I Own A Sharingan

Chapter 35 - 34: Ruins

All the team members at that time bluntly insulted all the members of Raigo's family.

They felt the same evil aura that they felt when they came to the island, they protected themselves without hesitation with their aura.

They were all in freefall, filled with despair, thinking that death was approaching when the world around them suddenly changed.

Instead of falling into a deep crater, they suddenly appeared in the dark sky of some kind of ancient ruins.

Their speed of fall then slowed down, as if there was no gravity there, they fell slowly to the ground a few meters away from each other.

Raigo also appeared in the dark world, falling slowly from the sky and landing a few meters away from the others who had risen from the ground and looked at him angrily.

"You almost killed us!!"

"Boss you exaggerated at least warn us!"

"I will never team up with you again."

Raigo scratched his head with embarrassment and said with a big laugh.

"What are you complaining about, we are alive and if I had asked you to jump into that crater with me you would never have accepted."

"Who the fuċk would accept that?!"

Everyone clenched their fists of anger wanting to beat Raigo to death.

"Okay, I get it, I'm sorry, calm down, this is not the time for this fight."

Everybody calm down a little bit before they finally pay attention to their surroundings.

In front of them a few meters away was a gigantic and ancient building with a large golden gate with countless faceless dark stone statues with inscriptions strongly resembling those of the towers on the island, standing in front of the building.

There were also several of the smaller, half-collapsed buildings around them, stretching as far as the eye could see, weathered stone pillars surrounded by clumps of dead grass, blocks and stones cracked by dead tree roots, with collapsed roofs weighed down by dark red vines that spread throughout the area.

Under their feet Stones placed in deliberate patterns forming a kind of channel in the ground with solid red material.

"What a sinister place."

Judi murmured, as Karla and Husun's eyes glowed.

They wanted to rush and study each surrounding building, especially Karla who was an archaeologist, Daniel, Judi and Raigo who was calm, looked attentively at the surroundings before the two turned their heads towards Raigo.

"What do we do now?"

"Search, you've already noticed that this place is even stranger than the island, I'm sure that this place is our way out."

"All the towers of the island are connected to this place can be that there is an artifact, some kind of systems with sacred symbols or even nen users, that prevents us from leaving the island, we just have to find the cause of what prevents us from leaving the island and destroy it."

Husun says in a thoughtful and calm tone, as if leaving no doubt about it.

Raigo frowned and asked him to explain, Husun cleared his throat and explained his theory.

"I've been thinking a lot, one or even several human beings cannot do something as incredible as creating an independent space or changing the space of an area as large as an island, especially an island as big as this one and for such a long time."

Everyone agreed with Husun, they had all already made some speculations in their minds and had also come to this conclusion.

Husun seeing the others accept his theory continued fervently.

"It would require not only an astronomical amount of aura but also a Hatsu with extremely strict conditions, but when I saw the inscriptions on the tower it became extremely clear to me."

"We must be trapped in an extremely powerful illusion that alters all our senses or imprisoned in an independent space that resembles the hatsu of the nen masters with spatial abilities, reinforced by sacred symbols and an extremely powerful aura source."

"It led me to ask myself one question, why go to so much trouble to protect an island?"

"Only one answer came to mind, a treasure or something extremely valuable."

"My theory is not yet complete, but I think it's not far from the truth."

That said, everyone fell into a deep reflection except Raigo who did not completely agree with Husun's reasoning.

Under Raigo's orders, they all sat in a corner resting and gradually regaining their strength.

"What do you think is the most important building in this place?"

Raigo asked Judi, who looked pensive for a brief moment before answering without hesitation, pointing at the gigantic building with the golden door.

"It's that building in front of us."

"I think so, too."

Raigo said looking at the golden door further on.

"But before entering this building, we will split and visit each building."

"You may have all already guessed it, but we are trapped in this place and I doubt we are in the crater we fell into."

"You mean the crater you threw us into?"

Karla says with a slight anger while taking a sip of water.

"it's the same thing."

Raigo said shamelessly and in a casual tone that made everyone want to hit him, but remembering that he was leading this expedition, they calmed down, and then a few minutes later everyone split up in various directions.

. . . . .

Chapter publish thanks to the Ptreon



And The Viking Sondre !!

Thanks to them (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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