I Own A Sharingan

Chapter 21 - 21: Empire Kakin

One week later, June 15, 1976, Raigo left the Sky Arena followed by his disciple.

They walked silently for several minutes before Tatsukuta spoke.

"Master, you're sure you want to leave now, the Battle Olympia is only a few months away, you're the master of the 250th floor, if you win you can become the master of the 251st floor."

"I am not interested".

said Raigo lazily before seeing the admiring eyes of his disciple who looked at him adoringly.

"It is true that you are a master of martial arts, things as insignificant as the battle of Olympia should not interest you".

"It is true that you love money and have many faults like a lack of ampathy, you eat like a wild beast....."

Tatsukuta began to cite many flaws that caused Raigo to hit her head with his fist.

"You mean I'm a useless master!

She rubs her skull in pain, shaking her head vigorously.

"No, no, master, that's not what I meant! I swear I didn't mean it!

. . . .


Raigo carrying his backpack sat on a chair waiting for the airship to take off, sitting next to him Tatsukuta whose head was covered with a bump.

"Master, where are you going now?"

"The Hunters' Association has recently found the ruins of an ancient civilization on an island in the far north-east of the Kakin Empire, and I plan to mount my own expedition to explore the island."

"Master, are you a Hunter?"

"Yes, I am."

Tatsukuta's expression became even more admiring, she began to ask Raigo a lot of questions about the profession of hunter to which he answered one by one before the reception desk informed the passengers that the airship was ready to leave.

"Practice as I told you and don't be in a hurry, concentrate on the basics, I might come back to see you if I have time".

Raigo tapped the head of his disciple who instinctively stepped back and looked at him suspiciously, thinking that Raigo wanted to hit her head again.

"Goodbye, be well and don't die too quickly, I'd like to fight you one of these days."

"Goodbye master, be well and learn to eat more properly."

Tatsukuta's last sentence almost tripped Raigo as he climbed into the airship.

Raigo standing in the airship's bar looked down at the city below and the big tower that stood proudly in the sky with a smile.

"I had a great time."

. . .

Time passes quickly, a few days later, Raigo arrives in Taiju City.

He left the airport with his backpack and walked through the streets of the city with curiosity looking at the buildings with modern Asian architecture.

The Kakin Empire is a monarchical empire, led by King Nasubi Hui Guo Rou and located in the middle of the Azian continent.

Taiju city was a fairly large city with a population of more than 1.2 million people, it had the second largest port in the Kakin Empire behind Kakin Port City.

Raigo found a restaurant where he had a good lunch before going to a bar in the city center.

He entered the bar, which was almost empty, before sitting at the counter and showing his Hunter license to the bartender, who was a bald man with quite a lot of muscles and wrinkled eyes, he looked at Raigo's license before asking him in a calm voice.

"How can I help you?"

"I sent out a recruitment notice about two weeks ago, and I would like to see the profiles of the candidates who applied".

The man nodded his head and removed a heavy cubic object resembling a TV screen with keyboards from under the counter and turned it on, surprising Raigo..

The man seeing Raigo surprised had a smile on his face.

"This is the latest high-tech machine provided by the ȧssociation, it is called a microcomputer, it is linked to the telephone network, thanks to it the ȧssociation can now send and receive information on all continents at almost instantaneous speed, it was put into service two months ago."

Raigo nodded his head simply, disappointing the man who wanted to see a shocked look on his face.

The man was frantically tapping the keyboard and then a few seconds later, he turned the screen towards Raigo while pointing to a port.

"Put your license in that port."

Raigo put his license in it and the man pressed a key on the keyboard a few minutes later the machine slowly printed out several paper documents that the man handed to Raigo.

He put the documents in his backpack and said goodbye to the bartender before leaving the bar.

Sitting in the back seat, he took the various documents out of his backpack and began to read them.

"Wow, I never thought I'd get so many applicants."

He said in a low voice, smiling, reading each document carefully.

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