcement powers. Of course, this right can only be used on Mutants, and they will solve the problem of arresting the wrong Mutants. This can divide their classes and create contradictions within their own owners!"

"Yes, we have never found a way to completely solve the Mutants problem. Before, the existence of the main battle faction and the main peace faction was also allowed. The helpless move is to avoid large-scale conflicts and cause social unrest..." Nodded, an ally of the Sherman family, agreed with Mark Sherman.

"And now, if we can gather Mutants together, even if it only brings most of the Mutants together, it will also facilitate our management. At least the Mutants have committed something, and we can justify the whole Mutants. The group put pressure on them to inspire conflicts between them!"

The president's gaze shifted slightly. He didn't want to participate too much in the Mutants matter. If it is not handled well, it will become his political career. However, with the endorsement of people from these forces, there is no need for him to carry it out.

"Then, the old rules, vote. Those who support the establishment of an autonomous prefecture by Mutants, raise their hands, those who don’t support them, don’t raise their hands, if it fails, then wait for those who did not raise their hands to discuss again. Come up with a feasible plan..." The president took a deep breath and slowly raised his hand.

In the end, Mark Sherman's proposal was approved by 70% of people and 30% opposed.

"Then, the matter of contacting Mutants will be left to the Sherman family." The president finally put a big stone down in his heart, and the force majeure of Mutants can finally stop.

"Dudu du!" Just when everyone thought that the matter was over and they could leave, the alarm sounded suddenly and everyone received a new message by their own means.

In a base of the Air Force, a monster similar to Hulk appeared. He shot directly from the air base, resulting in a large number of deaths of army soldiers and even the entire air base. , It seems that there is no breath of life, this news is still automatically recorded when the air force base is attacked.

"Ross?" Mark Sherman thought of General Ross in an instant. His face changed and immediately stood up. "Prepare the gunship to investigate the situation at the air base. In addition, send someone to look for that It’s similar to where Hulk’s monster is!"

"It seems that I don’t need to think about pensions first. Your Air Force department must consider this matter first..." The Chief of Staff of the Army has some taking pleasure. The voice of in other people's misfortune sounded, but Mark Sherman didn't pay attention to what he meant, just glanced at him coldly, then turned and left.

Time turned back a little bit. In the air base, General Ross received the news of Charles' failure, and he couldn't help being surprised, but at this time, the air base was undergoing changes.

Emil Blonsky, who had already been sentenced to Death, and was being drawn blood and tissues, suddenly had a breath of life again, his cells began to become active, and even began to violently mutate.

It was just a moment, even before the scientific researchers hadn’t reacted, Emil Blonsky turned into an extremely hideous Abomination form, and, unlike the Abomination in the original drama, the original drama Abomination in it is just arrogant enough to ignore the existence of the army, but there is no hostility towards the army.

But this Abomination is different. He participated in the residual ischemia clearing experiment before, although it was voluntary, but the Bruce Banner blood also gamma ray experiment was not voluntary, and even analyzed by Dissection. , The extraction of blood and cell tissue is not voluntary by Abomination.

Therefore, the Abomination who just turned into a direct choice to completely kill the scientific research personnel, and carried out the killing in the entire air force base, even General Ross, who came to command after hearing the sound, was also Abomination. Kicked out and approached Death.

"Now, you are just a bunch of trash..." A trace of mockery flashed in Abomination's eyes, watching the corpses all over the floor, and rushing out of the air force base.

(End of this chapter)

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