I Own A Sharingan

Chapter 22 - 22: Team

Zhuyi Hotel, Taiju City June 26, in the lounge of a large room of the hotel four people dressed uncommonly were sitting on sofas.

The four looked at each other silently without speaking the first was a man with short blue hair in his thirties with a shaggy beard wearing a pair of glasses, the second was also a man, he was thin, had a bald head and wore a black suit and custom-made shoes giving him an elegant look.

The third was a woman in her twenties, fairly tall, with long blond hair, dressed in a simple but pretty outfit, she had a black briefcase under her left arm which she took great care of.

The last one was also a woman about 6 feet tall with black hair and eyes, dressed soberly seated to the right of the man with blue hair and a shaggy beard.

The room was so quiet that a fly could be heard flying, until the bedroom door was opened, attracting everyone's attention.

A young man with black hair, a three-day beard and a red scarf strongly resembling a turbant tied around his forehead and hiding his left eye entered the room.

He stopped, looked at everyone and said with a smile.

"Good morning to all of you, I see everyone is here."

"First of all, my name is Raigo Nazar, I'm a hunter like you and your employer, but you must already know all this, so I'll ask you all to introduce yourselves so that your future colleagues can get to know you better."

All the people present looked at him in a certain way as if to evaluate him, which did not bother Raigo, he turned his eyes to the blonde woman and said with a smile.

"We'll start with you, doctor."

The blonde woman nodded her head and then quickly introduced herself.

"My name is Karla Zuvic, I'm hunter Ruins Hunter and doctor of archaeology at Wulrift University in U.S Sherta, nice to meet you."

Followed by the man with a shaved head and wearing a black suit who said in a kind voice

"My name is Husun, I'm 35 this year, I'm Paleograph Hunter, nice to meet you."

The man and the woman also introduced themselves with jovial expressions, they were both married and were jackpot hunters, the woman's name was Judi and the man Daniel Helminger.

"Here is for each of you a check for 150million Jenni as agreed, of course you will also each also receive your five percent of the art on any precious items found during our future shipment, in addition to this I have reserved a room for each of you, so rest as you wish."

"Use also the second check of ten million, to pay for all the materials necessary for the expedition, Daniel you have navigation skills so you will be in charge of finding us a boat your check is 40 million that should be enough, Marla you are a cartographer in addition to your activities of Jackpot hunter so take care to find us the maps of the region and any useful meteorological or geographical information."

"Husun and Karla, you simply have to pay for the materials you need for your research."


"Understood, but what's the date of our departure? ...."

"Shall we leave from Taiju or Kakin Port City?"

Raigo patiently answered each person's question two by two, one by one without omitting any information.

"I have one last question."

Husun said aloud, stopping Raigo's footsteps as he was about to leave the room.

"I'm listening."

"You're not afraid we'll run away with the money, normally it's safer to give the money promised once the mission is over."

At these words, the eyes of the other three turned to Husun and then to Raigo who came out laughing before closing the door behind him.


His laughter resonating in the corridor in the distance made Husun shiver and made him feel a certain fear.

. . . .

Time passed and Raigo and his team had already been preparing for four days.

After an extra day discussing their plans and itinerary, Raigo decided to launch the expedition the next day.

He discussed the final preparations for several hours before returning to his room around midnight.

He looks with satisfaction at the various objects on the floor of his room, including knives, first-aid kit, climbing equipment and many others before going to bed.

A few dozen minutes later, when Raigo was going to sleep, he heard a knock on his door.

He got up and opened the door and saw Karla in a rather daring outfit looking at him with a smile.

"Mr. Raigo, I have a few more things to discuss with you, can I come in?"

"Of course, come in."

Raigo with a smile on his lips opened the door letting her into his room before closing it again.

A few minutes later, noises that were not suitable for underage children resounded behind the door until dawn.

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