I Own A Sharingan

Chapter 28 - 27: Strange aura

"Boss, apart from feeling a strange aura, I didn't see anything before the boat disappeared."

Husun said pensively, Karla and Judi also shook their heads, indicating that they hadn't noticed anything in particular except the strange malevolent aura they felt.

Raigo sitting on the ground looked at the sea, on which no boat was drifting, with a pensive air before Daniel who had been silent until now and lost his glasses at sea said.

"I saw for a brief moment on my dashboard a black glow that had covered the entire ċȯċkpit of the boat in bȧrėly a second".

Raigo and the others looked at him with an astonished look, Raigo thought for a moment before asking him.

"Did you use the gyô?"

"Yes, I instinctively used the gyô feeling the aura that had attacked us."

"I see, you have good reflexes Daniel, you can describe to us exactly what you saw."

Raigo a few moments rather was too surprised by the attack of the evil aura to use the gyô.

He regretted his recklessness and felt a little guilty for a brief moment before calming down, he was the leader, the mood of the team was based on his own, if he panicked it could discredit him to his employees who had entrusted him with their lives for this expedition.

"It was a dark aura that spread extremely quickly, it covered the whole ċȯċkpit of the boat in a split second, but it also covered us but it didn't seem to be able to penetrate our aura.

"So it could only cover the surface of our aura, and the next thing you know, the boat was gone."

The stone split the air at full speed before disappearing about ten meters further.

"I see."

He threw his backpacks on the ground, jumped into the water and swam at full speed, but as soon as he reached a certain distance, he felt the strange aura again and used his nen, and then found himself facing the island.

He tried to swim in the open sea again, he felt the strange aura but this time he did not protect himself with his nen, using only the gyô, the aura covered his clothes and then the second one following his clothes and his red turban disappeared as well as the compass in his pocket and the knife in his belt.

He swam towards his team and came out of the water completely nȧkėd.

"Has the chief gone mad?"

Everyone thought, Judi and Kalra looked at him with a slight smile like men looking at a stripper.

Husun and Daniel watching Raigo get dressed, accidentally looked down.

"A Hell fire missile!"

"We are going to continue the expedition, if I am not mistaken this island is surrounded by a kind of barrier that imprisons living beings and prevents them from leaving and rejects objects or any inanimate thing out of the island, it is because of this that we lost our boat."

"How did we keep our backpacks?"

Judi asked Raigo with a pensive look.

"We had to protect our clothes and the backpacks we had, unfortunately we left most of our gear on the boat."

The others got up from the sand, carrying their backpacks while listening to Raigo who looked at his surroundings with curiousity.

"How did we keep our backpacks?"

Judi asked Raigo with a pensive look.

"Our aura protected our clothes and the backpacks we had, unfortunately we left most of our gear on the boat."

The others got up from the sand, carrying their backpacks while listening to Raigo who looked at his surroundings with curiousity.

But the most disturbing thing was the absence of animal noises and the disappearance of the sun in the sky, the sky was certainly bright but there was no sun.

Finally Raigo sighed and looked at his employees who were waiting for his orders.

"I saw a tower while we were still on the boat, we are going to advance into the jungle, and set up camp towards that tower, we lost some of our equipment and most of our provisions on the boat, but we have enough food for seven days."

"If we reduce our food consumption, we can last 14 days, the only problem is water, but the island shouldn't run out of drinking water, we'll replenish our reserves later."

"But, boss, even if we finish the expedition, how are we going to get home safely?"

Husun asked with a serious air that could not hide his concern.

Everybody looked at Raigo with a serious look, this expedition had already become more dangerous than expected, they thought it was going to be a fairly easy mission but as soon as they arrived on the island, they had already braved a violent sea storm and had lost their only means of return and provisions.

Even though they were hunters, the situation was truly desperate.

"Don't worry, for that we will find a solution in due time, I'm sure there is a way to leave this island, what's more the mysterious aura that imprisons us must have its source somewhere on this island, we just have to find the origin and destroy it, I have an emergency radio device in my backpack powerful enough to contact the mainland, so you don't have to be afraid."

"If you are ready let's go".

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