I Own A Sharingan

Chapter 36 - 35: Door

Unexpectedly, the area was so vast that the team spent more than a day visiting everything, but they did find traces of human life.

Like some old furniture in the buildings, and scrolls that were completely unreadable because of the ravages of time.

But the biggest discovery they had made was the fact that this place was surrounded by some kind of barrier as dark as the sky, this barrier seemed unbreakable and had no escape route that made the team think they were trapped.

Finally after visiting all the ruins, they decided to enter the main building they had seen when they arrived.

Raigo and his employees approached the door, slowly looking at the strange statues that stood in front of the building.

"That statue's pretty ugly, karla, how old do you think they are?"

Husun asked Husun casually to Karla, who looked at the statues for a moment before answering.

"I can't understand it, this statue doesn't look like Kakin's work, moreover they look quite old and Kakin didn't have the technology or knowledge to make such statues in ancient times."

"Nevertheless, I estimate the age of this place at about several centuries, mainly because of the styles and the condition of the furniture we found in the buildings".

"So these statues must be about the same age."

"Unfortunately, all the scrolls we've found so far have been destroyed."

Husun sighed, Karla was inmeditely depressed, as an archaeologist, to see such precious documents destroyed was a real disappointment.

They arrived quickly in front of the door, Raigo came to put his hands on it and pushed it with all his strength.

But surprisingly the door didn't move an inch, Raigo stopping pushing was surprised, with his severe training and his actual physical strength moving even a multi-ton object wasn't really a problem.

"Boss wait, we'll help you."

Husun stepped forward and helped Raigo push the door but she still didn't move an inch, Daniel, Judi and Kalra also helped but the door still didn't move.

They were all surprised, each one of them was a hunter with a strength terrifying for normal humans, but they still couldn't even open this door.

"Let's use the nen."

Raigo said aloud as his aura quickly covered his entire body, the others nodded their heads and then used their aura as well.

"Ready, at three, push together."

"One, two, three, push!"

They used all their strength, the door began to move slightly a few centimeters, they pushed even harder but could no longer move the door, finally tired, they gave up.

"Who the fuċk created such a door!?"

"It must weigh over 100 tons."

"Everybody back it up."Daniel says in a deep voice.

Judi understanding what Daniel wanted to do hurriedly ran away saying out loud.

"Hurry, get as far away as you can!"

Seeing Judi with such a hurried look, everyone hurried back several meters.

At the same time Daniel's aura exploded violently, his aura surrounded his fists at full speed materializing black knuckles around them.

He pounded his fists with all his might several times, while counting aloud the number of times he repeated the action, each time his fists met, the aura around his fits became more violent.

And finally, the tenth time, he suddenly moved forward and hit the door with his fist with all his might.


The aura around his fist exploded, the power of the blow was so strong that all around him at more than ten meters was swept away, but the door did not open, as if hit by a colossus it was ripped from the walls and fell to the ground under the gaze of everyone present.

Daniel's black metal Knuckles disappeared, he look in front him and he was as if frozen in place, Raigo who was the first of the group to step forward towards Daniel turned his gaze towards the inside of the building.

Shivers ran down their spines, their heart rate accelerated at the horrible sight they had.

. . . . .

Chapter publish thanks to the Ptreon



- Quellec

And The Viking Sondre !!

Thanks to them (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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