I Own A Sharingan

Chapter 29 - 28: Legend

Hearing this, everyone was slightly reassured.

Following Raigo, they began to advance into the forest.

They thus entered under the cover of the dark of the gigantic trees of this island more than strange, the sky disappeared from their field of vision, there were trees as far as the eye could see.

Because of the thick foliage that formed an arch over their heads, even a single ray of light could not reach them.

The darkness became more present, heavier, and the humus that covered the ground choked their steps, enveloping them in silence.

"Boss, this place is really strange, there are no signs of life for miles around, I can't even hear the buzzing of the insects."

Husun who walked behind Raigo said vigilantly.

"I know."

Raigo responded by continuing to move forward, then signaled them to stop, before nimbly climbing up the branches of the tallest tree around.

At the top of the tree, he looked carefully with his eye at the surroundings.

There were no birds, no animals, no insects, it was as if they were alone in the world, lost in a sea of trees.

"This island is getting stranger and stranger."

Raigo scanned the surroundings for a few seconds before seeing a stone tower in the distance, making him smile slightly.

"This forest is really sinister it reminds me of an old legend of Kakin that my father had already met me."

Karla says thoughtfully continuing to move at full speed behind Judi and Daniel.

"A legend?"

Daniel and Judi curiously exclaimed as they turned their eyes to Karla.

When Karla saw that she had piqued their curiosity she cleared her throat and said in a soft voice.

"This legend says that before the time of the first King of Kakin, in the present northern part of the country, a group of black sorcerers were rampant, they were known to be extremely bloodthirsty and evil practicing sacrificial black magic rituals, these sorcerers were feared because it was said that they could exterminate an entire army on their own."

"They really existed? These so-called sorcerers."

Husun asked with a slight disbelief in his voice. Karla shook her head and said.

"We don't know, there's almost no historical evidence of their existence."

"But how this island reminds you of this legend."

Judi couldn't help but ask as she got closer to Karla.

"Well, legend has it that these sorcerers were established on a mysterious island to which they brought thousands of people every year."

"The island in question was magical and could move across the sea like a ship and the legend also said that this island was inviolable and that anyone who came to it would never leave."

Hearing this the mood of the group became darker, Karla noticed this and regretted telling this legend.

She knew they were in a pretty desperate situation, Raigo had already done his best to calm everyone down by lying about having a way to contact the continent.

But she knew that this was not true because she had visited Raigo many times in the last few weeks and already knew all the materials in his possession, she had even helped him pay for some of them.

If the mood of the group would drop in such a situation it would be problematic because it could lead to a questioning of the leader or even break their current cohesion.

She quickly stepped forward and looked at Raigo, who had an impassive face and whispered in a low voice.

"I'm sorry."

"That's all right, but tell me, does the legend you just told me have a historical context or is it just a story?"

Karla was reassured to see that Raigo was no angry with her and nodded slightly.

"This story really has a historical context but it is quite vague because it was a time with many wars and most of the writings or archaeological traces have been destroyed, especially because of the scorched earth tactic which was extremely appreciated at that time by the warlords.

"But most experts agree that it is false, because these so-called sorcerers disappeared from one day to the next, if they really existed they would at least have a traces of their passage or at least of their disappearance."

"So all this is just a story."

"Maybe or not, because my father taught me that every story has some truth to it."

Everybody remained silent, the team that was in a dark mood arrived a few dozen minutes later in front of a large stone building.

Everyone remained silent, the team that was in a dark mood arrived a few dozen minutes later from the ruins of old buildings, in the center of which stood a dilapidated stone tower.

"Unbelievable! Sacred symbol"! Fucking Awesome!"

Husun suddenly shouted with excitement drawing everyone's attention before running at full speed towards the tower.

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